


  • Toxicological Safety Evaluation of the Oral Liquid Consisted of Panax Hartshorn Turtleback and Tragacanth


  • Gum tragacanth ( from several shrub species in the genus Astragalus ) is used as a coating and binding agent in pill manufacture as an emulsifier in processed foods and as a thickener in sauces .

    西 黄蓍胶(来自几种 属植物),用作 缓和药及丸药的黏合剂;在食品加工中用作乳化剂,在酱汁中用作增稠剂。

  • The normal control group and the negative control group received 1.25 % west gum tragacanth .

    阴性对照组和正常对照组 ig 体积1.25%的西 黄蓍 溶液

  • Optimum concentration is 4 % - 5 % sulphuric acid and mixed thickener with emulsion thickener and gum tragacanth and white dextrin . Better stability of printing paste and excellent effect of burn-out printing are available .

    选用浓度为4%~6%的硫酸及乳化糊、 胶、白糊精 混糊料,印浆稳定性好,烂花效果佳。

  • The low-specific-speed centrifugal pump has been widely used to transport high head and small capacity medium in most industrial fields such petrochemical industry tragacanth pharmaceutical industry .

    低比转速离心泵广泛应用于石油、化工及 制药等领域输送小流量高扬程介质。

  • Gum Plants-Gum Arabic Tragacanth Olibanum Mastic .

    植物胶-阿拉伯树胶, ,乳香,乳香。

  • The research result showed that except synthetic gum tragacanth the rest several pastes ' compatibility with natural dyes were very good fluid curve virtually unchanged .

    研究结果表明,除了合成 ,其余几种糊料与天然染料相容性很好,流变曲线几乎不变。

  • Chamomile essence Aloe Peppermint Everning primrose Anti-germtide FGF Sebum secretion inhibitor Anti-acne agents Tragacanth gum etc.

    红酒素、洋甘菊、芦荟、薄荷、月见草精华、抗菌肽、成纤维生长因子、皮脂抑制剂、抗粉刺剂、 黄蓍胶等。

  • Metal detection devices often encounter in daily life especially in the production process for example : mill run 、 paper making 、 tragacanth industries and so on . Because the material is often mixed with metal which lead to equipment damage affecting the normal production .

    在日常生活中,经常会遇到金属探测装置。尤其是在生产过程中,例如选矿造纸、 制药 行业,如果在生产的物料中混入了金属杂质,常常可能造成加工设备仪器的损坏,影响生产。

  • This study concerns the physical and chemical properties of synthetic tragacanth DF PP-104 gum and syn-thetic algin C focusing on their stability and colour yield of printing .

    本文对冰染料合成 、DFPP&104胶、合成海藻胶C作了物理、化学性能,稳定性,印制得色量及大车与小样试验的对比。

  • The tragacanth gum is added to aid in keeping the entire mixture in solution .

    加入 黄蓍胶有助于保持全部混合物呈溶液