



  • Many toxic effects can be studied at the cellular level .

    许多 效可以从细胞层次上去研究。

  • This method has already applied to determination of toxic mercury element in coating .

    该方法已应用于涂料中 有毒汞元素的测定。

  • Up to 10 million tonnes of toxic wastes are produced every year in the UK .

    英国每年会产生多达1万吨的 有毒废弃物。

  • The blast sent a huge mushroom cloud of toxic gas into the air .

    爆炸冲击波使含有 有毒气体的蘑菇云腾空而起。

  • Among the common toxic gases are sulfur dioxide methane the oxides of nitrogen ammonia hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen cyanide ; and ( most commonly ) carbon monoxide .

    常见的 有毒气体有二氧化硫、甲烷、氧化氮、氨、硫化氢、氰化氢以及最常见的一氧化碳。

  • These products are not toxic to humans .

    这些产品对人类没有 毒性

  • Accumulation of toxic substances in the biosphere is causing serious changes in the structure and function of natural ecosystems .

    生物圈内 有毒物质的积累,造成了天然生态系统的结构与功能的严重变化。

  • Brand perfumes are genuine and completely natural and safe fragrances free from harmful chemical ingredients and toxic synthetics .

    品牌香水是真正的和完全的自然和安全的香水,免受有害的化学成分和 有毒合成。

  • The toxic effects of diquat and adrenocortical hormone on ductus arteriosus of rat fetus were studied in this paper .

    本文研究了 草快和肾上腺皮质激素对胎鼠动脉管的收缩作用。

  • A toxic white soluble crystalline acidic derivative of benzene ; used in manufacturing and as a disinfectant and antiseptic .

    一种白色的 有毒可溶性晶状酸,苯的衍生物,用于制造和作消毒剂和杀菌剂。

  • Toxicologists research the toxic effects products and ingredients have on living organisms .

    毒理学研究的产品和成分的 毒性作用,对生物。

  • He has found that smoke and toxic gases can be transported swiftly up through the atrium .

    他发现烟和 毒害性气体可通过中庭迅速向上传播。

  • The quality or condition of being toxic or destructive to the liver .

    中毒对肝 有毒的或毁灭性的性质或状况。

  • There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere .

    爆炸后 有毒化学物质可能会进入大气层。

  • We are going to wipe out the city 's toxic waste .

    我们将消灭城市中 有毒废物。

  • Lead can accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached .

    铅会在体内积聚直至造成铅 中毒

  • Derived from or containing toxic matter .

    有毒 物质中获得的或含有 有毒物质的。

  • Unlike carbon monoxide gaseous hydrocarbons at concentrations normally found in the atmosphere are not toxic ;

    和一氧化碳不一样的是,在空气中常被发现的气体状的浓缩碳氢化合物是 无毒的;

  • Nitrite is a substance that is toxic to fish and invertebrates .

    亚硝酸盐是一种 有毒物质,对鱼类和无脊椎动物 有毒

  • Microbes can take toxic substances in contaminated soil and convert them into harmless byproducts .

    微生物能从被污染的土壤中吸收 有毒的物质,把它们转化成无害的副产品。

  • Are they metabolized to more toxic compounds .

    它们是否被代谢成 毒性更强的化合物?

  • Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body 's ability to fight off infection

    可惜的是,这些药物 毒性很大,会削弱身体对感染的抵抗力。

  • As we all know tobacco contains many toxic substances such as nicotine and tar .

    正如我们所知,烟草中含有许多 有毒物质,如尼古丁和焦油。

  • The vapour of the chlorine and iodo compounds in particular can be toxic .

    氯和碘的化合物的蒸气是 有毒的。

  • An investigation revealed that toxic wastes had leaked into the ground and contaminated the water supply .

    一项调查显示, 有毒的废弃物渗进了土壤,污染了水源。

  • A new centre for research on toxic waste was inaugurated today at Imperial College .

    新建的 有毒废物研究中心今天在皇家学院举行落成典礼。

  • Poisoning and pollution by toxic elements or compounds such as mercury or dioxins that are released during incineration .


  • Food additives and preservatives may have a long-term cumulative toxic effect .

    食物添加剂和防腐剂长期食用却可产生累积 毒性效应。

  • I have a decent amount of knowledge on ingredients and toxic chemicals .

    对于产品成分和 有毒化学物,我也有一定的了解。