traffic ticket

[ˈtræfɪk ˈtɪkɪt][ˈtræfik ˈtikit]

[法] 对汽车驾驶员违反交通规则的传票

  • A man who said he bought a device that let him change traffic lights from red to green has received a $ 50 ticket on suspicion of interfering with a traffic signal .

    日前,美国一名男人因偷偷使用改变 交通灯旌旗灯号灯的装配,被指控涉嫌故障交通旌旗灯号并被处以50美元的 罚款

  • He got a traffic ticket .

    他得到了一 违反 交通 规则 罚款

  • B : No so good . I broke traffic regulations yesterday and I got a ticket .

    不太好,昨天违反 交通规则 挨罚了。

  • If you receive a traffic ticket you normally have the option to plead guilty or no contest and accept the consequences or plead not guilty and fight the ticket in court .

    如果你接到一张 交通 罚单,你通常有权选择服罪或者不予辩驳,接受事实,或者不服罪,进行法庭辩论。

  • Development on Railway Traffic Income Ticket System

    铁路 运输收入 票据管理系统探讨

  • Regarding the railway passenger traffic as our study background and analyzing around the train ticketing requirements we do deeply research and make lots of application experiments on how to build the efficient data analysis model on ticket dataset in CRTTS .

    本文面向铁路客票的营销需求分析,以铁路 客运为背景,针对 客票数据特征,围绕如何对铁路客票数据建立有效的数据分析模型进行了深入的研究和大量的应用性实验。

  • You may wish to consult with an attorney about points assessed for a particular moving violation or how to fight a traffic ticket to avoid points on your record .

    你可能希望向律师咨询关于某一具体 交通违规如何评估被 分数或者是希望向律师咨询如何 应诉以避免在驾驶记录上被 分数。

  • Design and Implementation of the Memory Barrel Model in Metro Traffic Ticket Income Distribution System

    轨道 交通 票务清分处理中内存桶模型的设计与实现

  • Proceeding from the need to support the decision of railway passenger traffic marketing the paper discussed the necessity to establish of railway ticket and put forward the logical structure and soft hardware circumstance scheme and executive plan .

    从我国铁路 客运营销决策支持需求出发,论述了建设铁路 客票数据 仓库的必要性,提出了 客票数据仓库的逻辑结构以及硬软件环境方案和实施方案。

  • You have the option to appear before a judge in traffic court to dispute a ticket ;

    你也有权出席 交通法庭并就 罚单 事宜进行辩论;

  • In a traffic court of a large mid-western city a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light .

    在一个中西部大城市的 交通法庭上,有位年轻女士被带到法官面前,为开车闯红灯吃到的 传票进行答辩。

  • When a woman officer steps out of a police vehicle some people almost want to cheer because a stereotype is being broken even though they may get a traffic ticket .

    见到一位女警察从警车走出来,我们有些人几乎想欢呼,因为女人当警察,岂不打破了 传统

  • Based on booking tickets for passenger traffic by rail in our country this paper proposes the booking ticket system in computer-telephone networks .

    本文从我国铁路 客运订票的具体情况出发,提出了计算机电话 订票系统。

  • Listed Companies Fraud Punishment and Investor Protection ; I got another doggone traffic ticket .

    上市公司违法违规处罚和投资者利益保护效果又给了我一张该死的 交通违章 罚款通知单。

  • For example traffic fines are linked to gross income ; an Internet millionaire recently paid US $ 70 for a speeding ticket .

    举个例子,其 交通罚款的金额视个人总收入而定。最近一名网络巨子就因超速驾驶支付了7万美元的 罚单

  • Sale and check system of Electronic traffic ticket came into use early in developed countries .

    电子 车票门票)售票、检票以及管理系统在发达国家应用较早,如日本早在70年代就把该系统应用于 地铁系统。

  • 14 . Getting out of a traffic ticket .

    14.成功逃掉一次 交通 罚款

  • The Tourist Traffic Ticket-selling System based on Web technique is a kind of E-Commerce system by which the tourist can query the information of traffic tickets including the plane ticket ship ticket bus ticket etc. and also buy tickets .

    基于Web的交通旅游售票系统是通过网络查询信息,进行交通票券的预订、购买支付的电子商务系统,其中的 交通票券包括 机票、船票以及Bus票等。