train on

[tren ɑn][trein ɔn]


  • The coach of the French team at the football World Cup Raymond Domenech has said his players'refusal to train on Sunday in protest at striker Nicolas Anelka being sent home was unspeakably stupid .

    足球世界杯法国队教练多梅内克称,法国队队员因阿内尔卡被开除而拒绝参加 周日 训练是极其愚蠢的行为。

  • Sorry to trouble you but is the3:30 train on schedule ?

    抱歉打扰你,三点半的 火车 准时吗?

  • One day he wanted to go to Shanghai by train on urgent business .

    有一天,他为了一件要紧的事,要 火车到上海去。

  • You can come here by train on the morning of the first day .

    你可以 火车来的 那天早晨的第一天。

  • They were kept from catching the train on time by the heavy traffic .

    交通繁忙使他们不能 按时赶上 火车

  • His vehicles left behind with his sick walking wounded and frostbite cases as drivers were to join the regimental train on the road .

    他的机动车留给了他的伤病员,由能够行动的伤员和被冻伤的伤员当任司机,加入到了 团里的运输车队。

  • Tallies basically in the physical ability training method 's choice the volleyball movement project characteristic but they in has the oxygen to train on are relatively few .

    在体能训练手段的选择上基本吻合排球运动项目的特点,但他们在有氧 训练 相对较少。

  • Effect of Train on the Cutoff Frequency of Trapezoid-Tunnel

    列车 梯形隧道中电磁波截止频率的影响

  • The man Kevin Darden was arrested on a murder charge in the death of the rider Wai Kuen Kwok 61 who was shoved into the path of an oncoming subway train on Sunday the police said .

    警方此前称,凯文·达顿(KevinDarden)因涉嫌谋杀61岁的郭伟权(WaiKuenKwok,音译)被捕, 郭伟权 周日被人推到地铁正在迎面驶来的轨道上。

  • Research on the Strong Wind Alarm System for Safe Running of High-speed Train on Passenger Dedicated Line

    我国客运专线高速 列车安全运行大风预警系统研究

  • Daniel is now engrossed in watching video clips of a red toy train on a circular track .

    小丹尼尔现在正在全神贯注的看一个红色的玩具 火车 轨道上行使的录像剪辑。

  • It 's reported that each train on the Wuhan-Guangzhou Highspeed Railway is equipped with some folding seats but it can 't be ensured that every passenger will be able to get one .

    据介绍,每 武广高铁动车 都配备了一定数量“超员凳”,但不能保证所有乘客都能够拿到。

  • To get to the festival back then many people took stagecoaches pulled by horses ; a few years later they arrived by train on the new railroad .

    以前的人们会搭乘马拉的驿马车来参加此一盛会,但几年后,由于新铁路完工,人们于是改 火车前来;

  • When you train on a musical instrument your brain is stimulated and changes and develops as a result .

    当你 练习乐器的时候,你的大脑随刺激而改变、发育。

  • Metrolink train on a morning commute from Ventura County to Los Angeles through a narrow rocky gorge hit a slide of mud and rocks on the tracks .

    地铁女发言人丹尼斯·提勒尔称,从文图拉县到洛杉矶的早班 地铁 经过狭窄多石的峡谷时遇上了泥石流。

  • And the other have to train on the factory floor with new machines .

    然后让另一半人在场内的新机器 训练

  • Analysis on the Dynamic Effect of 10 Heavy Haul Train on Track and Track Management Measures

    万吨重载 列车 轨道动态影响及轨道管理措施分析

  • I went to Changsha for my holiday by train on the night of July15th 2002 .

    2002年7月15 晚,我乘 火车去长沙度假。

  • He will train on Friday and is expected to be fit for sunday 's game against reading .

    他会 星期五参加球队 训练并且希望他可以在周日对阵雷丁队的比赛中恢复健康。

  • The train on platform 3 is for London calling at Didcot and Reading .

    第3站台的 火车开往伦敦,在迪科特和雷丁停车。

  • The train on which she was travelling was late .

    乘坐旅行的那 列车晚点了。

  • At a total estimated cost of $ 100 billion critics say a maglev train on the East Coast is little more than a pipe dream .

    鉴于估算的总花费为1000亿美元,批评人士表示, 东海岸建造磁悬浮 列车不过是痴人说梦。

  • Yes you take the D train on the downtown platform and go three stops .

    是的,您 南线站台乘D ,一共三站路。

  • The first-distribution of train on single-track lines is a key problem in the optimization of the train graphs .

    单线区段 列车运行图初始布点是列车运行图优化的一个关键问题。

  • Based on a one dimensional model set up the effect of power train on the dynamic characteristics of exhaust system is studied and the sensitivity of exhaust system to its components is analyzed .

    在建立排气系统一维模型的基础上, 研究了动力 成对排气系统动力学特性影响,并对排气关键组件的敏感度进行了分析。

  • Only by doing so can we minimize the influence of a failed train on the whole metro system and ensure that passengers are able to reach their destinations by taking following trains .

    这才能最大限度降低故障 运营的影响,保障乘客搭载后续 列车顺利到达目的地。

  • Passengers for the direction of Jishuitan please wait for the next train on the platform .

    有前往积水潭,东直门方向的乘客,请 站台等候下次 列车

  • British Transport says the derailment of a train on the Central line happened during the morning rush hour at9:04 a.m. between the Bethnal Green and Mile End stations .

    英国交通警方说中央线路的地铁脱轨是发生 上班高峰期 9:04分的BethnalGreen和MileEnd两站之间。