


  • Iran hangs drug trafficker in public .

    伊朗公开绞死 毒贩

  • Little progress have be make In the war against drug trafficker

    打击 贩毒 分子的斗争无甚进展

  • Believed to be addicts or trafficker ; While he was in America he became involved with a group of people engaged in drug trafficking .

    据认为是吸毒或 贩毒 ;他在美国时与一伙贩毒 关系

  • Believed to be addicts or trafficker ;

    据认为是吸毒或 贩毒

  • He was finally exposed as a leading drug trafficker .

    他是大 毒枭 事实 暴露了。

  • I am a trafficker of information . I know everything I can .

    我是个消息 贩子,无所不知。

  • They have been arrested as suspected drug traffickers .

    他们已经作为 贩毒嫌疑犯被拘捕。

  • But I can tell you that davian 's a black-market trafficker .

    但我可以告诉你戴维恩是一个黑市 掮客

  • 232 . The drug trafficker is concerned about the condition of the traditional concert .

    232.毒品 贩子担心传统音乐会的状况。

  • He was looking for someone a little unexpected to play a drug trafficker in his movie .

    当时他正在寻找一个有点出人意料的演员来演他电影中的 毒贩

  • A drug trafficker was arrested by the police yesterday .

    警察抓到了一个 国际 武器 贩子

  • Are you a fucking illegal alien trafficker ?

    你他妈是人 贩子吧?

  • A newspaper reported yesterday that a drug trafficker died from ingesting large doses of heroin .

    昨日一家报纸称,一 毒枭因服食海洛因身亡。

  • But if there is none demand ( buyer ) who called drug addict on the drug market there will be no supplier ( seller ) who called drug trafficker as well .

    禁毒, 打击 贩毒 (卖方),但是在毒品市场上如果没有需求 (买方)即吸毒者,也就不存在供应者(卖方)即 贩毒

  • Brazilian security forces have taken control of a major Rio de Janeiro drug trafficker stronghold .

    巴西安全部队已经控制了里约热内卢一个主要 贩毒 团伙的据点。

  • So how long you been a drug trafficker ?


  • If you are a trafficker or pimp all you are interested in is money you are certainly not interested in the welfare of the women or young girls .

    如果你是个 掮客或者皮条客,你在乎的只是钱,你当然不会关心那些女性或年轻女孩的幸福。

  • Thelma is an arms trafficker from Oslo .

    塞尔玛是来自奥斯陆的武器 贩运

  • This guy 's a heavy-duty drug trafficker .

    这家伙可是个大 毒枭