tortious act

[法] 侵权行为,不法行为

  • With its further development there are more and more infringement disputes especially the tortious act of authorship which has gradually become the point at issue in theory field .

    伴随我国网络技术的进一步成熟,网络环境下的侵权案件层出不穷,尤其是著作权 侵权案件,逐渐成为理论界近年来讨论的热点之一。

  • Internet cafe infringement cases will discuss the tortious act subjective fault and tort Liability of the Internet cafe operators and the provider of film and television copyright .

    网吧侵权主要讨论网吧经营者及影视作品版权提供商的 侵权 行为、侵权主观过错以及侵权责任。

  • Different from common tortious act the cases have such characteristics as follows : the feature of indirection high technology and complexity ;

    与一般 侵权 行为不同, 缺陷 产品 损害 赔偿案件具有如下特点: 侵权 行为的间接性、高科技性与复杂性;

  • But in modern society tortious liability of omission have been accepted universally in order to coordinate the relationship between the freedom to act and the rights for protection .

    在近现代社会,为了协调 行为自由和权益保护的关系,不作为 侵权责任已得到普遍的认可。

  • Principle of liability without fault has special stipulations on the applicable objects ; it does not take the faults of the person causing the injury into consideration . Tortious act has the characteristics of the injurious act damage and the causal relationship between them .

    无过错责任原则具有适用对象特别规定,不考虑加害人的过错, 侵权 行为由侵害行为、损害及二者之间的因果关系构成的特征。

  • A party who induces or assists another party without or with limited civil capacity in committing a tortious act shall have tort liability .

    教唆、帮助无民事 行为能力人、限制民事 行为能力人实施 侵权 行为的,应当承担侵权责任;

  • However where the parties have chosen by agreement an applicable law after the tortious act occurs the agreement shall be followed .

    侵权 行为发生后,当事人协议选择适用法律的,按照其协议。

  • As stated in Tortious Liability Law such liability is a tort liability in nature with components as following : the illegal act of violating the duty the consequence the causality and negligence .

    侵权责任法》明确了责任的性质是一种侵权责任,其侵权构成要件包括:违反医疗告知义务的违法 行为、损害后果、因果关系和存在过失。

  • This paper mainly researches the possibility and necessity of using economic analysis in studying the law system of tortious act within medical area .

    主要研究在医学领域内 侵权 行为的法律制度的经济学分析的可能性和必要性。

  • A tortious act infringing upon the right of communication through information network in Internet information services shall be under the jurisdiction of the copyright administration department at the place where the tortious act was conducted .

    侵犯互联网信息服务 活动中的信息网络传播权的 行为侵权行为实施地的著作权行政管理部门管辖。