


  • Tourmaline stones are commonly known as a unique function of a rare gem-grade ore.

    托玛琳(英文名 Tourmaline)宝石俗称“ 碧玺”是世界上具有独特功能的一种稀有宝石 矿石。

  • Synthesis of Composite Tourmaline Materials and Their Application on Aquaculture Water Treatment


  • Studies on reduction of harmful components in tobacco smoke by wrap paper modified with tourmaline composite materials

    电气石复合材料滤嘴 成形纸降低卷烟烟气有害成分研究

  • This property which is known as dichroism is particularly strong in tourmaline .

    此种特性称为二向色性,尤其是在 电气石中表现得特别强烈。

  • Tourmaline is the most multi-colored natural gemstone in the world .


  • Analysis of Tourmaline Resources Potential and the Research on Its Comprehensive Development and Utilization

    我国 电气石资源潜力分析及综合开发利用研究

  • The impressive composition is enhanced with generously sized coloured stones – amethyst tourmaline citrine peridot and topaz .

    令人印象深刻的成分是加强与大尺寸的彩色宝石-紫水晶, 碧玺,茶晶,橄榄石和黄玉。

  • One kind of cast iron enamel with negative ion releasing property was prepared by mill addition of tourmaline powder into the cover coat .

    通过将 电气 石磨 加到铸铁搪瓷面釉中,并对铸铁搪瓷的 制作 工艺进行 合理设计,获得了具有产生负离子功能的铸铁搪瓷。

  • Aiming at the complexity and poor biochemical degradability of petrochemical wastewater the effect of tourmaline on bio-contact oxidation method was investigated .

    针对石化废水污染成分复杂、可生化性差的特点,研究了 电气石对生物接触氧化法处理石化废水效能的影响。

  • Tourmaline in environment project domain application present situation


  • Investigation of the relationship between the physical structure and the properties of functional materials tourmaline

    功能材料 电气石的物理结构与性能关系研究

  • Study on the microstructure of natural tourmaline and mechanism of its influence on pH value of water

    天然 材料 电气石的微结构及对水的pH值影响机理的研究

  • Study on Degradation of Methylene Blue by Tourmaline / H_2O_2 System


  • Preparation and Study of Spinel / Tourmaline Multiphase Infrared Radiation Material

    尖晶石/ 电气石复合红外辐射材料制备与研究

  • Influence of the Pyroelectricity Function Porcelain Tourmaline Film on Water pH Value


  • Research on Enhancing the Dispersion Behavior of Tourmaline / TiO_2 Composite Powder in Aqueous Medium

    提高 电气石/TiO2复合粉体材料在水介质中分散性的实验研究

  • Such semiprecious stones as amethyst garnet jade and tourmaline .

    这些准宝石有紫水晶、红宝石、翡翠、 蓝宝石

  • This is very unique to Tourmaline and single crystals have been found to contain up to16 different colors !

    这是 碧玺的一个很独特的特点,已发现单个 碧玺晶体中含有多达16种颜色!

  • The Effect of Rehabilitation Therapy for the United Technology of Magnetic and Tourmaline

    磁与 电气石集合技术的康复理疗作用

  • Reduction of Harmful Components of Cigarette Smoke by Modified Wrap Paper with Tourmaline


  • The key equipment of a pilot plant to produce ultra-fine tourmaline powder with jet mill and stirred ball mill is described .

    本文主要利用以气流磨和搅拌磨为 主体的超细粉碎中试线,对 电气石超细粉体的制备工艺进行了探讨。

  • The role of Principle : This product is a tourmaline as the core combined with the nano-bio-functional materials for the development of high-tech products .

    作用原理:本产品是以 电气石为核心,与纳米生物功能材料结合研制成的高新技术产品。

  • Research on the Composition Structure and Deep Processing Technology of Tourmaline


  • Mineral : Watermelon Tourmaline Tourmaline holds the tone of oneness in the language of light .

    全一矿石:西瓜 碧玺碧玺持有光之语中的全一音调。

  • The Fiona Knapp rose-gold kissing ring with pear-shaped aquamarine and oval-shaped tourmaline would make a thrilling hand-me-down .

    FionaKnapp的玫瑰金开压边戒指带有梨形海蓝宝石和椭圆 电气石,这会让它成为惊艳的传家宝。

  • Some metamorphic minerals such as tourmaline and piedmontite also occur in skarn rock .

    在矽卡岩中还有与 电气石、红帘石等变质矿物。

  • Present situation of tourmaline research and development on the effect of spontaneous polarization


  • Nanometer TiO_2 / tourmaline photochemical catalysis performance research

    纳米TiO2/ 电气 光催化性能的研究

  • Reasearch on Tourmaline Surface Modification and Complex with Starch Grafting Acrylamide in Wastewater Treatment


  • Enhanced Bio-contact Oxidation Method to Treat Petrochemical Wastewater by Tourmaline
