


  • Of or relating to or resembling or being a turtle or tortoise .


  • Tortoise and Snake Hills face each other across the river .


  • The Rabbit goes to shake hands with the Tortoise .

    兔子走过去和 乌龟握手。

  • A tortoise has a shell on his back .


  • Who 's winning ? The tortoise wins .

    谁赢啦? 乌龟赢了。

  • My tortoise is still in hibernation .

    我的 仍在冬眠。

  • And who wins ? The tortoise wins .

    而谁赢了呢? 乌龟赢了。

  • The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping .

    兔子睡懒觉, 乌龟 赢了。

  • Tortoise you you 're a good boy .


  • These are the earliest Chinese characters we have seen which were written on tortoise shells and beast bones .

    这是我们看到的最早的汉字,它们被写在 龟甲以及兽骨上。

  • I will . said the tortoise .

    “我。” 乌龟说。

  • The hare and the tortoise are going to have a race !

    野兔和 乌龟要赛跑。

  • You are a bad tortoise . I 'll eat you .

    你这个坏 海龟。我要吃了你。

  • Hare : Ah ! Tortoise you 're here ? So fast !

    啊! 乌龟,你跑到这儿了?这么快!

  • One morning a hare and a tortoise meet in a forest so they begin to talk .

    一天早上,一只兔子和一 乌龟在森林里相遇,于是他们开始了谈话。

  • The fate of many British designers calls to mind the fable of the tortoise and the hare .

    许多英国设计师的命运令人想起了 兔赛跑的故事。

  • The inscriptions on animal bones and tortoise shells .

    就是那种刻在 龟甲和兽骨上的文字。

  • There was a famine in those days and Tortoise had not eaten a good meal for two moons .

    当时正在闹饥荒, 陆龟已经有两个月没吃到过一顿好饭了。

  • Heaven with the tortoise and the hare ;


  • He sees the Tortoise near the mountain top .

    他看到 乌龟就要到山顶了。

  • Today if tortoise and rabbit race fail the tortoise .

    今天,如果 乌龟和兔子赛跑,输的将会是乌龟。

  • Did you forget ? It 's not a tortoise .

    忘了吧?它 ,但不

  • When Margaret Parker and her daughter Lorraine spotted a stray tortoise in their garden they raced into action .

    英国的母亲玛格丽特帕克和女儿洛林在自己的花园里发现了这只迷路的 乌龟,充满爱心的她们立刻采取了行动。

  • Tortoise : I 'm racing with Miss Rabbit .


  • The tortoise won the race .

    在这场赛跑中 乌龟获胜了。

  • Yes I 've got three rabbits and a tortoise .

    有,我有三只兔子和一 乌龟

  • Who won the race between the hare and the tortoise ?

    兔子和 乌龟 哪个在赛跑中得胜了?

  • I won a mock trial of tortoise v.hare .

    我打赢了“ 兔对决”的模拟审判。

  • When they had all taken a new name Tortoise also took one .

    鸟儿们都有了新的名字后, 陆龟也起了一个;

  • Monkey : The hare and the tortoise will have a match ?

    小兔和 乌龟 又要比赛了?