town girl

[taʊn ɡɚl][taun ɡə:l]

[法] 妓女,都市女郎

  • During the celebration each Swedish town and school chooses a long-haired girl to wear the candlelit crown of Santa Lucia patron ( 13 ) saint of the blind .

    在仪式中,每个瑞典 小镇和学校选出一名长发 女孩,戴上圣露西娅的蜡烛花冠。

  • It comes hard fur a town girl to be a farmer 's wife .

    它有硬毛一个 小镇 女孩是一个农夫的妻子。

  • One sunday he was sad and lonely at a coffee shop in the town when the post girl had run into him where he was seated .

    一个星期天,他孤独地呆在 的咖啡店里,突然送信的 姑娘意外地在他就座的地方遇见了他。

  • Their resentment of the blacks in town reaches a climax when they blame an Aboriginal man for a crime against a white girl that he did not commit .

    由于一位被控告攻击白人 女孩的黑人被无罪开释,因此, 城镇中白人的怨恨达到最高点。

  • Return home and tell how much God has done for you . So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him . ( A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman )

    说,你回家去,传说神为你作了何等大的事。他就去 满城传扬耶稣为他作了何等大的事。

  • You shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death & the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help and the man because he violated another man 's wife .

    你们就要把这二人带到本 城门,用石头打死 女子是因为虽在城里却没有喊叫。男子是因为玷污别人的妻。

  • Eighteen years old Sara wore form-fitting shirts and snug women 's jeans because growing up in a small conservative town in Georgia she learned that that 's what girls were supposed to do & even though she never felt like a girl .

    18岁的莎拉穿紧身衬衫和牛仔裤,因为她在佐治亚州一个保守的 小镇 长大,清楚这就是女孩应该的样子&尽管她从来都没觉得自己像个 女孩

  • She was born in the capital but her family moved to this town when she was a small girl .

    在首都出生,但小时候跟全家 一起搬到了这个 上。

  • In the gray town under the dim rain the lilac girl finds back what she has lost !

    在这个灰色的 城中,在这场昏暗的雨中,丁香 姑娘找回了她所失去的。

  • The whole town condemned the girl for her wild behaviour .

    全城人都鄙夷那个 姑娘的放荡行为。

  • My mother would have liked it better if I had been asked to some town girl 's house but she said yes .

    若是哪个 女孩邀请我们去她家,妈妈可能会更高兴些,但她还是同意了。

  • I returned with them to the town and at midnight drank tea with them in quiet domestic surroundings while the fire glowed and the young mother kept going to see if her baby girl was asleep .

    然后又与他们回到 城里,午夜时与他们在安静的家庭环境里一起喝茶。当时炉火融融,年轻的妈妈每隔一会就去看看她的宝贝 女儿睡着了没有。