


  • Somatic embryogenesis is a way of plant cell totipotency and a new pathway of rapid propagation .

    体胚发生是植物细胞 全能 的一种 表达方式,是快速繁殖的新途径。

  • The development and application of the totipotency of secondary metabolism in the cultural cells were reviewed in this paper so a basis was provided for opening up the new path of production and industry .

    回顾 植物培养细胞次级代谢 全能 理论的发展和应用,为开辟一条新的生产途径和一个新型产业提供参考依据。

  • On the basis of plant cell 's totipotency theory choose one factor trial and analyze the influence of three hormone which are cell mitogen ( 6 BA ) auxin ( 2 D ) and auxin ( NAA ) to the callus growth of Nove Cento 's bulb .

    在植物细胞 全能 学说的基础上,采用单因子实验,分析比较了细胞分裂素6-BA,生长素2,生长素NAA等3种植物激素对路易圣特百合鳞茎愈伤组织生长的影响。

  • The ensuing gene expression profile in the cleavage-stage embryo establishes totipotency and is required for further development .

    随后卵裂时期胚胎的基因表达模式将建立一种 全能 ,这对进一步发育是必需的。

  • Identification of totipotency and pluripotency .

    全能 和多能性鉴定。

  • Early embryonic cell has the developmental totipotency . Every embryonic blastomere cell can develop to an intact individual separately in a proper condition .

    早期胚胎卵裂球细胞具有发育 全能 ,每个胚胎卵裂球细胞在适宜的条件下都能单独发育为一个完整的个体。

  • Research and Application of Plant Cell Totipotency in China

    植物细胞 全能 理论在中国的研究与实践

  • Objective : To investigate the development and differentiation of blastomeres isolated from early human embryos and study the totipotency of blastomeres .

    目的研究人早期胚胎分割后单个卵裂球的继续发育与分化,探讨人早期胚胎卵裂球的 全能

  • Progress of Researches on the Totipotency of Metabolism in Cultural Cells of Pharmaceutical Plants and Techniques of Its Products Detecting

    药用植物细胞培养代谢 全能 及产物检测技术的研究进展

  • The birth of cloned sheep dolly produced by nuclear transfer from a somatic cell manifests that the somatic cell is of genomic totipotency in mammals .

    体细胞克隆绵羊“多莉”(dolly)的诞生,表明成年哺乳动物体细胞具有基因组的 全能

  • The past studies showed that the nucleolus of somatic cells of fish have totipotency . with the development of the technology of cell culturing and cell engineering so it is possible to preserve fish species for a very long time .

    大量的研究结果表明鱼类体细胞核具有发育的 全能 ,随着细胞培养技术、细胞工程技术 日益发展 成熟,完全具备实现鱼类物种种质长期保存的 理论基础和技术条件。

  • So plant cell totipotency is the fundamental basis for cell engineering .

    因此 我们把细胞 全能 学说 看作是细胞工程的理论基础。

  • According to recent opinions the totipotency of somatic cells is not the same as the expression of totipotency .

    现在看来, 全能 全能 表达不是一回事。

  • On Cell Totipotency the Basis of Plant Technology

    植物细胞工程的 理论基础: 细胞 全能 学说

  • Parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells have similar capacity of totipotency and proliferation and can be established from parthenogenetic activation of discarded oocytes .

    孤雌生殖的胚胎干细胞具有与胚胎干 细胞相同的 全能 和增殖 ,可以在体外诱导分化成为体内的各种细胞。

  • This suggested that they were composed of undifferentiated cells and that the embryos of 3 3.5 and 4 day old could be used for isolation of ES cells with totipotency .

    因此,从 保证 全能 角度 考虑,3日龄、3.5日龄和4日龄的 家兔胚胎,均可用于ES细胞的分离。

  • Embryo bisection is a powerful means in the study of cell differentiation early embryonic development and the totipotency of embryo cell .

    胚胎分割是研究细胞分化、早期胚胎发育、胚胎细胞 全能 的有力手段。

  • The nanos gene encodes a Zinger-finger protein it plays critical role in maintaining the totipotency of germline stem cells .

    nanos基因编码一个具有锌指结构的蛋白,在生殖干细胞 全能 调控方面起着重要作用。

  • Meanwhile as a typical example of cell totipotency Plant SE is a good model for life research .

    同时,作为细胞 全能 的经典例证,植物 细胞胚胎 发生又是生命研究的一个重要模型。

  • In cell totipotency cells of plant have the potential to develop into embryos and plants .

    细胞 全能 学说 认为,植物的细胞具有发育为胚胎和植株的潜能。

  • Apparently the result of the SOEs reform is not desirable . According to recent opinions the totipotency of somatic cells is not the same as the expression of totipotency .

    现在看来,改革的效果并不理想。现在看来, 全能 全能 表达不是一回事。

  • Porphyra yezoensis one of the most important industrial seaweeds which is cultivated in North Coastal of China was selected as material in research . The isolated nori cells can be cultured into thalli for the totipotency of plant .

    本文选择我国北方海区主要栽培海藻&条斑紫菜作为研究材料,利用 植物 细胞 全能 ,培养紫菜细胞使之成苗。