town planning


  • Town planning and land allocation had to be coordinated .

    必须协调 城市 规划和土地分配之间的关系。

  • Town planning is an extensive subject .

    城市 规划本身是一个内容广博的学科。

  • We held an architectural exhibition on town planning in our headquarters .

    我们在总部举办了一个关于 市政 规划的建筑展览会。

  • During the year the department was involved in revising the proposals of the Town Planning White Bill ;

    年内,该署的工作包括修订《 城市 规划白纸条例草案》内的建议;

  • In town planning our objective is always to unify and to accomplish the structure of the design area .


  • The Lyon court said he had violated town planning lawsbymodifying the property without permission .

    里昂法院说,埃尔曼在未得到许可的情况下改动房屋违反了 城镇发展 规划法。

  • People 's governments at all levels shall in accordance with the statutory criteria delimit protected environs for meteorological observation and incorporate them into city planning or into village or town planning .

    各级人民政府应当按照法定标准划定气象探测环境的保护范围,并纳入城市规划或者村庄和 集镇 规划

  • Town Planning Board TPB w_1165 The residents assembly shall be convened and presided over by the residents committee .

    城市 规划委员会〔城规会〕居民会议由居民委员会召集和主持。

  • Typical cases of corruption are related public procurement town planning and construction business .

    芬兰的贪污案件一般涉及公营机构的采购程序、 城市 规划和建造业。

  • Xiaoshan District village youth Yipeng town planning as an example of new rural residential on the scientific use of land resources .

    以萧山区义蓬 青春村新住宅 规划为例,阐述了利用土地资源的方法。

  • The Research and Revelation of Singapore New Town Planning and Design

    新加坡新市 规划设计的探究与启示

  • Problems and Countermeasures of Village and Town Planning Construction Management

    浅谈 村镇 规划建设管理中存在的问题与对策

  • He is also chairman of the Town Planning Board and has policy responsibility for conservation .

    规划环境地政局局长也兼任 城市 规划委员会主席,并负责环境保育的政策事宜。

  • Town planning of a kind got underway after the war .

    战后进行了名不副实的 城市 规划

  • The Town Planning Ordinance was first enacted in 1939 .

    城市 规划条例》最初于一九三九年制定。

  • Permanent and International Committee of Underground and Spatial Town Planning and Construction

    国际 都市地下与空间 规划和建设常设委员会

  • Town planning became more modest in conception and incremental in execution .

    城镇 规划在构想上变得更为谨慎,在执行中采取了更为循序渐进的方式。

  • It is responsible for roads housing fire services parks and open spaces and town planning .

    它掌管交通、住房、消防、公园及露天场地和 城镇 规划

  • Through analysis of the new town planning in Jinshan District and Zhujing Town this paper tries to give some preference to Shanghai .

    通过对金山区朱泾镇的新市 规划的分析,试图为上海市的新市镇 规划提供一些有益的借鉴。

  • Discussion on Sustainable Development of Ecological Culture and Village and Town Planning

    论生态文化与 村镇 规划的可持续发展&以陕西省长安 大王

  • Town planning is carried out by the Planning Department under policy directives from the Planning Environment and Lands Bureau .

    规划署负责根据规划环境地政局的政策指令,执行有关 城市 规划的工作。

  • The Feasibility of the Implementation of New Town Planning : From the Perspective of Local Public Finance

    从地方财政学视野看 新城 规划实施的可行性

  • Town planning is a blueprint for urban development urban construction based on one approved have the force of law on urban real estate development land and so must comply with town planning .

    城市 规划是城市发展的蓝图,城市建设的一个基础上获得批准,具有法律效力,对城市房地产开发,土地,因此必须符合城市规划。

  • The MHURC is responsible for drafting policies laws and development plans related to city village and town planning and construction .

    住房和城乡建设部主要负责起草与城市、乡镇以及 农村 规划和建设相关的政策、法规和发展规划。

  • Wenchuan big earthquake has brought disaster to us while also warned that we can not ignore disaster prevention and reduction issues in small town planning .

    汶川大地震在给我们带来灾难的同时也警醒我们不能忽视小 城镇 规划中的防灾减灾问题。

  • The newly released Urban and Rural Planning Law requires making town planning according to relate .

    《城乡规划法》的颁布实施,要求我们进一步更新观念,依照法律要求制定 规划

  • Contemplation on the Town Planning and Architectural Design for Post-quake Reconstruction of Guangji Town Mianzhu City

    绵竹市广济 灾后重建的 规划设计与几点思考

  • Responsible for their local areas ( for town planning parks etc ) . The mayor or president is the leader of a local government .

    负责各自的地区( 城镇 规划,公园等)市长或长官是地方政府的领导人。

  • The gallery comprises four main sections : town planning tourism transport and logistics and environmental protection .

    展馆主要分四个部分: 城市 规划、旅游、交通物流和环境保护。

  • In North Star Dynamics we have an excellent team of experienced professionals in the real estate market in Architecture town planning Consulting Engineering Design Marketing and Management .

    北星动力拥有一流的团队及专业的人员,在房地产市场上有着丰富的经验,业务涵盖建筑、 城市 规划、咨询、工程、设计、营销及管理。