total market value

[ˈtotl ˈmɑrkɪt ˈvælju][ˈtəutəl ˈmɑ:kit ˈvælju]

[经] 上市总价值

  • Stock market plays an increasingly important role in economic movement with the increasing proportion of total stock market value in GDP .

    由于 股市 总值占国内生产 总值的比重越来越大,股票市场在经济运行中的地位也日益重要。

  • In recent years the size of stock market and the number of investors have increased in our country the total market value has risen steadily and the wealth effect of stock market has changed violently .

    近年来,我国股票市场规模日益扩大, 市值快速稳定增长,投资者不断增加,股市财富效应变化剧烈。

  • In total they raked in revenues of $ 38 trillion and profits of $ 3 trillion with assets worth $ 161 trillion and a market value of $ 44 trillion .

    这些企业 总共创造了38万亿美元的营收及3万亿美元的利润,总资产达161万亿美元,总 市值则达到44万亿美元。

  • Its total shareholder returns for the year fell by 30 per cent measured by market value but remained at 16 per cent over the 35 years since the group was founded .

    市值衡量,上一财年公司的 整体股东回报率下降了30%,但集团成立35年以来的平均回报率仍保持在16%的水平。

  • Economic capital refers to the situation that total assets held is larger than the market value of total liabilities in or - der to guarantee a positive capital surplus in a prescribed credit range and time frame .

    经济资本是指在规定的置信度和时间范围内,所持有的资产 数量要大于负债 市值,以保证资产盈余大于零。

  • Both of the two stock exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen are not calculate the PER of each stock . They get an average PER through the total market value being divided by the total earnings .

    我国沪深两地交易所均采用不计算个股的市盈率,用 市场 市值除以总收益得到平均市盈率。

  • According to the research result it is shown that the total amount of the steel market demand in several decades still have certain rising space and the demand of high value – added products will occupy great part of the total amount of the steel market demand .

    根据研究结果,未来二三十年,我国钢材 市场需求 总量仍有一定的上升空间,对高附加 产品的需求将占钢材需求总量的大部分。

  • Bank of America 's total market value is now less than the $ 50bn it offered for Merrill 's stock last September .

    美银的 市值如今已低于去年9月收购美林股票时500亿美元的出价。

  • The total market value of real estate in Altonville has steadily declined over the past four years .

    房地产的 市场 价值在过去的四年逐渐下降。

  • And then established the economic growth impact model including factors such as stock price stock price volatility stock market trading volume and total market value of shares in circulation etc. .

    在此分析框架下,建立了包含股票价格、股票价格波动性、股票市场交易量、股票流通 市值等要素的股票市场对经济增长影响模型。

  • In 2007 the total market value of global stock market is 57.4 trillion dollar about 1.2 times of the GDP that year .

    据统计,2007年底全球股票市场 市值57.4万亿美元,约为当年全球GDP的1.2倍。

  • Based on the data the empirical analysis indicates that the mode of total market value 's growth in Chinese stock market has been changed from Mechanical Growth to Dealing Price Growth and the reason is the imbalanced participant structure and the limited rational game .

    基于2001年1月-2004年12月份数据的分析表明,中国股票市场走出机械增长模式的 阴影,却跌入交易 价格增长模式陷阱,根源在于参与者结构的不均衡及其基于有限理性的博弈。

  • While in China the total market value reached 880 million yuan in 2004 and rise violently with more than 70 % annual growth .

    而在中国,2004年中国搜索引擎 市场 总额达到了8.8亿元人民币,并且以每年超过70%的年增长率一路飙升。

  • This paper reviews the evolution of the understand of firm and stock-company 's objective aiming at expounds that maximization of the total market value of the firm and maximization of wealth of shareholders is stock-company 's objective .

    本文通过梳理国内外有关公司及公司经营目标的认识演进,旨在阐明公司 价值 最大 或股东财富最大化是股份公司的经营目标。

  • The empirical results show that : foreign exchange risk exposure has positive correlation with export ratio quick ratio net cash flow of operating activities and negative correlation with total market value net profit margin .

    研究表明,外汇风险暴露与外销比例、速动比例和现金流量净额正相关,与 市值、净利率负相关。

  • The total market value in Shanghai and Shenzhen securities market is 23.57 trillion Yuan account for the GDP in 2008 approximately 95.4 % .

    沪深股市 市值23.57万亿元,占2008年GDP比例约95.4%。

  • In the simulation analysis we find that both the firms will invest if the total value of the new product development become higher and the enterprise which has higher success rate of R & D will invest at first in a lower target development market value .

    结果发现,新产品研发市场的 价值越大,两个企业越倾向于进行研发投资,而这里研发成功率高的企业将优先于另一家企业在更低的目标研发 市场 价值上进行研发投资。

  • However a temporary investment in equity securities must be carried at the lower of its total cost or market value at the balance sheet date .

    然而,权益证券(短期投资中为获得短期收益而持有的证券)方式的临时投资必须在资产负债表日以 成本和 市场 价格孰低的方式显示。

  • Foreign funds play a tiny role in China accounting for just about 1 per cent of total market value and the new openings are unlikely to change that at least initially .

    境外基金在中国扮演的角色微不足道,仅占股市 市值的大约1%。新的开放措施不太可能改变这一局面,至少在初期将是如此。

  • For example assume that the total cost of the securities of NC company is $ 4 but their current market value is only $ 3 .

    例如,假定NC公司证券的 成本为4美元,但证券的现行 市价只有3美元。

  • With the expansion of the total amount of the pension fund in China and the mature financial market the appreciation value of the pension fund investment objectives and requirements of the investment is also increasingly diverse .

    随着我国养老保险基金资产 总额的扩大,金融 市场日渐成熟,养老保险基金增值 保值的投资目标要求投资方式也日益多样化。

  • On this basis we establish the input indexes system for the DEA model . On the other hand we chose the economic efficiency & total market value and environmental benefits to society as the output indexes .

    在此基础上建立了数据包络分析测算模型的投入指标体系;同时对住宅小区建设的产出指标进行分析筛选,以经济效益――住区 市场 价值和社会环境效益为产出指标。

  • In applying the lower-of-cost-or-market rule the total cost of the marketable equity securities is compared with its current market value and the lower of these two amounts is used as the balance sheet valuation .

    在采用成本与市价孰低规则时,将权益性证券的 成本与其现行 市价比较,两者中较低的作为资产负债表中的价值。

  • The result shows that in China the portfolio including the smallest 20 % listed companies in term of total market value has the most notable characteristic of size effect .

    研究结果说明,以股票 市值排序后的最小20%家上市公司构建组合,具有最显著的规模效应特征,是最具有风格投资 导向 价值的划分标准。

  • In China this indicator can only be replaced with total shares because the restricted shares still exist most of the lifted shares of state-owned are actually not tradable and the total market value is uncertainty .

    在中国由于限售股的存在和绝大部分国有股虽然解禁但实际上并没有真正全流通特殊性以及 市值的不确定性,这一指标只能以总股本替代。