


  • In order to calculate electric field intensity of ring electrodes in3-D electrostatic fields precisely the torus quadrangular BEM is put forward .

    为精确计算三维静电场中圆环电极表面的电场强度,提出了 环面规则剖分曲面四边形边界元方法。

  • And we also have a residual heat removal system that also takes the heat from the torus and transfers that heat to an external source providing coolant water to continue to re-circulate the sprays .

    我们还有一个余热去除系统,那将 凸面的热量除去,并将热量转化为外源,提供冷却剂水,让它能够继续,将喷雾再循环。

  • Design of fault tolerant routing algorithm and probabilistic analysis on Torus networks


  • Generalized Torus Harmonic Analysis of Satellite Gravity Gradients Component

    卫星重力梯度分量的广义 轮胎调和分析

  • Objective To explore the application of fenestration in labial base plate which is used in theprothetic design of edentulous with obvious torus in anterior labial arch .

    目的:探讨唇侧基托 开窗法在前牙唇侧存在明显骨突的全牙列缺失修复中的应用。

  • The Derivations and Central Extensions of a Class of Lie Algebras over Quantum Torus

    量子 环面 一类李代数的导子和中心扩张

  • The Cycles and Paths in Hypercube and Honeycomb Rectangular Torus

    超立方体和蜂窝矩形 环托中的圈和路 嵌入

  • So we take water from the torus and insert it back over the core .

    我们从 凸面将水取出,把它放回到核心的上方。

  • But you can also create a torus or sphere by extruding along a circular path .

    但是还可以沿着圆形路径挤压来创建 圆环 或球形。

  • You have to leave the surface of a torus .

    那么它就必须脱离这个 环面

  • Application on Multi-beam Parabolic Torus Reflector Antenna on Equivalent Small Aperture

    等效小口径多波束抛物 环面天线的应用

  • Quick Calculation Method for Initial Prestress Distribution of Geiger Domes with Outer Truss Torus

    具有外 桁架的肋环型索穹顶初始预应力分布快速计算法

  • They are portions of a sphere a torus or a cone .

    他们是一球形、 环形或锥形的一部分。

  • Study on reliability of Torus based on recursive decomposition method

    基于递推分解的 Torus 网络可靠性研究

  • The key technical research in interference-free tool path of torus cutter


  • A quantitative analysis for dynamic stability of a set of superconducting partial torus in a fusion reactor under a pulse current over a stationary current is given .

    对于聚变反应堆 中超导载流磁体在稳态电流基础上受到脉冲电流影响时的动力稳定性给出了定量分析方法。

  • The particles will drift out of the torus no matter how one juggles the temperatures and magnetic fields .


  • Torus Streamline Method Design of 3-element Centripetal-turbine Hydraulic Torque Converters

    三元件向心涡轮液力变矩器 环面流线法设计

  • About Rotation Number and Expanding Map of Homeomorphism Onto Itself for Torus in Topological Space

    拓扑空间中环 同胚的旋转数及扩张映射

  • See this one also does not bound anything that 's completely contained in the torus .

    对于任意完全包含在 圆环 的曲面,这个 曲线都不是它的边界。

  • Analysis of public key based chaos algorithm based on torus automorphism

    基于 环面自同构的混沌公钥密码算法分析

  • A Presentation of ( 1 ) - knots via the Mapping Class Group of the 4th-punctured Torus

    用穿四孔 环面的映射类群表示(1,2)-纽结

  • Computer Aided Fiber Path Design to Torus in Filament Winding

    圆环 纤维轨迹的计算机辅助设计

  • Thus for a torus many new circumstances arise .

    对于一个 就有许多新的情形发生。

  • New Object Tools including Rounded Rectangle Box Ellipsoid Cylinder Cone Torus Truncated Cone and Tube .

    新增了 圆环、立方体、圆柱体等实体模型的 建造方法。

  • And of course it bounds this disc but inside of a torus .

    显然,它界定了这个圆盘,但是这个 圆盘面包 的内部。

  • A torus can be obtained from a rectangle by identifying opposite sides .

    环面可由矩形把其两对对边分别重叠 起来而得到。

  • Figure 3 shows a typical InfiniBand 3D torus interconnection .

    图3显示了一个典型的InfiniBand3D 圆环互连。

  • Fault-tolerant Routing Based on Flag Bit in Torus Networks
