


  • Research on economic development of Xiangfan city 's touristry

    襄樊市 旅游经济发展研究

  • Mined land reclaimed into touristry landscape Some examples at home and abroad

    国内外矿区 复垦旅游 景点的实例 介绍

  • A Preliminary Discussion on the exploitation of Touristry Resources of Geoscience in the Borders of Jiangsu Zhejiang & Anhui Provinces

    开发苏浙皖交界 地域地学 旅游资源

  • This subject gives scientific evaluation on the human and natural resource of Xiangfan area proposes the economic development stratagem of the whole city 's touristry and does systemic research on the sustainable development of its touristry economy .

    课题对襄樊市域的人文资源和自然资源 作出比较科学的评价;提出了 全市 旅游经济发展战略,并对全市旅游经济的可持续发展进行了系统研究。

  • This paper is the subject report on research on economic development stratagem of Xiangfan city 's touristry which is a scientific and technological project of Xiangfan city .

    本文是襄樊市科技攻关项目 襄樊市 旅游经济发展战略研究》的课题报告。