


  • Studies show that ski runs increase erosion and destroy plant life beyond simply the growth cut down for the runs ; they can also cause permanent damage to topsoil and plants beneath the surface .

    研究表明,滑雪道对植物的侵蚀和破坏不仅是砍伐它们、开辟坡道那么简单;它还会对 表层 和地表以下的植物造成永久性破坏。

  • Worse still the annual torrential rains washed the topsoil from the hillside .

    更糟的是,每年都有暴雨把 浮土从山坡上冲走。

  • A Study of Topsoil Organic Carbon Concentration and Density under Different Land Use in West River Basin Guangdong Province

    不同土地利用形式下 表土有机碳含量和密度特征的研究

  • The loss of trees upsets the ecosystem as trees are necessary to build topsoil maintain rainfall in dry climates purify underground water and to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen .

    毁掉树木也就破坏了生态环境,因为树木可以维持 表层 土壤,保证干旱气候地带的降雨量,净化地下水,并将二氧化碳转化为氧气。

  • Heavy rains washed the topsoil away . Deforestation causes erosion .

    大雨把 表层 冲蚀掉了滥伐造成(土地的)冲蚀。

  • Study on Partical Size Variation of Topsoil under Different Land Use in Horqin Sandy Land

    科尔沁沙地不同土地利用状态下 表土粒度变异研究

  • Effect of Different Conservation Tillage Measures on Maize Topsoil Fertility in Cold Windy and Sandy Areas in Northeast China

    东北冷凉风沙区不同保护性耕作措施对玉米 耕层 土壤肥力水平的影响

  • Floods can remove fertile topsoil and begin a process resulting in the loss of planting areas .

    洪水可以带走肥沃的 表土 ,最终导致种植区域的损失。

  • This causes environmental damage when the topsoil is washed away by the rains .

    雨水冲走 表层 土壤会造成环境破坏。

  • Changes of topsoil bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity under infiltration condition of water storage pit

    蓄水坑入渗 表层 土壤体积质量和饱和导水率的变化

  • The fragile land quickly lost its topsoil and became nothing but sand and dust .

    那单薄的土地很快就失去了 表土,成为沙粒和尘埃。

  • According to scientists it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of topsoil .

    根据科学家们的看法,自然界要用500年的时间才能创造一英寸的 表层 土壤

  • The loose heaped ground method of soil reconstruction on the platform can avoid the topsoil to be compacted and greatly increase rainwater infiltration and disperse surface run off .

    排土场平台“堆状地面”土壤重构方法避免了 表层 土壤压实,并最大限度地增加了水分入渗和分散了地表径流,是解决上述问题的有效途径。

  • He ordered tons of fertile topsoil to cover the grounds to a depth of five feet and full-grown specimens of the plants were trucked up the mountain for planting .

    他定购了成吨肥沃的 表层 ,覆盖地面达5英尺深,把这些植物长好的样品用卡车运到山上种植。

  • Characteristics of Cropland Topsoil Organic Carbon Dynamics Under Different Conservation Tillage Treatments Based on Long-term Agro-ecosystem Experiments Across Mainland China

    保护性耕作下农田 表土有机碳含量变化特征分析&基于中国农业生态系统长期试验资料

  • The layer of soil between the topsoil and bedrock .

    位于 上层 和岩床之间的一层 土壤

  • It would appear that the inputs are insufficient to offset the mobilization and leaching of calcium from the topsoil .

    钙的 转入量看来不足以补偿从 表土中活化和淋失的钙。

  • The spatial variability of soil organic matter and phosphorous content was larger than that of the other nutrient in topsoil of artificial forestland .

    人工林 土壤养分中有机质和速效磷的空间变异性较大;

  • Research of changing characteristics and control factors of farmland topsoil organic carbon in China

    中国农田 耕层 土壤有机碳变化特征及控制因素

  • We calculated particle-size parameters using Moment law computation to study topsoil particle-size distribution of the Mo Us Desert .

    通过对毛乌素沙地 表土粒度测定,采用矩法计算粒度参数,研究毛乌素沙地的 表土粒度特征。

  • Topsoil particle-size distribution and its spatial variation in Mo Us Desert Uranium fills interstitial space .

    毛乌素沙地 表土粒度特征及其空间变异铀充填在颗粒间的空间。

  • Under flood conditions great amounts of topsoil are washed to receiving streams .

    在洪水泛滥时,大量 表层 土壤被冲刷到承受的水流中。

  • The topsoil has been almost completely washed away .


  • Dust storms occur when intense grazing strips pastureland of new growth leaving the topsoil vulnerable to winds .

    当密集的放牧导致新长好的牧草被啃光,让 地表 容易被风刮走,沙尘暴就发生了。

  • If the vegetation is damaged on account of the mining or construction measures must be taken to rehabilitate the topsoil and vegetation thereby preventing soil erosion .

    因采矿和建设使植被受到破坏的,必须采取措施恢复 土层和植被,防止水土流失。

  • The storms cause respiratory illness destroy crops and blow away precious topsoil .

    沙尘暴引发呼吸道疾病、毁坏庄稼,并吹走了宝贵的 地表

  • If the topsoil is taken away by erosion plants can no longer grow in the soil left behind .

    如果因水土流失而冲掉了 表土,植物不能再在留下的土壤中生长。

  • Study on the Spacial Variability of Topsoil Heavy Metal of Dongguan City

    东莞市 土壤重金属含量的空间变异性研究

  • A thin layer of topsoil was swept away .

    薄薄的一层 表土被冲走了。