
[ˌtɑ:psi ˈtɜ:rvi][ˌtɒpsi ˈtɜ:vi]



  • the moss-covered topsy-turvy gravestones .

    长满苔藓、 东倒西歪的墓碑

  • The refusal of the actor turned all our arrangements for the performance topsy-turvy .

    那个演员拒绝 出台把我们整个演出安排 搞乱了。

  • Everything 's topsy-turvy in my life at the moment .

    现在我的生活中一切都 打乱了。

  • In a world which really is topsy-turvy the true is a moment of the false .

    翻译 中文就是:在一个 颠倒 过来 社会 ,真实不过是虚假的一个瞬间。

  • The children turned the whole house topsy-turvy when their mother went out .

    当母亲不在家时,孩子们把屋里 了。

  • We just make everything topsy-turvy turn everything into bad because we are taught that way we accept other people as our own opinion .

    我们只是把一切 乱七八糟,将一切事情弄糟 而已,因为我们被教育成这样,我们接受别人的意见当成是自己的。

  • But it is not just the name that is topsy-turvy : the brand turns conventional wisdom about luxury in China on its head .


  • Here a chaos of carts overthrown and jumbled together lay topsy-turvy at the bottom of a steep unnatural hill ;

    这里, 翻倒在地、杂乱一团的大车 横七竖八地躺在一座峻峭的非自然的小山底下;

  • The whole world 's going topsy-turvy .

    整个世界正变得 颠三倒四

  • This is a topsy-turvy world like Alice found in Wonderland .

    这是一个 颠倒的世界,就像艾莉丝身处奇境一样。

  • Silver and the birds and the tall Spy-glass hill-top going round and round and topsy-turvy before my eyes and all manner of bells ringing and distant voices shouting in my ear .

    希尔弗、鸟、高高的望远镜山在我的眼前转呀转,各种不同的钟声和远处的人声在我 耳畔嗡嗡作响。

  • For a few weeks after the accident her world was turned topsy-turvy .

    事故发生后的几个星期,她的世界变得 颠三倒四

  • Any company that hopes to stay relevant in a topsy-turvy world has no choice but to grow the numerator .

    眼花缭乱的世界,希望 占有 地位的任何公司,没有选择,只有扩大分子。

  • She hurried home and turned everything topsy-turvy to find the lives to save .

    夫人 急赶回家, 翻箱倒柜地找待救之

  • Don 't turn the box topsy-turvy the dish might fall out .

    不要把箱子 过来,盘子会掉出来。

  • Heart inside the topsy-turvy .

    心里面 乱七八糟的。

  • Dear Lord despite the topsy-turvy day I 've had I give thanks to you .

    亲爱的主啊,尽管是 这样的生活,我还是要感谢你。

  • The robbers turned the whole house topsy-turvy but they didn 't find the money .

    强盗翻 了整个屋子但没找到钱。

  • Topsy-turvy things happen like this all the time when Mercury is retrograde .

    水星逆行的时候,类似的 乱七八糟的事情会在这一时期接踵而来。

  • Since he was divorced with his wife he turned his life topsy-turvy .

    自从他与他的太太离婚后,他的生活 变成 一团糟

  • He introduced him into the drawing-room still encumbered and topsy-turvy and which bore the air of a field of battle after the joys of the preceding evening .

    他把他引进客厅, 那里 东西 零乱 堆放着,就象是咋晚快乐节日后的战场。

  • Everything is topsy-turvy in your room .


  • But even experienced Japanologists can find Japan a topsy-turvy place .

    但即使是有经验的日本学家也会发现,日本是一个 颠覆常理的国家。

  • The world has turned topsy-turvy in my lifetime .

    在我的一生中世界已经变得 一团糟

  • I tucked the first penalty away and to be fair then it went a bit topsy-turvy for me with the two missed penalties .

    我卷起的罚款外,并首次将公平它又有点 乱七八糟我与两位错过处罚。

  • When anything is topsy-turvy it turns my stomach .

    如果一切都 乱七八糟,就会使我倒胃口。

  • The topsy-turvy nature of the Republican race though is a reminder that instability is the new normal in politics .

    然而, 混乱的共和党总统候选人提名之 提醒人们,不稳定是新的政治常态。

  • The Mavs had a topsy-turvy summer that according to our panel will leave them right where they were last season : 50-32 and in the middle of the pack .

    在过完一个 七遭八的夏天后,根据我们的 预测,小牛将会取得跟上赛季一样的50胜-32负的成绩,排在中间位次。

  • His relationship with Slughorn is a bit topsy-turvy .
