topological data


  • Sections definition and coordinates conversion about the three-dimensional topological data model based on component

    三维体元 拓扑 数据模型中空间剖面的定义及坐标转换研究

  • This data model combines strongpoint of conventional topological data model and entity-oriented model which is able to meet the data model requirements in applications such as 3D landscape TIN and urban 3D geology .

    这种模型具备了面向对象以及 拓扑关系模型的优点,解决了地上三维景观、TIN和城市三维地质等应用对 数据模型的要求。

  • Each record of operational risk event by the topological data model is a sample of a certain path in the operational risk influence diagram of the company .

    每个以 拓扑 数据模型记录的操作风险事件都是其中一条路径的样本。

  • By analyzing features of power distribution operation and management data flow graphs of operation data maintenance and patrol data and assets and topological data for power service utilities were proposed .

    针对我国配电系统结构以及配电生产运行管理的特点,分析了供电企业中各部门之间的工作联系,提出了配电系统运行数据、检修与巡视数据以及设备资产与 网络 拓扑 数据的数据流图。

  • For constructing the topological data structures in GIS authors bring forward a new fast algorithm for distinguishing the ascription of isolated islands and la bel points .

    针对GIS 拓扑 数据结构的建立,该文提出了一种快速进行内点和孤岛归属的算法。

  • A solution is presented to maintain road-network 's topological relationships from vector data of road-network in Maplnfo ;

    根据路网矢量 数据建立了路网 拓扑关系;

  • STL file contains no toplogical data the paper sets up some data structure of STL file especially using of Hash Table makes it faster in constructing STL topological data and more efficient in identifying and repairing errors .

    特别是针对STL文件不含拓扑信息的特点,引进哈希表构造了一种用于表达STL 拓扑 信息的数据结构,提高了建立拓扑信息的速度以及识别和修补缺陷的效率。

  • With the topological data some advanced applications such as display area of power user 's or power failure are fulfilled in this chapter .

    并初步探讨了配电网中设备 拓扑 结构的建立方法,利用该 拓扑 数据,实现配电网的一些高级应用,如:故障区域显示、停电管理等。

  • Spatial topological data retrieval based on sketch content

    基于草图内容的空间 拓扑 数据检索方法

  • The Establishment of Topological Data Structure and Its Applications

    矢量 图形 数据 拓扑结构的生成及应用

  • The Study of Non-manifold Topological Data Structure on Reconstructing Surfaces

    重构曲面的非流形 拓扑 数据结构研究

  • Optimization and experimentation for 3D Topological Data Model based on component

    三维体元 拓扑 数据模型的改进与实验

  • Method to Compose the Topological Data of Power Network Based on GIS

    基于GIS构建电力网络 拓扑 数据的方法

  • Then it describes the properties of topological transformation in map data processing as well as the realization of so-called indirect topological selection in this cartographical data base system .

    然后就地图 数据处理的 拓扑变换性质以及在该地图数据库系统中称之为间接拓扑选取的实现进行了论述。

  • This modelling method eliminates the limitations in conventional algorithm modelling such as too complicated data structure difficult combination operation and difficult establishment of a correct topological relation among data .

    该建模方法克服了传统算法建模数据结构过于复杂,交接拼合计算困难,难以建立 数据之间正确的 拓扑关系等局限,大大方便和简化了三维模型的建立过程。

  • Based on Feature Semantic Tree and Rule-Semantic Reasoning a stamping feasibility analysis method was innovatively presented . It can avoid automatic feature recognition for freeform surface model and reasoning on lower level geometrical and topological data .

    并基于冲压件特征语义树和规则&语义推理策略,提出一种新的冲压工艺性分析方法,避免了针对自由曲面模型的自动特征识别和针对产品模型的 底层 数据的推理。

  • For the limitation of GIS 's application to network analysis program this paper analyses the geographical information system topological techniques and features and studies how to get the data that satisfies network analysis based on topological data given by the GIS .

    针对现有GIS在网络分析应用程序中的局限性,对GIS拓扑功能和特点进行了分析,研究了如何基于GIS的 拓扑 数据构建满足电力网络分析需要的 拓扑数据。

  • The second is the fan strip based topological data representation for simple triangle mesh by which the connectivity between vertice can be encoded less than log 2 ( 274 ) bit / vertex when the split vertex and merge vertex is ignored .

    其次,提出了基于扇形带的三角网格 拓扑 关系表示方法,该方法在不考虑顶点分裂与融合的情况下,可以保证连接关系的最低压缩率为 log2(274)比特/顶点。

  • By the application of topological polygon data model the graphic breaking up method was proposed to realize the parent region auto-dividing into child region and auto-merging the divisions into the whole region step by step based on region and boundary code .

    应用基于 拓扑关系的多边形 数据模型,提出以小班边界与多边形编码为基础的图形分割方法,实现了小班区划过程数据的逐级分割以及区划结果的逐级合并汇总。

  • Research and Application on a Topological Constraint Based Sequential Data Mining Approach

    基于 网络 拓扑约束的时序 数据挖掘算法研究与应用

  • Operational risk topological data model is composed of the graph and node data .

    操作风险 拓扑 数据模型由图和结点数据组成。

  • Furthermore this method can rapidly construct the adjacency relationship of all the arcs linked with the same node in the construction of topological data structure in GIS which is helpful to the rapid construction of topological structure .

    避免了复杂的三角函数计算,而且该算法还可以在GIS的 拓扑 数据结构建立过程中,快速地构建与同一结点相连的所有弧段间的邻接关系,为拓扑结构的快速建立创造了条件。

  • The object-oriented three-dimensional topological data model based on component is constructed with component and takes fully into account the topological relations of geological objects and its geometry elements .

    同时,面向对象的三维体元 拓扑 数据模型由体元构建地质体且充分考虑地质对象及其几何要素间的拓扑关系。

  • Efficient Algorithm of Topological Reconstruction for STL Data

    STL 数据快速 拓扑重建关键算法

  • Even topological data analysis has its limitations .

    所以,就算 拓扑 数据分析也并不是无所不能。

  • Then it discuss the data structure of the cadastral spatial data and the attribute data design the way to construct the topological relations of the spatial data .

    本文首先简要介绍了地籍信息管理系统建设的必要性和迫切性、地籍办公的主要内容,然后重点讨论地籍空间数据和属性数据的特点和数据结构,设计了空间 数据建立 拓扑关系的方法。

  • The Establishment of Topological Data Relation of Graph in RDBMS

    关系数据库中图形 拓扑 数据关系的建立

  • In research on data model and data structure according to the limitations of modeling data model and its elements of OO-Solid was revised . After revision the revised OO-Solid data model was formal described and the topological relationship and data structure was redesigned .

    在数据模型和数据结构研究方面,针对OO-Solid数据模型的不足,修正了OO-Solid数据模型及其构模元素,对修正后的OO-Solid数据模型进行了形式化描述,重新设计了相应的 拓扑关系和 数据结构。

  • Topological analysis and data generation based on graphic model for short circuit calculation

    基于图形模型的配电 短路计算 拓扑分析及 数据生成