track center

[træk ˈsɛntɚ][træk ˈsentə]


  • The following motion guide rolls are adopted . The motion track is a segment of arc and the center is decided by the axis of drive roll the distance of different times is computed and used to control the motion of guide rolls .

    在模拟中采用随动式的导向辊,其运动 轨迹为一段以驱动辊轴线为 中心的圆弧。

  • A Study of Influences of Track Geometry Parameters on Rail Gage Wear with Creep Center Method

    用蠕滑 中心法研究 轨道几何参数对钢轨侧磨的影响

  • In accordance with aircraft flight status and matrix theory we get the track changes rule of gravity center of the lifesaving system and the lowest life-saving height and related safety factor .

    依据飞机飞行状态,基于矩阵理论,得到了救生系统 重心 轨迹变化规律和最低的安全救生高度及相关影响因子。

  • Semi-Parametric Fitting of the Track of Perspective Center and Attitude of Airborne TLS CCD System

    机载三线阵CCD摄影 中心 轨迹及姿态拟合的半参数法

  • The accurate objective-oriented system shows the outline of the development track of the regional logistics center in that city .

    定位准确的目标体系勾画出城市建设区域性物流 中心的发展 轨迹

  • The article describes a new CCD camera-computer system which can track the center of the light spot and count the number of fringes passing the center constantly ' So we can measure the substrate temperature by laser automatically '

    描写了一种新型的CCD摄像头一计算机系统,它可以在镀膜基板激光测温的过程中 跟踪光斑中心,从而测出移过光斑 中心的干涉条纹数,达到镀膜基板激光测温自动化的目的。

  • The Variation Track and contrastive analysis on the social economic gravity center and environmental pollution gravity center in Shaanxi Province

    陕西省社会经济 重心与环境污染重心的演变 路径及其对比分析

  • Bezier spline curve is adopted to form the motion track of the body center of mass and the foot of swing leg .

    论文采用Bezier样条曲线构造人体 重心及摆动腿脚部的运动 轨迹

  • This thesis perfectly implement transmission of terminal information and display for moving track of electric map and the real time information in the monitoring center controlling and attemper to terminal that vehicle carries and implement basic function which information exchange between the center and terminals etc.

    完整地实现了车载终端信息的传输,监控 中心电子地图移动 轨迹、信息的实时显示,对车载终端的控制调度以及中心和终端信息交互等基本功能。

  • Method : When the subjects wore shoes with different heel height and walked in different speed the ground reaction force ( GRF ) and the track of the center of sole force were measured and analyzed quantitatively .

    方法:测量穿不同类型和不同鞋跟高度的受试者,在不同行走速度下地面反力的大小和鞋底压力 中心,分析地面反力变化和鞋底压力 中心 轨迹

  • Furthermore composite analysis indicates that winter sea-ice anomaly is closely associated with the general circulation which gives rise to the change of pressure gradient meridional and vertical eddy heat flux and baroclinicity accordingly influence on the storm track vigor and the center migration .

    进一步的合成分析显示,海冰异常使得大气环流调整,气压梯度、天气尺度涡动热量的经向通量和垂直通量、局地斜压性均发生改变,从而对 风暴 的强度及 中心的位移造成影响。

  • Unfortunately due to the low bandwidth low positioning accuracy in conventional HDD magnetic head is hard to be positioned onto the destination track center thus it limits the continuing increase in storage capacity .

    但另一方面由于传统硬盘驱动器的低带宽、低定位精度,导致磁头很难准确地定位在目标 磁道 中心位置,从而限制了存储容量的持续增加。

  • Disks hold more data per track on the edges of the disk not on the center .

    在磁盘边缘上,每个 磁道比靠近 中央的地方能够保存更多的数据。

  • For track section of the section the train control center shall create message codes by message encoding logic of track circuit according to occupancy of front track section and release of receiving route in front station .

    对于区间 轨道区段,列控 中心应根据前方轨道区段占用状态以及前方车站接车进路开通情况,按照轨道电路信息编码逻辑,生成信息码。

  • Based on the changing track of the voltage of oscillation center this device can distinguish accelerating out of step from decelerating out of step and it can adapt to the change of system network and system operating mode .

    该装置的判据简单明确、 概念清晰,可以判别加速性失步和减速性 步,并自动适应系统结构的变化和运行方式的变化。

  • Movement track of vehicle gravity center is the most visual test result which is very important for study and design on vehicle movement performance such as handling and stability . braking characteristic especially for analysis and e-valuation of movement performance of the driver-vehicle looping system .

    汽车 质心的运动 轨迹作为最直观的试验结果对汽车操纵稳定性、制动性等运动性能的研究和设计,特别是对于驾驶员-汽车闭环系统运动性能的分析和评价十分重要。

  • The system can gain accurate timely sensor data and calculate the shake Track Data of the gravity center of the human body with the help of internal procedures in the microcontroller then pass them through the serial port to the processing software .

    利用该系统,实现了准确,实时的采集传感器数据,并用单片机内部程序计算出人体 重心的动摇 轨迹坐标,通过串口发至上位机处理软件。

  • Space evolvement track of railway transportation gravity center in recent 30 years in China

    近30年来中国铁路运输 重心空间演变 轨迹分析

  • It can make the forecast error of typhoon track and center strength smaller in 24 hr but the situation is not so after that .

    对台风 路径 中心强度的前24h预报误差具有明显的改善,其后的改善效果并不显著。

  • So this essay use kalman to track the center of motion target and refresh the result with estimated value every frame .

    故利用卡尔曼滤波 跟踪算法 跟踪运动目标的 质心,利用检测值逐帧更新。

  • Administration of the track and field management center to establish national Olympic high level backup talent base is of epoch-making significance of the act .

    总局 田径管理 中心建立国家奥林匹克高水平后备人才基地,是有划时代意义的举措。

  • Track circuit is an important component of Passenger Dedicated Line Train Control System in the CTCS-2 the communication between track circuit and TCC ( Train Control Center ) is of great significance for the train control system .

    轨道电路是客运专线CTCS-2级列控系统的重要组成部分,TCC(列控 中心)与 轨道电路之间能否可靠通信对整个列控系统具有重要意义。

  • Experimental results showed that the motion of nozzle could accord with the track of center line of crop-row with the standard error of 2.13 cm .

    模拟实验结果表明,系统中的喷头移动 轨迹基本上与作物行 中心线一致,两者间的标准差为2.13cm。

  • In this paper the track of rotating center within any cross section is described for the first time then a new method for measuring the rotating error by using the theory of Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) is suggested .

    用复函数描述了转子任一横截面回转 中心的运动 轨迹,利用复函数快速傅立叶变换数学原理提出了相应的转子回转精度的测量方法。

  • It took the students half an hour to track down Professor Li at the teacher 's recreation center .

    学生门在教师休闲 中心花了半个小时 李教授。

  • Design of Awning of the Track and Field Stadium Stand in National Olympic Sports Center

    国家奥林匹克体育 中心 田径场罩棚设计

  • In light of sound exposure level for high-speed railway at 15 m from track center a theoretical model for noise analysis is established by introducing ground attenuation shielding attenuation and excess attenuation from buildings and trees .

    根据离开 轨道 中心15m处高速铁路的噪声暴露声级,通过引入地面衰减、屏障衰减和房屋建筑及树木的附加衰减参数,建立噪声理论分析模型。