track and field

[træk ənd fild][træk ænd fi:ld]


  • Extracurricular track and field training is an indispensable part in middle school and plays vital role in PE work .

    课外 田径训练是中学田径 运动中必不可少的组成部分,在学校体育工作中起着极为重要的作用。

  • Yes we are . I also like track and field events .

    我也喜欢 田径 方面的赛事。

  • Now the semifinals of the track and field events are underway .

    现在, 田径项目的半决赛正在进行。

  • The construction process and quality control of plastic track and field sports ground

    塑胶 田径运动场施工工艺和质量控制

  • Track and Field Games attracted lots of people .


  • Shanxi years education undertakings highly athletics in track and field course construction etc have made great achievements .

    山西省多年来高度重视田径教育事业,在 田径课程建设等方面取得了很大的成就。

  • The relays are the only true team events in track and field .

    接力赛是 田径 运动中真正的集体项目。

  • Is track and field part of the school physical education programme ?

    田径 运动是学校体育课程内容的组成部分吗?

  • The Preliminary Study on Main Theory and Method of Track and Field Sports Training


  • The school sports reform 's unceasing deepening some middle school 's track and field after school training has made the considerable progress and the development .

    学校体育改革的不断深化,一些中学的 田径课余训练取得了长足的进步和发展。

  • The semi-finals of the track and field events are under way .


  • The actual effect study of imagery training on learning and maintaining discrete sport skill in the track and field

    表象训练对 田径分立运动技能学习与保持的实效性研究

  • The world 's top400-meter hurdler stole the show at the track and field meet .

    在这次 田径运动会上,这位世界头号400米跨栏运动员大出风头。

  • This paper offers an example of Track and Field Games Management Information System in a university and describes its functions and constructions .

    提供了一个普通高校 田径运动会信息管理系统的范例,并描述了系统的结构与功能。

  • He 's making a good score in track and field events .

    他正在 田径赛中取得好成绩。

  • Running the high jump discus throw shot-put and so on are track and field events .

    赛跑、跳高、铁饼、铅球等都是 田径项目。

  • What are the most important competitions in track and field ?

    最重要的 田径比赛有哪些?

  • The Research on Referee 's Competence in China 's Large-Scale Track and Field Competition

    对我国大型 田径比赛裁判员素质的研究

  • Wang Ping : The Asian Games permits that track and field and swimming should be included .

    王平:亚运会规定必须包括 田径和游泳。

  • Are you also taking part in the track and field events today helen ?

    海伦,你今天也要去参加 田径比赛吗?

  • Otherwise we 'll miss the opening ceremony of the Track and Field Sports Meet of our university .

    否则我们就看不到我校 田径运动会的开幕式了。

  • Through education reform to high school track and field teaching out of the woods and get a new development .

    通过教改使中学 田径教学走出困境并得到新的发展。

  • The school has sent five athletes to take part in the upcoming track and field meet .

    我校派出了五名运动员参加这次 田径赛。

  • They competed in basketball football swimming track and field boxing bicycling and weight lifting .

    他们参加了篮球,足球,游泳, 田径,拳击,自行车和举重等项目的比赛。

  • Track and field sports have dual features of competition and body building .


  • Record fell one after another especially in track and field .

    记录一个接着一个地被打破,尤其是在 田径 项目上。

  • He is not good at track and field events but quite in his element in the swimming-pool .

    虽然 田径不是他的强项,但是到了游泳池他就如鱼得水了。

  • Maybe the sport that I like very much in the summer Olympics is track and field .

    在夏季奥运会上我很喜欢的项目也许是 田径

  • Track and field belongs to the weak item in our country .

    田径在我国 竞技 体育中属弱势项目。

  • A Study on the Radiate Measure Way Applied in Different Specifications the Places of Track and Field

    放射式丈量法在不同规格 田径 场地中的应用研究