


  • What treatment is available for trachoma ?

    怎样治疗 沙眼

  • Clinical and Cytologic Observations on Treatment of Trachoma with Rifampicin Drops Alone and Combined with Cotton Stick Rubbing

    利福平滴眼及联合摩擦治疗 沙眼的临床和细胞学观察

  • Significant opportunities also exist to integrate these efforts with the prevention and control of diseases such as trachoma .

    将这些方法用于预防和控制诸如 沙眼等疾病也存在重要的机会。

  • Although widespread treatment always carries a risk of emerging drug resistance Borrmann says azithromycin has been used in mass campaigns against trachoma without losing its potency .

    虽然广泛的治疗总是带来新的抗药性风险,但是伯尔曼说,阿奇霉素广泛用于治疗 沙眼,从没失去效力。

  • Trachoma is transmitted person-to-person by ocular and respiratory secretions .

    沙眼通过眼睛和呼吸道分泌物在 人群中传播。

  • But several elements of the WHO 's strategy for dealing with trachoma need attention and improvement says the article including the spectre of potential bacterial resistance .

    但是该文章说,世界卫生组织应对 沙眼策略的几个组成部分需要得到关注和改善,包括可能的细菌耐药性的隐忧。

  • Trachoma is an indicator of public health and community health issues as well as a pathway to blindness for many individuals .


  • Having excluded other eye disorders which influenced visual acuity such as corneal diseases glaucoma fundus diseases corneal scarring due to trachoma ;

    除外角膜病、青光眼、眼底病、严重 沙眼性角膜混浊等影响视力的疾病;

  • Adapta_ble scope in clinically therapy : It can assist medicine treatment for trachoma caused by follicle or papilla .

    临床上的适用范围:对因滤泡、乳头引起的 沙眼病症进行辅助给药治疗。

  • Infectious causes include several viruses and bacteria including those that cause trachoma and gonorrhea both of which can lead to blindness .

    数种病毒和细菌会造成感染,包括 沙眼和淋病,二者都会造成眼盲。

  • What are the symptoms of trachoma ?


  • Blindness from trachoma occurs after years and years of repeated infection with the microorganism Chlamydia trachomatis .


  • For example Pfizer medicine is helping cure people with trachoma in poor countries .

    例如,辉瑞的一种药物是帮助治疗贫穷国家 颗粒 结膜炎 病人

  • Relative high detecting rates of trachoma were found in the rural primary and junior middle school students .

    乡村小学和初中生感染率相对最高, 城乡差异显著 缩小

  • Objective To investigate the clinical manifestation of trachoma and to select the appropriate laboratory test for clinical diagnosis .

    目的探讨 沙眼临床特征,选择适用于临床 病因学诊断的实验室检查方法。

  • Trachoma is the world 's leading cause of preventable blindness and the second cause of blindness after cataract .


  • Relationship between female infertility and ureaplasma urealyticum / Chlamydia trachoma infection

    女性不孕与解脲支原体和 沙眼 衣原体感染的关系

  • Inadequate sewerage spreads infections such as schistosomiasis trachoma viral hepatitis and cholera .

    污水处理不足会传播血吸虫病、 沙眼、病毒性肝炎和霍乱。

  • No bubble and trachoma produced directly grinding polishing and wrinkle treatment after welding .

    无气孔和 沙眼,焊接后可直接进行削磨,抛光加工及皮皱处理。

  • Crowded living conditions lack of sufficient water and sanitation services and contact with eye-seeking flies and fly-breeding sites near the homes are some of the many risk factors for trachoma .

    居住条件拥挤、缺乏足够的水分和卫生服务及接触家附近的眼飞蝇及苍蝇滋生地是 沙眼的多种危险因素。

  • To find a new method to detect trachoma chlamydia .

    目的:发现新的检测 沙眼衣原体的方法。

  • In the case of trachoma surgery and drug therapy are combined with improved access to sanitation .

    对于 沙眼的治疗,则采用手术和药物联合疗法,同时也提高公共卫生健康。

  • In Morocco trachoma has almost been completely cured in children .

    在摩洛哥 所有 颗粒 结膜炎的儿童已全部治好。

  • Elimination of blinding trachoma the leading infectious cause of blindness in the developing world is entirely possible by2020 says the New England Journal of Medicine .

    《新英格兰医学杂志》的一篇文章说,到2020年前消灭致盲 沙眼发展中国家主要的致盲传染病是完全可行的。

  • The Carter Center Health Programs Trachoma .

    卡特中心,健康计划, 沙眼

  • Infection and antimicrobial susceptibility of Chlamydia trachoma and mycoplasma

    沙眼 衣原体、支原体属感染及药物敏感度分析

  • What can be done to prevent and control trachoma and eliminate it as a cause of blindness ?

    怎样预防和控制 沙眼以及防止其导致失明?

  • Specific achievements include Ghana and Morocco both of whom have reported elimination of trachoma ( 2010 and2007 respectively ) .

    具体成果包括加纳和摩洛哥,两国都报告说消除了 沙眼(分别在2010年和2007年)。

  • Another one is called trachoma or river blindness .

    另外一种 疾病 沙眼,也叫做河盲。