transfer network

[trænsˈfɚ ˈnɛtˌwɚk][trænsˈfə: ˈnetwə:k]


  • This paper presents design and development of the application software over a brand-new system : Advanced Cell Transfer Network .

    高级信元 传输 网络是基于高级信元快速分组传输技术的一种全新设计的网络系统,该系统目前已实现了实验室系统。

  • As the hub of energy transfer network substation intelligence is of great significance .

    作为 电网中能量 传递的枢纽,变电站的智能化具有十分重要的意义。

  • Constructing rational railway passenger transfer network is a major issue of researching passenger transfer problem .

    铁路客运 换乘 网络的合理构造,是研究旅客换乘问题的核心内容。

  • DMA controller was used to transfer network data frame directly between the TRI and exterior SRAM without the interposition of embedded MCU . It can reduce the burden of MCU .

    DMA控制器用于在收发接口单元和外部SRAM直接 传输 网络数据帧而不需要嵌入式MCU的直接控制,这样可以减少微控制器的负担。

  • This paper focuses on an increasing mature Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) technology which not only low the cost of building up long-distance data transfer network system but also meet the security requirement .

    本文讲述一种利用日益成熟的虚拟专用网络(virtualprivatenetwork,简称VPN)技术,组建异地数据 远传 网络,它可以满足降低成本和保障数据安全两方面的要求。

  • Considering the specialty of China railway passenger transportation organization the transfer network was designed including its points and links .

    结合我国铁路旅客运输实际情况,设计了适合铁路运输特点的网络节点和弧段,构造了基于开行方案和停站方案的 换乘 网络

  • Based on the principles of pineh technology and engineering requirements the method of therrnodynamic analysis integration AED optimization of heat transfer network was expounded .

    根据窄点的基本原理和工程要求阐述了热量 传递 网络热力学分析及合成与调优方法。

  • Test and Analysis of Advanced Cell Transfer Network

    高级信元 传输 网络测试及分析

  • Evolutionary Game Analysis for the Formation and Development of Military-Civil Technology Transfer Network

    军民技术 转移 网络形成与发展的演化博弈分析

  • Part four explains the methods of transfer network and transfer network of passing to automatic return .

    第四部分阐述了 转移 网络和递归转移网络的方法。

  • The problem of passenger flow assignment of different consumption level in the transfer network can be concluded as a multi-level ( consumption level ) user equilibrium assignment problem .

    不同消费层次的客流在 换乘 网络上的分配问题,可以归结为一个多类用户(消费层次)的用户平衡交通分配问题。

  • Design and Development of Advanced Cell Transfer Network Driver Module

    高级信元 传输 网络驱动模块的设计与开发

  • Low cost long-distance data transfer network project & the analysis of principle of VPN and building cases and configuration methods

    低成本 远传 网络组建方案&VPN原理分析和组建实例及配置方法

  • This paper introduces the concept of QoS management and it 's relation to network management and presents a QoS management framework on optical transfer network .

    文章介绍了QoS管理的概念,以及和网络管理之间的关系,提出了一种光 传送 QoS管理的框架。

  • With the development of service requirements and the changing evolution of network forms it has been a Key issue in Fuzhou Unicom that how to establish the target architecture of the local multi-service carrying and transfer network In the new technology situation .

    随着业务需求的发展和网络形态的演进变化,在新技术形势下对本地多业务承载与 传送 网络目标架构的确立,已成为抚州联通本地 传输 网络发展中的关键问题。

  • Question answering system in network education based on chaptered ontology and transfer network

    基于章节本体和 转移 网络的自动答疑系统

  • Optimal design of passenger transfer network

    旅客 换乘 网络优化设计

  • This article describes the characteristics functionality layering connectivity survival technologies network management and connectivity monitoring technology of the optical transfer network . Besides it gives a brief introduction to enabling technologies of such a network .

    阐述了光 传送 的特征、功能和分层、连接、生存技术、网络管理和连接监视技术,并对实现光 传送 的关键技术进行了简要的介绍。

  • It also introduces the constitution the characteristic and the evolution path of complex online knowledge transfer network .

    并介绍复杂在线知识 转移 网络 网络构成、 网络特征及进化轨迹。

  • Due to the special construction of multiplexing system and maximal flexibility of multiplexing mechanism the digital television transfer system become the high speed information transfer network and there is not necessary to distinguish the species of information transfer .

    正是由于复用系统的特殊结构与复用机制极大的灵活性,使得数字电视传输系统成为可以不分信息传输种类的高速信息 传输 网络

  • Application and development of transfer network technology in power system telecommunication

    传送 技术在电力通信网的应用与发展

  • Conclusion Setting up an effective area transfer network made NICU utilized furthest the survival rate raised .

    结论建立有效的区域 转运,可使 NICU资源得到充分利用,大大提高危重患儿的抢救成功率;

  • How to establish its long-distance data transfer network reasonably and perfectly is an urgent problem .

    怎样合理地组建数据 远传 网络,是一个急需解决的问题。

  • Construction Design for the Data Transfer Network of Testing Devices in LIMS of Testing LAB for Medical Devices

    医疗器械质量检验实验室LIMS系统中试验仪器数据 传输 网络的构建设计

  • Visible Management Real Time System Used for Container Yard Base on RFID IC Tags and Wireless Data Transfer Network

    基于RFID电子标签和无线数据 传输 网络的可视化集装箱堆场实时信息管理系统

  • The optimal integration and simulation of heat transfer network is the most active area in the study of systematic engineering of heat utilization .

    热量 传递 网络的优化综合与模拟,一直是热量利用系统工程的最活跃的研究领域。

  • ⑶ Reality measure of complex online knowledge transfer network Using the complex network theory the online real dates are analyzed .

    ⑶复杂在线知识 转移 网络的现实测度。采集企业在线员工论坛的真实数据,借鉴复杂网络理论对数据进行分析。