transfer of property

[trænsˈfɚ ʌv ˈprɑpəti][trænsˈfə: ɔv ˈprɔpəti]


  • M & A is short for mergers and acquisitions and is essentially a transfer of property rights .

    并购是合并和收购的简称,本质上一种 产权 转让行为。

  • A gift is a present transfer of property by one person to another without any consideration or compensation .

    赠与是一方不考虑任何对价或补偿而现实的 转移 财产 所有权予另一方。

  • By the comparison of the trust receipt with some other legal systems such as the letter of hypothecation the trust of movable equipments and the transfer of property 's ownership for guarantee etc. the part explains the value of the trust receipt in the market economy .

    通过将信托收据与 质押权书、动产设备信托及 让与担保等相关信托收据法律制度研究中文提要 法律制度进行比较,阐明信托收据在市场经济中的价值。

  • A party to which a transfer of property rights or interest is made .


  • Both the possession or delivery of movable property and the registration of immovable property have credibility so their essence are protect the parties ' trust interests on the establishment and transfer of property and they can reflect the social justice and fairness .

    动产的占有和交付以及不动产的登记都具有公信力,其实质是保护交易当事人对于 物权设立和 变动的信赖利益,可以体现社会正义与公平。

  • Restricting any transfer of property or the setting of any other right to its property ;

    限制 转让 财产或者在财产上设定其他权利;

  • The transfer of property usually land to someone else

    财产 转让他人,通常指土地的 转让

  • The author thinks that since the law already stipulates the mining right is the property right so the transfer of mining right is the transfer of property right and apply to the property law contract law and other private regulations rather than public regulations .

    笔者认为,既然物权法已经规定了矿业权是物权,矿业权的 出让就是 物权 出让,应该适用物权法、合同法等私法的一般规定,不应该按照公法的规范来处理。

  • ( law ) a transfer of property by deed of conveyance .

    (律) 财产上的 让与行为。

  • Company merger is a kind of economic phenomenon and legal form in the compensated transfer of property right among companies .

    企业兼并是企业间 产权有偿 转让的一种经济现象和法律形式。

  • Participate in important decision-making on utilization and allocation of funds loans guarantee foreign investment transfer of property rights assets reconstruction of etc.

    参与公司资金使用和调度、贷款担保、对外投资、 产权 转让、资产重组等重大决策活动。

  • Investment in land arrangement management and utilization of rearranged plot and transfer of property rights are all involve the change of proprietary economic relations .

    土地整理投资、整理地块经营使用及 产权 转移均涉及其产权经济关系的变化,而且在这一变化过程中,土地价格起着非常重要的作用。

  • Property in order to achieve the transfer of property value and the value of the collateral reasonable transfer system is designed to effectively promote the circulation of collateral .

    财产 流转方能实现 财产的保值和增值,合理的抵押物转让制度的设计可有效地促进抵押物的流转。

  • Transfer of property from ecclesiastical to civil possession .

    从教会到国民拥有的 财产 移交

  • Chapter four analyses the internal control of pitching out assets . The emphases are examination and approve of evaluating and pitching out assets the transfer of property rights .

    第四章分析了资产投出阶段的内部会计控制,提出对资产作价审批、资产 转移 产权 转移进行重点控制,主要采用 财产保全以及岗位分工等控制方法与手段。

  • A party to which a transfer of property rights or interest is made . therefore he had a protected property interest .


  • A transfer of property by deed . Probing into pushing forward Guangdong industry transition 's tax collecting countermeasures

    财产 让渡通过契约的 财产 转移推进广东产业转移转型税收对策探讨

  • With a large number of multinational companies affiliated enterprises has attracted international attention resulting from the transactions to evade taxes the transfer of property and a series of legal problem attracts jurists ' and legislators ' attention .

    随着跨国公司的大量出现,关联企业更引起了国际上的注意,由此而产生的关联交易、逃避纳税、 转移 财产等一系列法律问题也引起了法学家和立法者的注意。

  • The nature of the circulation of collective construction land is the transfer of property rights .

    集体建设用地流转的本质是 产权 流转

  • With the development of science and technology the trading of the shares of listed companies electronic transfer of property rights no longer exist stamp duty should be abolished and instead levy a tax on stock transactions .

    随着科技的发展,我国上市公司股票的交易实现了电子 产权 转移书据不复存在,应该取消股票印花税,而改征股票交易税。

  • Transfer of property without ownership is one of controversial question in civil law .


  • Transfer of Property Rights : How to Find Qualified Investors ?

    产权 转让:怎样选择合格的投资者?

  • Making the majority of mortgages assumable with the transfer of property to new buyers under acceptable conditions could reduce foreclosures .

    降低大多数抵押贷款的成本,以可接受的条件 房产 转手给新买家,也许能够减少房产止赎。

  • Initially this system aims to avoid the feudal law by people invented that was the transfer of property unreasonable restrictions .

    最初,人们发明这一制度的目的在于规避当时的封建法律对 财产 转移的种种不合理限制。

  • Trust as a kind of transfer of property and management system of the property has two important Legal functions : constructing the property right of trust assets again ;

    信托作为一种 财产 转移和财产管理制度,具有两项重要的法律功能:可以重构信托资产的财产权利,能够使信托资产与信托当事人的破产风险相互隔离。

  • Loss arising from transfer of property

    财产、厂房和设备 转让给联号的损失

  • Assisting the transfer of property into cash financial instruments or negotiable securities ;

    协助将 财产 转换为现金、金融票据、有价证券的;