transfer peak

[trænsˈfɚ pik][trænsˈfə: pi:k]


  • Experiments show that droplet transfer keep all to one-peak-zero-base type under controlling by this method as the welding parameter varies such as peak current base current and pulse frequency .

    它是一种物理状态控制法。试验表明:当 峰值电流、基 电流、脉冲频率等焊接参数改变时,本方法均能保持熔滴 过渡为1 0基的过渡。

  • The direct electron transfer of functionalized MWNT was investigated at graphite electrode . It was applied to the determination of tryptophan enantiomers with this modified electrode . There were some differences on the current and potential peak between the enantiomers .

    研究了该CNT在石墨电极上的直接电子 转移反应和对于手性色氨酸的测定,实验发现该电极对D,L&色氨酸有微弱的 电流和电位差异。

  • Meanwhile in different working condition the measuring of the same noise transfer path gives results that have minor offset of peak values positions between each test .

    通过对不同的工况下同一噪声 传递路径的测量分析,发现了 传递函数的 峰值存在频率偏移。

  • The charge transfer resistance R_ ( ct ) values near CV peak are small .

    掺杂尖晶石锂锰氧化物的电荷 传递电阻在 电位处有较小值;

  • Some cracks appear on the shearwalls which are supported steel transfer trusses until the peak accelerations of the earthquake waves to reach 0.9 g so the shearwalls are in good seismic performance .

    在加速度 峰值 0.9g地震波作用下,两端支承钢桁架筒体剪力墙才出现裂缝,表明连接部位剪力墙受力性能较好;

  • Finally this paper in combination with the concept of transfer ratio applied to actual system discusses relevant laws of the peak value of tie-line power fluctuation after severe disturbance .

    最后,结合算例应用 转移比的概念探讨了大扰动后联络线功率波动 峰值的相关规律。

  • It was confirmed that transfer of lone pair electron on N atom and л electron on benzene ring and quinone ring to Sn 's 5d empty orbit lead to the shift of absorption peak of PANI ;

    复合后部分聚苯胺红外吸收 发生移动,这是由于聚苯胺内氮原子孤对电子和苯醌结构中的π电子向Sn原子空轨道 转移造成的。

  • There is energy transfer between Tb ~ ( 3 + ) and sparfloxacin which strengthens the characteristic peak of Tb ~ ( 3 + ) at 545 nm . Based on this reaction we propose a simple new method for the fluorescence spectrum determination of Sparfloxacin .

    司帕沙星与Tb3+存在能量 转移关系,使Tb3+545nm处的特征荧光 大为增强,据此建立了稀土离子Tb3+增敏荧光光谱测定司帕沙星的新方法。

  • The outcome analysis on tests of water and salt transfer in ultra-root layer under irrigation conditions of loess table lands show that there are two obvious peak zones near the area where water distribution depth is 1.8 m and 7.8 m and ;

    黄土原灌区灌溉条件下超根层黄土中水盐 运移试验成果分析表明:水分分布在埋深1.8m和7.8m附近具有2个明显的 峰值带;

  • Up to surface free energies difference of 18-22 mJ / m2 condensation heat transfer coefficient approaches the peak value and dropwise condensation occurs .

    表面自由能差在18~22mJ/m~2范围冷凝 传热系数 出现 高峰,即 达到滴状冷凝。

  • Methods A pair of G6PD specific fluorescein labeled oligonucleotide hybridization probe were designed according to the principles of fluorescence resonance energy transfer . The melting curve peak area and melting temperature were observed at different concentrations of template and Mg 2 + for the mode of melting curves .

    方法利用荧光共振能量 转移的原理,设计检测人葡萄糖6磷酸脱氢酶(G6PD)基因的荧光杂交探针,在熔解曲线模式下,设定不同模板量、Mg2+浓度,观察熔解 曲线峰面积及其Tm值。

  • Peak transfer group information peak limit group information load control electricity restriction group information .

    错峰群纽信,&、 群组信息、负控限电群组信息。

  • At low heat transfer rate they almost reach their peak vaules at the same time .

    传热率较低时两者几乎同时达到 峰值,传热率较高时压力峰值略有滞后。

  • The results show : at lower pressure ratio heat transfer condition on the plug surface is the worst peak values of pressure and temperature appear along the wall of plug nozzle temperature and temperature gradient along the section of wall reach the highest .

    计算结果表明塞式喷管发动机在较低压比的工况下工作时,塞锥 受热状况较为恶劣,塞锥壁面出现压强和温度的 峰值,该截面内部的温度和温度梯度达到最大。

  • The OFDM technology improves the spectrum utilization efficiency and data transfer speed but it needs the power amplifier to be fit for high peak to average ratio and high linear requirements .

    OFDM技术提高了频谱利用率的同时也提高了数据 传输速度,但是也给功放系统提出了高的 均比(PAR,Peak-to-AverageRatio)和高的线性等要求。

  • The transfer function in IF is synthesized using basic SDF ( Synthetic Discriminant Functions ) technique so the method has the merit of rotation invariance sharp correlation peak and perfect discriminant ability .

    该算法用实现旋转不变识别的基本综合鉴别函数方法合成逆滤波器的 传递函数,既可识别旋转变化的图像,又具有逆滤波固有的相关 尖锐、区分能力强的特点。

  • The tunable filter property of photonic crystals is studied by the transfer matrix method . The effect of electric field on transmission spectrum peak wavelength intensity multi-channel and band wide is numerically calculated . The results show that the filter has good filtering .

    传输矩阵法研究了铁电液晶缺陷光子晶体的可调谐滤波特性,计算了电场对滤波器透射 的位置、强度、个数和带宽的影响,结果表明该滤波器呈现良好的滤波功能。

  • It is found that the larger the RHE heat transfer area and the higher height difference the easier the establishment of the natural circulation in the third loop but at the same time the higher the peak value of the secondary loop pressure .

    分析结果表明: 热面积越大,冷热芯位差越大,有利于自然循环的建立,但同时二回路压力 峰值也越大。

  • The magnitude of energy transfer presents the double peak effect to lanthanide .

    这作用与镧系离子 呈现 双峰变化关系。

  • Ice-storage air conditioning system is a system which is a relatively new and able to carry out day load transfer can do shift peak load Valley adjustable to the power grid .

    冰蓄冷空调系统是一种比较新颖的、能够对日用电负荷进行 转移,对电网进行移 填谷调节的空调系统。

  • The transmission probability of electrons in the multi-layer barrier and well can be calculated by using transfer matrix method where the transmission resonance peak in the calculation can be regarded as a good energy filter .

    利用 传递矩阵法可计算电子在多层势垒势阱中的传输几率谱,并得到能作为好的能量过滤体的透射共振

  • The research results prove that the bottom concrete slab may improve its bearing capacity greatly and decrease the compress stress in the bottom steel flange at the mid-support region as well as transfer the stress peak from the mid-support to mid-span .

    研究发现了下层混凝土板可以在在较大程度上提高梁的弹塑性承载力,并显著降低内支座钢梁的应力, 应力 峰值从内支座 转移至边跨跨中。

  • Heat transfer film coefficient and Nusselt number increase greatly with increasing fluid temperature firstly then decrease after reaching peak values .

    传热膜系数α及努塞尔特数Nu随流体温度的增加迅速上升,当达到 峰值后,又随温度的增加而下降。

  • The redox processeses of all the compounds were dominated by diffusion - controlled electron transfer reactions resulting from linear increasing of peak currents with the square root of scan rates .

    在化合物氧化还原过程中,扩散控制电子 转移过程受 电流与扫描速率的平方根呈线性关系制约。

  • Local heat transfer coefficient increased with the increase of the horizontal space and with the decrease of the longitudinal space . After the detachment of the laminar boundary Layer rapid increase of the heat transfer coefficient is found and the peak value surpasses that of the impinging point .

    局部换热系数随滴形管横向间距的增大和纵向间距的减小而增强,在层流边界层脱体以后,均出现了 热系数的急剧回升,且换热 峰值均超过了撞击点处的值;

  • Experiment system of standard moisture transfer is invented on the base of S600 peak system .

    本文基于 S600 顶峰系统研制出了一套标准散湿源实验系统。

  • The transfer of irrigation infiltration water has double grading of micropore seepage and preferential flow that the transfer of preferential flow is rapid and the concentrated humid peak of micropore seepage is slow and ;

    灌溉入渗水运移具有微孔隙渗流和优先流的双重特征,优先流 运移迅速,微孔隙渗流集中湿润 运移缓慢;