transfer reports

[经] 转让(过户)报告

  • Rafa Benitez 's January transfer fund will again be nothing even if he does sell players to raise funds for himself according to reports today .

    今天有 报道 声称,哪怕贝尼特斯通过卖人获得资金,这笔钱也不会被用在 转会市场上。

  • It should also be possible to transfer through serial links the files to employer 's network for management reports .

    就管理 报告而言,还可通过串联向业主网络 传输文件。

  • Reds boss Rafa Benitez wants to sign a new striker now that the transfer window has opened and reports claim he would rather try and re-sign Heskey than go for Real Madrid 's Ruud van Nistelrooy .

    红军主帅拉法·贝尼特斯希望在 转会窗口开启之际签下一名前锋, 报道称相比皇马前锋范尼,拉法更想重签赫斯基。

  • With regard to serious cases of violation of invoice management regulations which constitute crimes tax authorities shall transfer written reports to judicial organs for treatment .

    对违反发票管理法规情节严重构成犯罪的,税务机关应当书面 移送司法机关处理。

  • But the transfer never went through and reports have suggested that Liverpool are now favourites to sign a pre-contract agreement with Chamakh whose current deal expires in the summer .

    但是现在,这桩 转会不会得到通过。现在有 报道说利物浦现在对和查马克达成一个提前的个人约定很有兴趣。

  • Also although they are highly sophisticated investors they are not in a position to transfer large numbers of staff to a new acquisition monitor the performance regulate its activities sign off the annual reports and do all the day - to-day micro managing required .

    而且,虽然他们都是非常老练的投资者,但他们并不能 新收购的企业派出大量员工、监控其经营、管理其行为、停止发布 年报,并事无巨细地掌控所有日常微观管理。