transform layer

[trænsˈfɔrm ˈleɚ][trænsˈfɔ:m ˈleiə]


  • Then introducing stretching transform and using the Bessel functions of 1 / 4 and-1 / 4 order the interior layer solution is constructed .

    然后引入伸展变量 变换,并利用1/4和-1/4阶Bessel函数,构造在转向点附近的 内层解。

  • Integration Transform for Solving Two-Parameter Layer Foundation Model

    求解双参数 层状地基模型的积分 变换

  • The preprocessing layer of the wavelet neural network is wavelet transform and activation function consists of the hidden layer of the wavelet neural network . If the hidden layer of the wavelet neural network is wavelet function a new wavelet neural network is constructed .

    小波神经网络的预处理层作的是小波 变换,隐 用的是极性函数,如果隐层用小波函数,可构成另一种小波神经网络。

  • It was found that the magnetic field treated water accelerated the hematite ( Fe 2O 3 ) to transform into the magnetite ( Fe 3O 4 ) which formed a compact layer of composite oxides on the inside surface of the pipe and so the pipe was protected .

    磁场水处理使得Fe2O3在铁管表面形成 致密的复合氧化物Fe3O4,对 铁管起保护作用。

  • The frequency-shared interpretation is that transforming the seismic data in a short-window into the frequency domain by the discrete Fourier Transform or Maximum Entropy evalution after removing the wavelet influence it can distinguish the boundary between the thin layer and discontinuous geologic body using frequency-amplitude spectrum .

    分频解释技术是将一个短时窗内的地震数据通过离散的 傅立叶 交换或最大熵谱估计转换为频率域,去除子波的影响后,利用频率-振幅谱来识别 薄层和不连续地质体的边界。

  • The Pipeline architecture is employed to design the wavelet transform module implement different layer of the wavelet decomposition in different module to improve operational efficiency .

    小波 变换模块采用流水线设计,即把各 小波变换分成各个模块独立实现,以提高运算效率。

  • Applications of the Wavelet Transform to Characterize the Oxide Layer Interlayer and Thickness Fluctuation in Multilayer Structures

    小波 变换表征多层膜氧化 、界面层和膜厚漂移

  • Analysis of dynamic images based on wavelet transform in a hypersonic boundary layer

    基于小波 变换的高超声速边界 动态图像分析

  • At first the dimension-less variables are used to transform the equilibrium equations of any layer to perturbation differential equations .

    首先利用无量纲变量 合板任一 的平衡方程 变成以位移表示的摄动型微分方程式;

  • Firstly Wavelet packet transform is introduced to extract features of vibration measured data and information fusion of data layer is conducted by assembling feature vectors of different sensors .

    首先应用小波包 变换对结构振动测试数据进行特征提取,通过不同传感器特征向量的合成完成数据 融合;

  • Using the Fourier transform due to boundary conditions of simply support solutions of a single magneto-electro-elastic layer in the form of initial state vector and transfer matrix are obtained in Fourier transform space from the state vector equations .

    对状态变量方程进行Fourier 变换,得到了状态变量表示的单层压电压磁弹性 合板在Fourier变换空间中的解,导出了多 层压电压磁弹性 合板的表达式。

  • Analysis by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( FT-IR ) reveals the FTIR characteristic and bonding characterization of Si_3N_4 . The results indicate that surface oxygen-rich layer emerges because of the surface characteristics and the surface effect of nano-materials .

    利用 傅立叶红外光谱仪分析了氮化硅纳米粉体红外光谱和键态结构的特性,结果表明:氮化硅的表面特性和纳米材料的表面效应导致富氧 的存在。

  • Here fast Fourier transform is used to finish the calculation of Hankel transform in case of a dipole exciting in arbitrary planar layer media .

    针对任意平面 分层的非 均匀介质情形,以偶极子激励为例,应用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)来完成汉克尔 变换计算。

  • Talking about construction technology of concrete beam-type transform layer structure

    混凝土梁式 转换 结构施工技术探讨

  • After forming every subassembly class successfully bring forward some means of resolving key techniques which are subassembly select geometry transform save layer technique and data exchange etc.

    在组织好各个组件类的基础之上,提出了在系统开发过程中遇到的组件的拾取、几何 变换、存储、 图层技术和系统数据交换这些关键技术的解决办法。

  • Modified discrete cosine transform ( MDCT ) is widely used in audio compression such as the MPEG audio layer III codec .

    修正离散余弦 变换MDCT)在音视频信号编码中得到广泛地应用,其快速算法在实时编解码系统中尤为重要。

  • Three-layer structure of web applications of dynamic release of ocean fisheries information based on XML is introduced in this paper . Data transform between database and XML Mies and XML display mode on express layer are emphatically discussed .

    文章介绍了XML的大洋渔业信息动态发布的Web应用三层结构,并着重论述了数据库和XML文档之间数据 转换以及XML在表示 的显示模式。

  • Case study on transform layer in high-rise residential building

    某高层住宅楼 转换 施工案例分析

  • First wavelet transform method was used to check saltation points . Second the response of the variance of soil moisture of each layer was explored through the analysis of mutual spectrum .

    研究运用小波 变换对各 土壤水分序列的突变点进行了检测,根据相干谱和互谱特征分析了各 土壤水分变化的响应关系;

  • Seismic parameter integrated processing methods aim to transform the process of integrated study into computerized processing and to transform seismic parameters picked up according to the target layer into the language of geological description .

    建立了一套计算机上可 实现的地震参数综合研究的 算法和程序, 地震参数综合处理方法变为计算机处理过程,再将地球 物理数据 转换为地质解释语言。

  • Because the wavelet transform can be a very good high frequency and low frequency separation layer has a very good effect to better achieve the layered video transmission . ( 3 ) In the fault-tolerant control .

    由于小波 变换能够将高频和低频部分很好的分开,有着很好的 分层作用,能更好的实现视频的分层传输。3、在容错控制方面。

  • In the application of wavelet transform to compress the radar image the wavelet function and the layer of decomposition must be chosen .

    选取不同小波基和分解 层数会对图像的压缩性能造成影响,所以小波 变换在雷达图像压缩的应用中,小波函数以及分解 层数的选择是必须解决的问题。

  • Dual tree complex wavelet transform in the direction of each layer with the selective production of six sub-band respectively .

    对偶树复小波 变换在每一 产生六个具有方向选择性的子带,分别指向±15°,+45°,±75°。

  • Orthonormal wavelet transform is applied to experimental data of boundary layer turbulence including multi-scale decomposition and high frequency noise removing .

    利用离散正交 小波在若刊物理判别准则下对边界 湍流脉动信号时行去噪和多尺度分解,从而有效地区分出均匀各向同性小涡成份和大尺度含能涡旋成份。

  • Similarly if a channel is a B2B gateway that uses a specific industry data standard then middleware should be used to transform the channel-specific data format into the chosen canonical data form used within the Process and Business Services layer .

    类似地,如果通道是使用特定行业数据标准的B2B网关,那么应该使用中间件将特定于通道的数据格式 转换为Process和BusinessServices 中所选的规范化数据形式。