transfer request

[trænsˈfɚ rɪˈkwɛst][trænsˈfə: riˈkwest]


  • Create client implementation to gather and transfer the request object to the simulator service .

    生成客户端实现以收集 请求对象并 传递给模拟器服务。

  • Gets a collection of request headers and request values to transfer along with the request .

    获取要随请求一起 传输 请求标头和请求值的集合。

  • Second it adopts a authentication based mobile Agent transfer protocol to refuse the transfer request of malicious Agents .

    采用一种基于证书的移动代理迁移协议,拒绝不合法代理 迁移至主机的 要求

  • Your transfer request will remain active in our system for30 days after which time it will expire .

    您的 汇款 要求将保持活跃在我们的系统后30日内,届时将到期。

  • However this was overshadowed by him playing Ian Wright on the left wing and the subsequent fall out led to Wright putting in a transfer request after being dropped .

    另外他也有过让赖特打左边路的蠢事,导致后者状态下滑,上场机会减少,最后 提出 转会

  • The writing was on the wall and it also appeared on the paperwork submitted to Villa yesterday afternoon when Downing submitted a formal transfer request .

    事情已经公开了,昨天下午堂宁向维拉俱乐部递交了正式的 转会 请求

  • The algorithm encodes and classifies the contents and then divides nodes into group and selects node according to the transfer request forwarded by the classified information .

    该算法首先对内容进行编码和分类,再根据分类信息在 请求 转发时进行节点组的划分和节点的选择。

  • The core notifies the driver using previously registered callback functions after the transfer request is completed .

    传送 请求完成后,核心会使用以前注册的回调函数来通知驱动程序。

  • Finally the reasons for pragmatic transfer in expressing request by Chinese learners of English are discussed .

    此外,由于受到汉语权势的影响,中国英语学习者在使用 请求语时受社会权势影响较大而英语本族人受社会权势影响较小,这也是造成英语学习者社交语用 迁移产生的主要原因之一。

  • This procedure essentially permits multiple RPC calls to be embedded within a single request to minimize the transfer tax of the request over the network .

    这一程序从本质上允许在单个请求中嵌入多个RPC调用,来最小化通过网络 请求 transfertax。

  • But the second offer was accepted as the England hitman made an official transfer request .

    但是第二次当英格兰中锋向俱乐部提交了 转会 申请之后,报价被接受了。

  • At the present more and more communication network uses the 2M circuit for the transmission of differential protection so it is very high for the transfer request of 2M channel .

    目前,在电力通信网中,纵联电流差动保护越来越多的采用2M电路作为传输通道,因此对2M通道的 传输 要求也越来越高。

  • SOAP uses serializers and deserializers to translate from the native language of a software application to the SOAP protocols that transfer the request and response over the network .

    SOAP使用序列化器和反序列化器将软件应用程序的本机语言转换为SOAP协议,以在网络上 传输 请求和响应。

  • The Barclays Premier League champions had a bid for the26-year-old rejected last week with Torres handing in a transfer request the day after .

    上周英超联赛冠军对这位26岁西班牙前锋的报价遭到了利物浦的拒绝,而之后托雷斯书面提交了 转会 申请

  • In all three portlet types a property transfer is triggered when a request parameter is presented to the action request with the name and value given in the Cooperative Source wizard .

    在三个portlet类型中,当带有CooperativeSource向导中特定名称和值的 请求参数出现在行为请求中时,属性 转换就会触发。

  • The registry rejected the transfer request due to an ineligible domain status .

    该注册表拒绝 传输 请求,由于不合格的域的状态。

  • · The status transfer of request in queue is analyzed deeply for sketching the status transfer pattern of request in pipe queue and batch queue .

    请求在队列中的状态 迁移进行了深入分析,勾画了请求在管道队列以及批处理队列中的状态迁移模式。

  • File Transfer slave received a request to terminate .

    文件 传输从属收到一个终止 请求

  • Especially the Priority of the Contractor whether to include profits and consumers Priority of the Contractor the right to housing transfer request a number of competing Priority of the Contractor when the repayment order and so on may have some innovation .

    特别是对承包人优先受偿权是否包含利润、承包人优先受偿权与消费者的房屋 过户 请求权、多个承包人优先受偿权竞合时的受偿顺序等问题,可能具有一定的创新。

  • The micro-computer and the field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) realize the control part of this T / R signal processor appealing the high speed transfer request and the transform of communication protocol between MCU and this signal processor .

    系统控制部分用单片机和现场可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)来实现,完成了数据的高速 传输 要求,以及单片机和收/发信机部分的通信协议转换。

  • · E_requestDenied : ( 30210 ) A custody transfer request has been refused .

    ·ErequestDenied:( 30210)一个托管 迁移操作被拒绝。

  • After a fraught summer during which T é vez handed in an official transfer request and was unsuccessfully pursued by former club Corinthians the Argentina striker returned to training on Monday .

    一个喧嚣的夏天快要结束了,此间特为兹上交了正式的 转会 申请,但是却没有被他的前俱乐部成功买走,所以阿根廷人在星期一返回球队参加了训练。

  • City 's chiefs are still convinced Tevez 's transfer request is about money .

    曼城的高官们依然相信特为兹的 转会 请求是出于金钱的目的。

  • In the queue registers every transfer request is subdivided into read requests and write requests . Read requests are controlled by read transfer state machine write requests are controlled by write transfer state machine .

    在队列寄存器组中将 传输 请求分为读请求和写请求,分别由读传输状态机和写传输状态机控制执行。

  • If you have locked your Domain Name from the Control Panel provided by the Current Registrar then a Transfer Request for that Domain Name will not be allowed .

    如果你在当前注册商的控制面板里锁定了你的域名的话,该域名是不能 转移的。你得先解锁你的域名然后才能 提交 转移 申请

  • Instead you must initiate a transfer request to copy data into your local store .

    相反,您必须发起一个 传输 请求将数据复制到本地存储中。

  • Any bank other than the advising bank who are requested to transfer this credit must request the permission from the issuing bank by SWIFT .

    任何银行,除了通知行要求 转让此信用证,必须用SWIFT电文 通知开证行得到其许可。

  • The loop () subroutine then loops forever waiting for a Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) request and then answering with the data needed .

    loop()子例程无限循环,等待一个Hypertext TransferProtocol(HTTP) 请求,然后用所需数据进行回答。