transfer table

[trænsˈfɚ ˈtebəl][trænsˈfə: ˈteibl]


  • This paper analyzed the excellent transfer property of all-phase DFT digital filter and presented the all-phase adaptive notch algorithm based on the filter coefficient decimation look-up table .

    本文分析了全相位DFT数字滤波器优良的频域 传输特性,进而提出基于滤波器系数抽取查找 的全相位自适应陷波算法。

  • Automatic transfer between absorption and elimination of the substrate at the table .

    自动进行 工作 吸附承印物和解除吸附的 转换

  • When you are pleased with what you are watching you directly transfer various times to the time table and voila !

    当你满意你的查看结果时,你直接 时间程序 移植时间表中就完啦!

  • Secondly data of land use transfer matrix during the research period and the data of soil erosion on deferent land use types were obtained through statistical calculation of the new-created GRID attribute table ;

    对新生成GRID属性 的数据进行统计计算,获得研究时段内不同空间范围的土地利用 转移矩阵数据及各类用地上的土壤侵蚀数据;

  • Numerical Simulation on Simultaneous Soil Moisture and Heat Transfer under Shallow Ground Water Table in Winter

    地下水浅埋条件下越冬期土壤水热 迁移的数值模拟

  • It is difficult to determine parameters such as the heat transfer coefficient and the thermal conductivity of the runout table cooling process because of its complex nature ( e.g. highly nonlinear time varying ) .

    由于 后冷却过程具有非线性、参数时变等综合复杂特性,给确定冷却过程中的 热系数、导热系数等关键模型参数带来很大困难。

  • Also the vector radiative transfer code developed can be used to generate the exact Rayleigh scattering look up table for Chinese second generation ocean color remote sensors which have high performances .

    开发的加倍法解矢量辐射 传输 方程软件包可直接用于我国第二代高性能海洋水色遥感器精确瑞利散射查找 的生成。

  • The behaviors of SRC beam transferring structure which is the major research of this dissertation is studied from four aspects : ( 1 ) Pseudo-static test of transfer structure shaking table test of a whole frame model with transferring story and a field measurement ;

    本文的主要工作是研究型钢混凝土梁式转换框架结构的受力性能问题,为此,从以下四个方面:① 转换框架结构的拟静力试验、整体结构的模拟地震振动 试验和施工现场实测;

  • Status prediction technique based on Markov process analysis techniques a detailed study of prediction hypothesis prediction model the basic steps the initial status transfer matrix equilibrium analysis prediction table pointer analysis are studied .

    状态预测技术是基于马尔科夫过程分析技术的整体预测,详细研究了预测过程的预测假设、预测模型,基本步骤、初始状态、 转移矩阵、平衡态分析、预测指针 分析等。

  • The heat transfer model of underground structures involves the wall floor roof foundation footing gravel sand and the soil layer . The influence of the water table line and thermal insulations on energy consumption of underground structures is taken into consideration . 4 .

    地下结构 传热模型包括了墙壁、地板、屋顶、地基、基脚、砾砂层以及大地土壤层等,考虑了地下 水位线和隔热保温对地下结构室内能耗的影响。

  • While the US is pushing to transfer 5 per cent of the voting shares from advanced economies to emerging countries and for the reform of governance the UK and some other European nations want reform of shareholdings that does not threaten their own seats at the table .

    美国希望将5%的投票权份额从发达经济体 转移给新兴国家,并要求对机构治理进行改革,但英国和其它欧洲国家希望投票权份额改革不会威胁到他们自身的 席位

  • In order to analyze the systematic reliability automatically a model of fault transfer table for describing fault system is developed in two aspects : ( 1 ) the format of fault transfer table is improved obviously ;

    为了对系统的可靠性进行自动化分析,本文在两个方面发展了进行故障系统描述的故障 传递 模型:(1)对故障传递表的格式进行了较大改进;

  • The outcome analysis on tests of water and salt transfer in ultra-root layer under irrigation conditions of loess table lands show that there are two obvious peak zones near the area where water distribution depth is 1.8 m and 7.8 m and ;

    黄土原灌区灌溉条件下超根层黄土中水盐 运移试验成果分析表明:水分分布在埋深1.8m和 7.8m附近具有2个明显的峰值带;

  • The coarse-grained soil as embankment fill can meet the basic condition of heat transfer theory to uplift artificial permafrost table .

    粗颗粒土作为填料可以满足路堤人为 上限抬升的基本 热学条件;

  • The basic dimension of this enterprise knowledge space is the knowledge acquisition transfer and evolution . And the main form is the co-evolution of the enterprise technical knowledge and attribute knowledge . ( Table 0-1 ) The main body of this article is the chapter ⅳ to ⅷ .

    这个企业知识空间以企业知识的创造、 转移和应用为基本维度,以企业技术知识和属性知识协同演化为主要表现形式(如 0-1)。

  • The energy flow fault class is put forward so as to supplement the fault transfer table .

    提出了能流故障类,以它为故障 传递 描述的补充。

  • The circumferential distribution of the heat transfer coefficient has been achieved by establishing heat transfer experiment table of rising liquid film on the microscale fluted surface of horizontal tubes . And compare and analyzed different heat flux and strengthen measures of the microscale fluted surface of horizontal tubes .

    建立水平螺旋微槽管壁面升膜 传热试验 ,得出水平螺旋微槽管壁面升膜换热系数在周向上的分布,并对不同热流密度及强化措施进行分析比较。

  • For example Microsoft says an outdoors-shop customer could use a surface table to customize a snowboard and transfer an image of his creation to a mobile device simply by putting it on the table .

    例如,微软实体店消费者可以通过该 产品实现产品自定义并 传送图片到手机等移动设备中。

  • LED two digital display . The data that be measured is transfer to percutaneous value according to the comparision table .

    检测数据LED二位数字显示,通过对照 可将所测数据 转换成经皮胆红素值。