

[医] 经额的

  • Objective : Twenty cases of traumatic delayed blindness by treatment of transfrontal decompression of optic nerve were reported .

    目的:报告20例经 视神经减压 开放 治疗外伤后迟发失明。

  • Methods : Transfrontal craniotomy bony optic canal decompress and opening optic sheath were performed .

    方法: 冠状 切口 开颅 硬膜 ,视神经管上壁骨性减压,并剪开视神经鞘膜。

  • Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of transfrontal craniotomy decompression of optic nerve on traumatic blindness .

    目的评价 开颅视神经减压 开放 在治疗严重视神经损伤失明病人的效果。

  • Objectives To analyse the cause of frontal sinusitis after transfrontal craniotomy and to explore the methods of pre-venting and treating it .

    目的分析 开颅术后出现额窦炎的原因,探讨其防治措施。

  • Conclusion Transfrontal craniotomy for decompression of optic nerve is the only way to completely decompress the optic nerve .

    结论 开颅视神经减压 开放 是唯一能彻底减压视神经的手术方式。

  • Methods 31 patients with total blindness were treated by transfrontal craniotomy decompression of optic nerve which allowed complete decompression of the optic canal incision of optic sheath and removal of apical orbital bone fragments .

    方法应用 开颅视神经减压 开放术治疗术治疗 完全失明( 光感)患者31例,全程开放视神经管及视神经鞘膜,并取出眶尖的碎骨片。

  • Except for performing transfrontal operations due to a giant suprasellar tumor mass in 4 cases the transsphenoidal approach was adopted in 122 cases . There was no operative death .

    除4例因鞍上瘤块过大而 采用 外,其余122例均采用经蝶窦入路显微手术 肿瘤, 无死亡。

  • Clinical Observation of Lateral Transfrontal Approach for Anterior Basicranial and Saddle Surgery But the retrusion of alveolar mandible led to chin protrusion .

    外侧 对前颅底鞍区病变手术的临床观察前颅底和下颌骨发育正常,而下牙槽突代偿性后缩可导致成年腭裂患者的假性颏前突。

  • Conclusion Appropriate treatment aimed at different frontal sinusitis in degree and in period when it occurred after transfrontal craniotomy is a reasonable maneuver .

    结论针对不同时期、不同程度的 开颅术后额窦炎,采用不同的治疗 措施,是处理该 病人的合理方式。

  • Applied anatomy of transfrontal and under corpus callosum approach for pituitary tumorectomy

    胼胝体下入 垂体瘤切除术的应用解剖