transferred labor

[trænsˈfɝd ˈlebɚ][trænsˈfəːd ˈleibə]


  • Manufacturing is divided transferred and rearranged worldwide as the developing evolving and deepening of the international labor division . Undertaking the international industry transferring China has become the third largest manufacturing country in scale .

    由于国际 分工的不断发展、演变和深化,世界制造业也逐渐在全球范围内分工、 转移和重组,通过承接国际产业转移,目前中国在全球制造业的规模已上升 世界第三位。

  • China is a populous country being transferred from an agricultural society to industrial society . According to projections there are more than 100 million rural surplus labor even more in the future .

    我国是一个正在 农业社会向工业社会发展的人口大国,据推算,我国目前有1亿多农村剩余 劳动力,未来还有增长的趋势。

  • The number of newly added urban employees and that of transferred rural labor force in the five years will reach 40 million respectively and the registered unemployment rate in cities and towns will be kept at around 5 percent .

    五年城镇新增就业和 转移农业 劳动力各达到4000万人,城镇登记失业率控制在5%左右。

  • Since the changing period in China the focus of labor force supply and demand increase in China has been apparently transferred into the town areas but it is not to be ignored that in China the focus of the left labor force is still in the countryside .

    转型时期以来,我国劳动力供需增长重心都已明显地 转移到城镇地区,但也不可忽视全国 劳动力 存量重心仍在农村。既有需求的原因,也有供给的原因;

  • The quantity transferred from agricultural to industry is affected by marginal product of labor in agriculture marginal agricultural surplus average agricultural surplus and real wage marginal product of labor in industry .

    农业剩余劳动力的 转移量受到农业部门 劳动边际产出、农业边际剩余、农业平均剩余、工业部门实物工资以及工业部门劳动边际产出的影响。

  • Found mostly in rural areas transferred out of the young the male culture of high quality and transfer of the employment industry the uneven distribution of labor .

    发现农村 转移出去的大部分是年轻、文化素质较高的男性,而且转移 劳动力的就业行业分布不均。

  • The product costs transferred from preceding department and the costs of direct materials and direct labor incurred in each processing department are debited to the department 's work in process account .

    以前步骤 转入的制造成本和本月发生的直接材料和直接 人工从借方记入本步骤的在产品账户。

  • However now most of the military plotting is made by hand or semi-automatic operation in a long cycle difficult to be effectively modified and transferred and takes a greater labor intensity .

    然而,现在的大部分军事标图仍处于手工或半自动作业状态,标绘周期长,难以有效地修改和 传输,同时标绘 人员 劳动强度较大。

  • The practical effectiveness of transferred of rural surplus labor force not only promotes the employment of farmers increases per capita household income improves their living conditions brings prosperity of the local economy eliminates poverty promotes the further development of economic and social .

    有效的 转移不仅可以促进 农民就业,增加人均家庭收入,改善他们的生活条件,也有利于繁荣当地经济,消除贫困,促进经济社会进一步发展。

  • Large scale of rural labor force is transferred into construction and some other industries which meets the great demand of labor force in modernization and becomes an important force to promote new urbanization .

    大规模农村富余劳动力向包括建筑业等产业 转移,他们是现代化建设巨大 劳动力需求的重要保障,是推动新型城市化的重要力量。

  • The results showed that there was quite significant negative impact of transferred rural labor force on the total labor income share and some of the influences of other factors were consistent with the existing mainstream view while some were not consistent .

    结果表明农村 转移 劳动力对总的劳动收入占比具有相当显著的负向影响,其他因素的影响力有的与现有主流观点相符,有的则并不相符。

  • At present surplus labor forces in rural area in Heilongjiang Province is mainly transferred to other places . It is inevitable to transfer surplus labor between different places in the progress of industrialization and urbanization .

    目前黑龙江省农村富余劳动力转移主要以异地 转移为主, 劳动力的异地转移是工业化及城市化发展过程中的一种必然现象。

  • Remittance of transferred labor narrowed the gap of urban and rural reduced rural employment pressure and provided a certain amount of capital funds ;

    转移 劳动力农民工的汇款缩小了城乡差距,减小了农村的就业压力,为农村的发展提供了一定数量的资本金;