


  • The optimum technology of immobilized α - transglucosidase with calcium alginate and some properties of the immobilized enzyme were studied .

    本文采用海藻酸钙包 ,进行固定化α- 转移 葡萄 糖苷酶最佳条件研究,并探讨了固定化α- 转移 葡萄 糖苷酶的酶学性质。

  • Studies on immobilized α - transglucosidase with activated charcoal

    活性炭固定化α- 转移 葡萄 糖苷 的研究

  • α - transglucosidase has the properties of both hydrolases and transferases .

    既有 水解特性,又 较强的 转移 能力

  • The Cloning and Expression of cDNA Encoding α - Transglucosidase from Aspergillus Niger

    黑曲霉α- 葡萄糖 基因的cDNA克隆与表达