transfer factor

[trænsˈfɚ ˈfæktɚ][trænsˈfə: ˈfæktə]


  • The permissible stress range formula and transfer factor of fatigue stress range were deduced .

    推导了疲劳许用应力范围计算公式和不同 概率水平下疲劳应力的 转换 关系

  • Short-term evaluation of the clinical efficacy of transfer factor in combination with semiconductor laser on recurrent aphthous ulcer

    转移 因子联合半导体激光治疗复发性阿弗他溃疡的短期疗效观察

  • The strain transfer factor k is proposed for the characterization of the deformation transfer from the material measured to the sensor .

    对结构材料与压电陶瓷传感器的应力应变 传递 关系进行了研究。

  • The calculation results show that the tube diameter has a significant influence on the average heat transfer factor .

    计算结果证明管径对平均 系数的影响不容忽视。

  • Objective : To evaluate the effect of TF ( transfer factor ) combined with extinct BCG on immunity .

    目的探讨红背叶根对卡介苗和 脂多糖诱导的小鼠免疫性肝损伤的保护作用。

  • Identification of stem cell rely on the mark on the stem cells and special gene and transfer factor .

    干细胞的筛选依据是干细胞表面的标志和特异性的基因和 转录 因子的表达,是干细胞研究的第一步。

  • Transfer factor capsules and antithyroid drugs for treatment of hyperthyroidism Graves disease : a clinical analysis of 357 cases

    转移 因子联合抗甲状腺药物治疗甲亢Graves病357例临床观察

  • Curative Effect Observation of Transfer Factor Capsules Combined with Tretinoin Cream on Verruca Plana of Face

    口服 转移 因子联合维A酸乳膏治疗面部扁平疣疗效观察

  • Effect of Transfer Factor on Immune Indices and Its Toxicity Test in Chicken

    转移 因子对鸡免疫机能的影响及其毒性试验研究

  • Objective : To investigate the effect of Longdan Xiegan decoction plus transfer factor on herpes zoster .

    目的:探讨加减龙胆泻肝汤联合 转移 因子治疗带状疱疹的效果。

  • Cost-effectiveness analysis of transfer factor subcutaneous injection for recurrent aphthous ulcer

    皮下注射 转移 因子治疗复发性阿弗他溃疡远期疗效的成本效果分析

  • Conclusions Combined application of anti-HB transfer factor and1 Adefovir could enhance the therapeutic effect in treating CHB to certain extent but effect on HBV DNA should be study further more .

    结论阿德福韦酯联合抗乙型肝炎 转移 因子能在一定程度上提高治疗CHB的疗效,而其对HBVDNA的影响有待进一步的研究。

  • Effect of Anti-HB Transfer Factor and Adefovir Combination Therapy on Patients with Chronic-Hepatitis B and Influence on HBV DNA

    恩替卡韦联合抗乙型肝炎 转移 因子对慢性乙型肝炎疗效观察

  • Transfer Factor Research and Its Application

    转移 因子的研究和应用

  • Determination of Nucleotide in Transfer Factor Tablets by a Method of Phosphate Determination Using Ascorbic Acid-Molybdenum Blue Spectrophotometry

    抗坏血酸-钼蓝显色定磷法检测 转移 因子制剂中核苷酸的含量

  • The preparation of a specific transfer factor of paratyphoid A with two methods of in vivo and in vitro

    体内和体外两种方法制备甲型副伤寒特异性 转移 因子

  • This paper reports the effects of Transfer Factor ( TF ) to mouse peritoneal macrophage phagocytosis and the E-rosette formation .

    本文报道了 转移 因子对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能的影响和对脾细胞E玫瑰花形成的作用。

  • Efficacy and Safety of Desloratadine Tablets and P - Transfer Factor for Oral in the Treatment of Chronic Urticaria

    地氯雷他定联合 转移 因子口服治疗慢性荨麻疹30例疗效观察

  • In accordance with the conventional practice of engineering design the method of calculating heat load is simplified and the correction factors of the temperature difference and the heat transfer factor of exterior-protected construction with the enclosed balcony in Tianjin are presented .

    根据工程设计习惯,对负荷计算方法进行了简化,得出了天津地区被阳台封闭外围护结构的温差修正系数和 传热 系数 修正 系数

  • A group was treated to take xue fu zhu yu oral liquid and transfer factor capsules .

    A组用血府逐瘀口服液和口服 转移 因子胶囊;

  • The method can not only prune the redundant and conflicted initial fuzzy rules but also resolve the conflicts of convergence speed and oscillation existing in gradient descent method by introducing dynamic error transfer factor .

    该方法不仅能够修剪冗余和冲突的初始模糊规则,而且通过引入动态误差 传递 因子,解决了梯度下降法中存在的收敛速度和振荡之间的冲突问题。

  • Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer with combined transfer factor and microwave and probe into the common nosogenesis .

    目的评价 转移 因子联合微波治疗复发性口疮的临床疗效,探讨其常见的发病因素。

  • Influence of Pepsin on Biochemical Characteristics and Biological Activity of Transfer Factor In Vitro

    胃蛋白酶在体外对 转移 因子生化特性及生物活性的影响

  • Our experimental results indicated that transfer factor ( TF ) had anti - Inflammatory analgetic and antipyretic actions .

    实验表明, 转移 因子(TF)具有一定的抗炎、镇痛和解热作用。在O。

  • So the transfer factor can improve the immune function of the layers .

    试验表明 转移 因子能有效提高蛋鸡的免疫机能。

  • Detecting the immunoactivity of transfer factor with phagocyte sterilization test

    吞噬细胞杀菌功能试验检测 转移 因子的免疫活性

  • The Influence on Immunological Function of Transfer Factor for Capsules on Mice with CTX

    转移 因子胶囊对CTX所致小鼠免疫低下的影响