transfer book

[trænsˈfɚ bʊk][trænsˈfə: buk]


  • On Strategic Transfer of Integral Book Design Orientation

    书籍整体设计定位的战略性 转移

  • Of course no book is perfect ; I noticed three potential problems for readers who might attempt to transfer the lessons of this book to other projects .

    当然,没有完美的书;我注意到,对于想要尝试将这 中的经验教训 转移到其它项目中的读者而言,存在三点潜在的问题。

  • I combed through the original data and the Art of population transfer data collation analysis of the development of the book soon in Shaanxi context . Chapter ⅱ: Art features .

    笔者通过对原有资料的梳理和艺人口传资料的整理,分析研究了陕西 快书的发展脉络。第二章:艺术特征。

  • For our country to sell state-owned assets and transfer pricing methods we can not simply adopt the book net asset pricing .

    对于我国国有资产出售和 转让的定价方法,不能简单采用 账面净资产定价法。

  • Unlike most of its European peers it didn 't transfer assets to its banking book but marked them to market .

    与大多数欧洲同行的做法不同,瑞信并未将资产 转移到银行 帐户内,而是按市值计价。

  • I have to transfer at Frackford but I 'd like to book the bag to Beijing could I ?

    我在 法兰克福机场 转机,但是想把这件行李直接托运到北京,可以吗?

  • With the transfer of unity from far ancient physical phenomenon to spiritual and aesthetic phenomena sound-tone unity is perfectly represented in the combined structure of poems and songs in the Book of Songs .

    随着和由远古的生活现象向精神现象、美学现象的 转化,音声相和在 诗经》诗、乐同体的建构中得到了内容和形式的完美统一。

  • The Transfer of the Center of Diffusing The Book of Songs in the Warring States Period and The Formation of Four Schools of The Book of Songs in Han Dynasty

    战国《 》学传播中心的 转移与汉四家《诗》的形成

  • At the same time the application of Case Analysis gives three representative cases clarifying the rights and interests of the transfer of the nature and role of the book .

    同时应用“案例分析法”,列举了三个有代表性的案例,阐明权益 转让 的性质与作用。

  • Interpretation and Transfer Algorithm in International Standard Book Number and Books Bar Code

    国际标准 书号与图书条形码释义及其 转换算法