transverse wave

[trænsˈvə:s wev][trænsˈvɜ:s weiv]


  • The cumulative effect of blasting rounds illustrates that the weaken zone lies in the crack area ; and its damage is attributed to the effect of longitudinal wave and transverse wave .

    而爆破循环的累积影响效应表明,弱化带位于裂隙区,其损伤是纵波和 横波 共同 作用的结果;

  • The materials are subjected to flaw detection before being wound and are subjected to the initial transverse wave ultrasonic examination .

    材料在卷制前要进行探伤,并首次 采用 横波超声检查。

  • Two transverse wave probes with apertures in different size were used to measure the sound intensity of the SV wave speckles in the experiment .

    在实验中,应用了两种不同孔径尺寸的 横波探头对SV波的散斑声强进行测量。

  • Light is a transverse wave and an appreciation of its vectorial nature is of great importance .

    光是 横波,对它的矢量本性的了解是非常重要的。

  • Moreover the effect of the transverse wave on the band gaps by changing the phononic crystals diameter .

    并通过仿真不同直径的声子晶体研究了 横波对带隙的影响。

  • Based on the equation of stress wave important characteristic parameters ( longitudinal wave velocity transverse wave velocity kink wave velocity and kink wave angle ) of stress wave is studied .

    在应力波方程的基础上,研究了阻拦索应力波的重要特征参数(纵波波速、 横波 波速、弯折波波速和弯折角)。

  • A fast iterative method for velocity analysis of transverse wave

    转换 横波迭代法快速速度分析

  • Transverse Wave Instability of Circular Vortex Atmosphere

    圆形涡旋大气中的 横波不稳定

  • Study on the variation of sound velocity of ultrasonic transverse wave at varied temperatures

    不同温度下超声波 横波声速变化的研究

  • A system for measuring the transverse wave velocity and attenuation coefficients of underwater acoustic materials in parametric source method

    水声材料 横波声速和衰减系数参量源法测量系统

  • In order to test the crack of the stroke oar leafs crossbeam of a certain helicopter we need to design a special transverse wave probe .

    为了检测某型直升机尾桨叶大梁的裂纹,需要设计专用 横波探头。

  • Research of the Relativity of Rayleigh Wave Velocity and Transverse Wave Velocity in Exploration of Quaternary Period Acoustic impedance section is a basic section used for reservior construction description and lateral prediction .

    瑞雷波速度与 横波速度在第四系勘察中的相关性探讨波阻抗剖面是用来描述油气储集层结构,并进行储层横向预测的基础剖面。

  • Light is a transverse wave whose polarization state is classified into the following kinds : complete polarized light partially polarized light and natural light .

    光是一种 横波,其偏振态大致分为:完全偏振光、部分偏振光和自然光。

  • In theory this paper studies the basic principle of electromagnetic ultrasonic detection select transverse wave as the wave type and the transducer structure is determined .

    理论方面,本文通过研究电磁超声检测的基本原理,选取 横波作为测厚的波的类型,确定了产生横波的测厚换能器结构形式。

  • According to the experimental values of the transverse wave strength in gaseous detonation an approximate method for estimating the extreme values of the leading shock velocity variation has been established by analyzing the pressure change in front of and behind the transverse wave collision .

    根据气体爆轰波 横波强度的实验观测和理论分析结果,通过分析横波碰撞前后前驱激波后的压力变化,提出了胞格周期中前驱激波速度上限和下限值的估算方法。

  • A measurement system was provided for measuring an average transverse wave velocity and attenuation coefficients of underwater acoustic materials in the frequency range 10-100 kHz with the characteristics of small size and narrow wave beam in the low frequency range .

    提出了测量10-100kHz频段水声材料平均 横波声速和衰减系数的测量系统,系统具有低频、小尺寸、窄波束的特点。

  • The mass sensitivity of the surface transverse wave ( STW ) biosensor effected by the material and thickness of the grating was analyzed .

    分析了延迟线型表面 横渡STW)生物传感器的灵敏度与栅阵材料、厚度的关系。

  • The odd and even mode properties for guided TE waves are discussed and besides the existence of guided modes with imaginary transverse wave numbers for different medium parameters is analyzed graphically .

    讨论了导行TE波的奇模和偶模特性,采用图解法分析了不同异向介质参数情况下虚 横波数导模的存在性。

  • The transverse wave propagation in carbon nanotubes / polymer composites laminated structures under ultrahigh frequency ( about 1THz ) was studied based on the multiple-elastic-beam model . Effects of the volume ratio and chiral vectors of carbon nanotubes on transverse wave propagation were analyzed .

    通过多层弹性梁模型研究了碳纳米管/聚合物复合材料层合结构在高频率(1THz左右)下的 横波传播,分析了碳纳米管的体积分数和手性对其传播的影响。

  • The general equations of frame structure embedded partially in soil are reduced and then transverse wave of pile and elastic beam are obtained . The transient response of no damaged or damaged frame structure is also obtained .

    将埋置框架回传射线矩阵法的普遍方程退化,得到桩和弹性地基梁的 横向瞬态 波动 ,并进一步得到无损伤框架结构和有损伤框架结构的瞬态波动

  • This paper made a study on the excited property of the S-wave ( transverse wave ) from the expression of the vertical branch cut intergration of the S-wave .

    从S波( 横波)垂直割线积分的表达式出发,对S波的激发特性进行了研究。

  • Through the hypothesis of the Kelvin model the wave equation in the condition of less distortion in the sticky elasticity attenuation coefficient expression of vertical and transverse wave are analyzed . The results show that attenuation of sticky elasticity wave has positive correlation with frequency .

    在Kelvin模型假设的基础上,分析并给出了小变形条件下粘弹性介质中的波动方程,以及纵波和 横波的衰减系数复数形式表达式,从而得出:粘弹性散体介质波的衰减与频率正相关;

  • Research of applying horizontal polarization transverse wave for surface testing of hot-rolled steel bar

    水平偏振 横波在热轧钢棒表面探伤中应用的研究

  • Fluid-Rigid Body Coupling Vibration of Ship under Regular Transverse Wave

    规则 横浪作用下船舶流-刚耦合振动计算

  • In the paper it narrates the cause of limitation of the application of transverse wave reflection method and the measures taken for the longitudinal wave reflection method in this district to suppress the interference and enhance the resolution and good results are obtained .

    文中叙述了 横波反射法在三元里地区应用受限的原因及纵波反射法在本地区为压制干扰、提高分辨率所采取的措施,使P波反射法勘探取得了好的效果。

  • The results show that the property of low noise induced by acoustic window of sandwich is dominated by the cut-off effect of longitudinal wave and transverse wave propagating in the visco-elastic layer of sandwich as well as the mismatch effect of impedance .

    研究结果表明:三层夹芯式声呐罩透声窗的低噪声特性主要取决于夹芯粘弹性层中纵波和 横波传播的截止效应以及阻抗失配效应。

  • Comparing with the physical and mathematic feature of the longitudinal wave and transverse wave polarization and superimposition certificates this conclusion . An equation of spring longitudinal waves has been established .

    并从纵波和 横波的物理和数学性质方面加以比较,验证所得结论。通过对弹簧振动特性的分析,建立了弹簧纵波方程&简谐 方程。

  • The characteristics and law of seismic transverse wave reflection of bedrock and karst are analyzed through practical projects .

    通过实例分析研究了基岩及岩溶的地震 横波反射特征和规律。

  • There are two kinds of elastic waves in solids a compressional wave and a transverse wave .

    在固体中有两类弹性波,一类是压缩波,另一类是 横波