



  • This method can be used in the design of the spring to predict its transversal stiffness thus providing parameters for the prediction of dynamic performance .

    采用此方法可在设计阶段预测它的 水平 度,为动力学性能计算提供参数。

  • The utility model is composed of a rail a longitudinal spacing board a scribing assembly a transversal spacing pile a set screw etc.

    它是由导轨、纵向限位板、划线组件和 横向限位桩以及顶丝等部件组成。

  • Oil tank truck ; Transversal stabilization ; Overturning limit angle ;

    油罐车; 横向稳定性;翻倾临界坡度角;

  • In L2 ( R2 ) the measurable transversal set is defined and its properties are classified .

    中可测 集被定义,它的性质被刻画,与之相联系一个标准正交基也被导出。

  • Optimization and Calculating Analysis of Upper Bound Power for Plane Transversal Extrusion

    平面 横向挤压上限功率的优化和计算分析

  • All patients had transversal contrast enhanced CT scan from base of skull to clavicle before treatment .

    所有患者治疗前接受 横断面CT增强扫描,扫描范围是颅底至锁骨。

  • The main girder is in a fixed position hanging under the transversal girders of the portal frames .

    主梁是门户框架的 横向梁下挂在一个固定的位置。

  • Numerical Analysis of Transversal Crack on Slab Corner in Straightening During Continuous Casting

    连铸矫直过程板坯角部 横向裂纹数值分析

  • Analysis and Research on Sensitivity of Load Transversal Distribution Factor of T-beam by Finite Element Method

    应用有限元方法对T梁的荷载 横向分布系数灵敏度的分析和研究

  • This paper presents a new algorithm for distinguishing concave-convex quality of surface which uses the property of normal transversal in differential coefficient geometry .

    提出了一种判别曲面凹凸性的新算法,该方法利用微分几何法 截线的性质进行判别。

  • T 2-and proton density weighted images often showed high-signaling of pontine transversal fibers ( 19 / 28 ) and middle cerebellar peduncles ( 12 / 28 ) .

    在T2和质子密度加权像上常可见桥 纤维(19/28)和小脑中脚(12/28)高信号。

  • Transversal flow subsonic chemical laser


  • Transversal earthquake reaction analysis of high mound curve continuous bridge

    高墩曲线连续梁桥的 横向地震响应分析

  • The transversal cracks might appear on slab corner positions during continuous casting which severely affect the quality and quantity of products .

    连铸过程中板坯角部可能出现 横向裂纹,这些裂纹严重影响着连铸坯的质量和产量。

  • The planar laser scanning technique described in this paper realizes the measurement of train dynamic transversal vibrations offset easily and exactly .

    采用激光二维扫描技术,实现了列车动态 横向振动偏移量的测试,易于实施,数据准确,对 制定 合理 站台 界限提供参考数据。

  • This transversal event will involve the areas of fashion photography and contemporary art .

    展览 涵盖了时尚,摄影以及当代艺术。

  • The results reveal that both the transversal beam widths defined as second order moment of energy flux follow a very simple hyperbolic law upon propagation .

    基于能流二阶矩定义的 横向光束宽度在传输过程中服从简单的双曲线变化规律。

  • In this paper both predication error filters and transversal filters with two-sided taps are used and the performance of each is analyzed .

    通过分析预测误差滤波器和带有双边抽头的 横向滤波器的抗干扰性能,得出了影响滤波器处理增益的解析表达式。

  • This thesis is mainly devoted to study an abundant semigroup with a quasi-adequate transversal .

    本文主要研究具有拟恰当 断面的富足半群。

  • It is pointed out that the wave of plasma channel can be decomposed into transversal and longitudinal wave and different effects of the wave on the material removal in different pulse width are analyzed .

    指出放电通道的波动可以分解成 纵波 横波 2个分量,并分别分析了短、长脉冲加工时 横波和纵波对材料蚀除的不同影响。

  • The effect of multi transversal mode on quadrature frequency conversion in a solid-state laser was analyzed and the relation between the conversion efficiency and the divergent angle was conducted .

    对多 模全固态激光器使用正交频率变换进行了分析,计算了频率转换效率与激光发散角的关系。

  • It is shown that the use of serrated apertures can suppress the high frequency diffraction of axial intensity and reduce the nonuniformity of transversal intensity distributions .

    结果表明,齿形光阑能有效抑制光强的高频衍射,并降低 横向光强分布的不均匀性。

  • The underground fractured zone position is identified in the work site of Xiameng Meijing park by use of transversal middle gradient electrical resistivity method .

    本文应用 横向中梯电阻率法,查明了厦门美景花园工地地下破碎带的位置。

  • An analytical solution on magnetoelastodynamics problem which is subjected to the transversal magnetic field around an anisotropic thick-walled cylinder was presented .

    给出了在 横向磁场作用下,各向异性厚壁圆筒磁弹性动力学问题的解析解。

  • The harmonic responses of beams with longitudinal and transversal coupling are analyzed by the incremental Harmonic Balance ( IHB ) method in this paper .

    本文用谐波增量平衡法分析 纵横 耦合梁的谐波响应。

  • Study on Transversal Strain on Fiber Bragg Grating

    光纤布拉格光栅 横向应变特性的研究

  • The conversion region which transfers the energy of the transversal motion into longitudinal motion is an important part of a cyclotron wave converter .

    能量转换区是回旋波整流器的一个重要组成部分,它把电子的 横向能量转化为纵向能量。