
[trænsˈpɚsənəl, trænz-][trænsˈpə:sənl]


  • Advanced meditation may promote the realization of transpersonal goals .

    高级的静修还有助 个人目标的实现。

  • Transpersonal psychology ignores the sickness of humanity and belongs to ideal view of humanity .

    个人心理学忽视了人性中恶的 一面,属于理想主义人性观。

  • Transpersonal experiences rather than necessarily being illusory can thus be valid insights into the nature of human consciousness .


  • The major features of transpersonal experiences include wonderment assuredness wisdom unity universality and influential power .


  • But it also produces a misunderstanding for people that transpersonal psychology equals to parapsychology and believes that it is religious and takes it as one branch of psychology or a kind of philosophy .

    但也使人们产生将 心理学等同于超心理学,将其视为宗教,将其看作是心理学的一个分支或将其视为一种哲学的误解。

  • An Analysis of the Transpersonal Psychology and Its Consciousness Theory

    试析 个人心理学及其 关于意识的研究

  • Transpersonal Psychology Toward Integrity

    走向整合的 个人心理学

  • The underlying principles of transpersonal therapy are : optimistic and hope-centered holistic orientation multidimensional different pathways of spiritual development and the perspective of spiritual growth .


  • This essay analyzed and explored a few problems which had important role in the field of the theoretical system of transpersonal psychology .

    本文对在 个人心理学理论体系中具有重大意义并居于 中心地位的几个问题进行分析探讨。

  • Pluto is one of the three outer transpersonal planets and like Neptune and Uranus has a long cycle so it takes many years to traverse a sign .

    冥王星是三个 个人行星之一,并且就像海王星和天王星一样有着很长的 公转周期,这就需要很多年去通过一个星座。

  • The Basic Standpoints of Transpersonal Psychology Super Acids


  • Jungian School & Transpersonal Psychology

    荣格及其学派与 个人心理学

  • Additionally there is a Transpersonal Chakra above the crown chakra .

    另外在顶轮上有一 超越 个人的脉轮。

  • Theory and Practice in Transpersonal Psychology


  • The second part illustrated the techniques of transpersonal therapy and the treatment category of transpersonal psychiatry .

    第二部分说明了超个人精神医学的病理与治疗范畴,以及其所应用的各种治疗技术,对 个人治疗方法,也作出了简单的介绍。

  • Analysis on A Few Important Theoretical Problems of Transpersonal Psychology

    关于 个人心理学几个主要理论问题的辨析

  • Latest research direction of transpersonal psychology in the theory of psychotherapy

    心理治疗理论 中超 个人心理学的最新研究趋势

  • It exhibits such six theoretical approaches as speculative and experimental phenomenological psychology empirical and hermeneutical phenomenological psychology existential and transpersonal phenomenological psychology according to different dimentions .

    现象学心理学沿不同维度表现为思辨与实验的现象学心理学、经验与解释的现象学心理学、存在与 个人的现象学心理学六种理论形态。