transfer station

[trænsˈfɚ ˈsteʃən][trænsˈfə: ˈsteiʃən]


  • Relates organization form management mode and trade cases of food transfer station of this country ;

    对加拿大食品 中转 的组织形式、经营方式及贸易情况进行了叙述。

  • Drag to add a transfer station to your metro map .

    通过拖动向地铁线路图上添加 换乘

  • North West New Territories Refuse Transfer Station

    新界西北废物 转运

  • Monitoring System of The heat addition pipe and heat transfer station Based on GPRS and Embeded System

    基于嵌入式系统和GPRS的热网 热站监控系统

  • Reconstruction and strengthening design of the structure for a coal transfer station

    某煤粉 输送 转运 结构改造加固设计

  • Classification of highway transfer station and installation provided for freight containers

    GB/T12419-1990集装箱公路 中转 站级划分及设备配备

  • Research on Site Optimization of Solid Waste Transfer Station in Tourist Scenic

    旅游景区生活垃圾 中转 选址优化研究

  • After Hemmingway and Pauline left in1939 they went to Cuba although they came back frequently in the40s and50s as a transfer station between Cuba and the United States .

    1939年,海明威和波琳离婚后,就搬到了古巴。科维斯特成了他40年代和50年代往返于古巴和美国的 中转

  • Cargo oil tank gas-free installations oil transfer station

    货油舱油气驱除装置输油 中转 -输油气

  • Research of Simulation and Visualization Technology in Oil Transfer Station Operation Based on OpenGL

    基于OpenGL的 输油 场站运行仿真及可视化技术研究

  • Construct and operate a grease trap waste treatment facility ( GTWTF ) within West Kowloon Transfer station .

    于西九龙废物 转运 兴建及运作隔油池废物处理设施。

  • It is about six on the morning Horse gang hurried along in the last night climbing the mountain and arriving at this recent transfer station which can pass the road .

    此时是早上的六点左右,马帮是在昨夜赶路,爬山涉水来到这个最近的、公路的 转运

  • Study of the Functional Recycling in Garbage Transfer Station Based on Urban Domestic Garbage Logistics Classification

    城市生活垃圾物流中的垃圾 中转 功能再造研究

  • The status of MSW transfer station and Countermeasure in Chongqing main city

    重庆市主城区垃圾 转运 现状及对策

  • Fine Design and Analysis of Compression System in Small Waste Transfer Station

    小型垃圾 转运 压缩系统精细化设计与分析

  • The choice of passenger transfer station position and prediction of passenger transfer requirement out of city center

    城市中心区外 换乘 位置选择及换乘需求预测站错位,离开了基本位置

  • Dongdan station is a transfer station .

    东单站是个 换乘

  • Further south Chile is a key transfer station for Chinese military weapons in South America .

    再往南,智利是中国军事武器在南美的一个重要 中转

  • Fuel storage and supply transfer station


  • Research on Environment Impact Analysis of Waste Transfer Station in Cangxi County

    苍溪县城市生活垃圾 中转 建设环境影响分析研究

  • Problems of ventilation removing dust and deodour in Tianjin Panlou waste transfer station were analysed and studied improving design scheme was put forward according to existing problems .

    对天津市潘楼垃圾 中转 通风除尘、臭问题进行分析研究,针对存在问题提出了改进设计方案。

  • Bicycle transfer station addressing principles and transfer facility are given for bicycle traffic converging with other modes of transportation .

    针对自行车交通与其他交通方式衔接,给出新城区自行车 换乘 选址原则及换乘设施的构成。

  • The management of transfer system being made up of transfer station plays an important role in urban environment management .

    转运 构成的转运系统的管理是城市环境管理的重要部分。

  • To study the behaviors and laws of passenger flows and the evacuation situation of passengers in cross-platform transfer station a micro-simulation model for evacuation was built .

    旨在对同站台 换乘 的客流行为和规律,以及对车站乘客疏散时的情况进行分析和研究。

  • Is this the transfer station for the loop line ?

    这是去环线地铁的 换乘 吗?

  • Combined with the two main problems of urban railway transit transfer it presents the passenger organization in the transfer station .

    简要地阐述了影响轨道交通换乘的两个主要问题,并就其中 换乘 站内客流的组织问题做了详细研究。

  • North Lantau Refuse Transfer Station

    北大屿山废物 转运

  • Analytical Study on Joint Construction Impact of Three Metro Lines Transfer Station upon Structure of Existing Metro Stations

    地铁三线 换乘 帮接建设对既有车站结构的影响分析研究

  • Oil and Gas Suspension System of Underground Concrete Mixing Truck oil transfer station

    井下混凝土搅拌输送车油气悬挂系统输油 中转 -输油气

  • Study on Modeling and Simulation of Evacuation in Cross-platform Transfer Station

    基于微观仿真的同站台 换乘 客流疏散研究