transportation leakage

[ˌtrænspɚˈteʃən ˈlikɪdʒ][ˌtrænspɔ:ˈteiʃən ˈli:kɪdʒ]


  • Pipeline leak detection and positioning system which is an important part of pipeline transportation management system has been playing a big role in safety production and leakage reduction .

    管道泄漏检测与定位系统,是管道 运输管理系统的重要组成部分,在维护 管道生产安全,减少 泄漏 造成 损失方面发挥着巨大的作用。

  • The present research has been done based on the experimental model platform of oil-gas storage and transportation security in Jiangsu Polytechnic University . It is actually simulation to the whole process of harmful gas instantaneous leakage diffusion by means of tracer technique .

    采用江苏工业学院油气 储运安全综合实验模型平台,利用示踪技术(以CO2为示踪剂),模拟了有害气体瞬时 泄漏扩散的整个过程。

  • Nowadays pipeline transportation has been playing an important role in our economic growth under this circumstance pipeline leakage detection become more import than ever to ensure the stability of pipe line transportation .

    目前,管道 运输已经成为影响国民经济快速发展的一个重要的因素。因而,在这种形势下,管道 泄漏检测技术的研究显得尤为重要。

  • Through analyzing the key techniques such as leakage signals identity leakage position precisely locating the real-time transportation of data and scientific management a real-time detecting system of pipeline leakage based on distributed optical fiber sensors is structured .

    本文通过对泄漏信号识别、泄漏点精确定位以及管线运行数据的实时 传输和科学管理等关键技术的分析,提出了基于分布式光纤传感器的管道 泄漏实时监测系统设计方案。

  • This new type of screw can increase the transportation efficiency of screw by reducing the material leakage in the extrusion and it can also knead the material in the screw thread to homogenize so to improve the extrusion quality .

    该种新型混炼螺杆通过减小挤出过程中的 流量来提高螺杆的 输送效率,并保持物料在螺纹间均匀混炼,提高物料的混炼质量。

  • The heavy-haul combined train is an important vehicle of the freight transportation in our country . The air pipe leakage of braking system seriously affects the safety operation of trains .

    重载组合列年是我国货物 运输的重要工具,其制动系统中空气管路的 泄漏会严重影响行车安全。

  • During transportation storage processing and utilizing of flammable gas explosion accidents of gas cloud caused by leakage of the gas often cause severe person injuries and great property loss .

    可燃气体在 运输、储存、加工和使用过程中,因可燃气体 泄漏而形成的气云爆炸事故,常常会造成巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。

  • Pulse fluctuation of coal transportation is resulted by inadequate primary air while the existence of coal leakage will provide heavy influence on kiln thermal condition which leads low clinker throughput and poor products quality .

    由于一次风量不足,造成煤粉 输送脉冲波动 而跑煤 现象的存在,严重破坏了水泥窑内的热工制度,熟料产量低、质量差。

  • In recent years natural gas pipeline transportation develops vigorously . But as the pipeline network construction aging pipelines pipeline leakage is inevitable .

    近年来,天然气管道 运输蓬勃发展,但随着管网的增多和管线老化, 泄漏问题也不可避免。

  • During the production storage and transportation of the petrochemicals fires and explosions often happen because the leakage combustible gas meets the open fire .

    在石油化工生产及 储运过程中,常有由于 泄漏的可燃气体遇有明火而引发的火灾或爆炸事故的发生。

  • In the course of the pipe transportation of crude oil oil leakage is not only a waste of resources but also an environmental pollution . Therefore the detection and location of leakage in pipeline are of particular importance .

    原油在管道 输送过程中的 泄漏不仅造成资源浪费,而且会污染环境,所以长距离原油输送管道的泄漏检测和定位问题尤为重要。

  • Transportation through long distance conduit used to liquid and gas displays its unique advantage as an economic effective and environment-protected method and detection of conduit leakage is the guarantee of its safe work .

    长距离 运输管道作为一种经济、有效、环保的运输手段,在液体、气体 运输中发挥着独特的优势,而管道 泄漏检测是长距离 运输管道安全运行的重要保障。

  • The transportation of low energy fluid in the flow passage jet / wake structure and the formation of tip leakage vortex are revealed .

    揭示了流道中低速流体的 ,射流&尾迹流型和叶顶 间隙 泄漏涡等的形成过程。

  • Dangerous cargo is a kind of cargo with dangerous characteristic in the process of its production storage and transportation the accident is incidental such as leakage burning and explosion which is harmful to the people and environment around .

    危险货物是一种具有危险特性的物品,在生产、储存、 运输过程中容易发生 泄漏、燃烧、爆炸等事故,对周围的人口、环境及财产 设施等产生一定的危害。

  • It is proposed that the risk probability model that has been used in surface water risk assessment for dangerous chemical transportation by highway should be added an item of leakage probability .

    认为目前在公路 交通危险品 运输对地表河流的风险评价中,采用的风险概率计算模型应增加 交通事故中的 泄漏概率项;

  • Diesel is one of the most used fuel in transportation . And it causes soil contamination in the course of processing unreasonable waste disposal as well as the accident occurred particularly underground storage tank leakage .

    柴油是目前 运输 工具中使用最多的燃料之一,在其加工过程中,因其不合理的 处置会导致土壤污染,使土壤环境严重破坏。