transfer target

[trænsˈfɚ ˈtɑrɡɪt][trænsˈfə: ˈtɑ:ɡit]

[计] 传送目标

  • A New Calibration Transfer Method Based on Target Factor Analysis

    一种基于 目标因子分析的模型 传递方法

  • For the study of Accelerator Driven sub critical System ( ADS ) the heat transfer of spallation neutron target is an important issue .

    在加速器驱动的次临界核能系统(简称ADS)的研究中,中子散裂 散热是一个重要的课题。

  • The main reasons are negative transfer of English and target language rules generalization .

    偏误原因主要是母语负 迁移 目的语规则的泛化。

  • Conclusions RV can transfer target genes into the newborn mouse brain effectively including neurons . Target genes express normally . It is likely that RV could be used in the gene therapy of neonatal neuropathy .

    结论RV可高效广泛 转染包括神经元在内的新生小鼠脑细胞,靶基因表达正常,RV适于作为新生动物神经系统疾病基因治疗的 载体

  • With the advantages to overcome genetic obstacle among species and to transfer target genes purposively and rapidly gene engineering provides an effective strategy to improve the yield and quality of cotton fiber .

    利用基因工程方法可以打破物种间的遗传障碍,实现优良 目的基因的定向 转移,且后代易于稳定,育种周期短。为进一步改良棉花纤维产量和品质提供了一条有效途径。

  • The average heat transfer coefficient of impingement target surface is the highest on the same Reynolds number by the direct impingement .

    面受到冲击孔射流的直接冲击,因此 热最强;

  • In order to achieve optimal communicative effect the translator has to acquire the intention of the source language author through inference and then transfer it to the target language readers by estimating their cognitive environment .

    译者通过对原文进行推理得出作者交际意图,然后通过恰当估计读者的认知语境将其 传达译文读者,以达到他们之间的最佳关联,让译文读者能够通过付出有效的努力获得足够的语境效果。

  • From the perspective of translation researchers find that it is easier to transfer the semantic presupposition in translation but how to transfer pragmatic presupposition to target readers is a problem that needs to be further studied .

    经过研究,人们发现,在翻译中,语义预设的传递是容易的,而如何向 译文读者 传递语用预设,是一个值得进一步探讨的问题。

  • Heat Transfer of the Spallation Neutron Target in ADS

    ADS系统中子散裂 传热分析

  • The bootloader communicates with the host using the serial ESB or ethernet port to transfer the kernel into the target 's flash or DRAM .

    通过使用串行、USB或以太网端口,引导装载程序与主机通信以 内核 传送目标的闪存或DRAM中。

  • CONCLUSIONS : Chitosan can efficiently transfer target DNA molecules into mammalian cells continuously release DNA and stably express DNA .

    结论:壳聚糖能有效 转染DNA进入哺乳细胞中,能持续释放DNA并使之稳定表达。

  • In experiment 1 the researchers explored whether the structure factor influenced on the transfer of problem-solving of target text after reading two source text with the same theory .

    实验1是在两篇源文章问题解决原理相同条件下探讨其结构类似与否对 目标文章的问题解决 迁移的影响。

  • By calculation of heat transfer theory the target of less than 0.9L/h of the liquid nitrogen wastage of the system is obtained and long-time running under the cooled condition for superconducting magnet has been actualized .

    通过 传热理论计算表明,液氦的损耗量小于技术要求的 0.9L/h指标,能够保证超导磁体系统能够在一定的低温环境下长时间的运行。

  • The effects of the distance of adjacent holes the impinging distance and jet Reynolds number on flow and heat transfer characteristics at the target wall are investigated extensively under the staggered holes arrangement .

    特别研究了在冲击孔叉排方式下,相邻孔间距、冲击距离以及射流入口雷诺数对 冲击表面冷却流动 传热特性的影响规律。

  • Reports emanating from Spain say that liverpool 's midfield maestro is now the number one transfer target of real after they failed to prise Cesc Fabregas from arsenal .

    西班牙媒体说利物浦的中场发动机是黄麻在 引进阿森纳的法布雷加斯失败后的头号 目标

  • The article introduces the develop customized target of ASP and COM + uses the method of ASP script to transfer the target of customizing to establish webpages develops safely high-efficient and having expanding Web application systems under Windows platform .

    介绍了开发定制的ASP及COM+对象,然后使用ASP脚本 调用定制 对象的方法创建网页,在Windows平台下开发出安全、高效、具扩展性的Web应用系统。

  • A new calibration transfer method based on target factor analysis is proposed . The performance of the new method is compared with the piecewise direct standardization method .

    目标 转换因子分析的基础上建立了一种新的模型 传递方法,并将该方法与传统的分段直接标准化(PDS)方法进行比较。

  • Conclusion GE7 system-mediated gene therapy system can transfer target gene to pituitary adenoma effectively and specifically .

    结论 GE7基因治疗系统能够达到 向性治疗垂体腺瘤的目的。

  • We propose a dynamic chaining technique for indirect control transfer instructions based on Indirect Transfer Target Buffer ( ITTB ) .

    提出了基于间接控制 转移 地址缓冲的间接控制转移指令动态链接技术。

  • The pledge of intellectual property has the features of the obvious valuable the possession with no need to transfer the target after the pledge is setted and the high risk .

    知识产权质权具有明显的价值性、设立无需 转移 的占有及高风险性的特征,其中高风险性的特性弱化知识产权质权的担保功能。

  • United have already beaten Liverpool to another mutual summer transfer target Aston Villa winger Ashley Young .

    曼联已经已经击败了利物浦 抢到维拉的阿什利。杨。

  • It can also transfer the target guidance information in real time between it and other systems in the range .

    可与其它系统实时 传递 目标的引导信息。

  • Because R & D alliance create the new technique knowledge together and transfer the knowledge for target the enterprise take advantage of personal resources to help others disadvantage This kind of alliance form is the high stage of alliance development .

    研发联盟以共同创建新的技术知识和进行知识 转移为基础,通过技术优势互补,达到双赢或共赢的 目的

  • Since transfer function of the target loop can be recovered by loop transfer recovery the LTR control system based on the target loop designed by this approach has good performances including decoupling .

    由于 目标回路的 传递函数可以通过LTR步骤加以恢复,因而此目标回路的LTR控制系统具有良好的性能(包括解耦性能)。

  • In architectural design process the designers can control the buildings somatotype coefficient control the building windows and doors and control the surrounding protection structure heat transfer coefficient and thermal inertia target on the energy conservation design to achieve the goal of the construction energy conservation .

    在建筑设计过程中,设计者可通过控制建筑物体型系数,控制建筑物门窗控制围护结构 传热系数与热惰性 指标来进行节能设计,以实现建筑节能的目标。

  • The host programs or loaders can then use this connection to transfer the bootloader onto the target where it is written to flash .

    然后,主机程序或装入程序可以使用这个连接 引导装载程序传送到 目标上,并将它写入闪存。

  • Based on the current state of the spacecraft make the transfer nominal terminal as control target the Lambert algorithm was used to re-plan the transfer orbit and impose appropriate controls make the spacecraft entering the transfer orbit .

    该方法根据航天器当前状态,以 转移终端标称状态为控制 目标,采用Lambert算法重新规划转移轨道,并施加合适控制使其进入转移轨道。

  • Numerical analysis of convection heat transfer effects on cryogenic target temperature

    对流 传热对冷冻 温度影响的数值分析