transfer slip

[trænsˈfɚ slɪp][trænsˈfə: slip]


  • It is a intrinsic physical phenomenon of friction tape transfer for elastic slip which leads to unstable movements for the instantaneous transmission ratio and a low mechanical efficiency .

    弹性 滑动是摩擦型带 传动固有的物理现象,引起带传动瞬时传动比不稳定及机械效率降低。

  • An analysis for heat transfer between two unsymmetrically heated parallel plates with micro space in slip flow regime

    不同热流下平行平板微槽内流体 滑移流动与层流

  • Through the actual operating conditions the heat source conductivity coefficient and heat transfer coefficient was determined and temperature rise of permanent magnet and permanent magnet disk under each slip and different air gaps was got by calculation .

    通过其实际运行状况,确定其热源、传导系数和 散热系数等条件,通过计算得到不同气隙下,各个 时铜盘、永磁体及永磁体盘温升值。

  • Mass transfer induced by coalescence and slip of ultrasonic cavitation bubbles at phase interface

    相界面上超声空化气泡聚并、 滑移促进的 传质

  • After making analysis of the stress and movements of tape transfer this paper points out the zone brought about by elastic slip and deduces the elastic slip ratio .

    通过对带 传动的受力和运动情况进行分析,指出了弹性 滑动产生的区域,推导出弹性 滑动角、弹性 滑动速度和弹性滑动率的计算公式。

  • Put forward formula of elastic slip ratio by quantitative calculation the tape transfer elastic slip velocity . It also discussed the factor affected the elastic slip angle and elastic slip ratio .

    从定量分析带 传动弹性 滑动速度入手,给出弹性滑动率的计算公式,并讨论影响弹性滑动角和弹性滑动率的因素。

  • Two dimensional numerical simulation is presented for flow and heat transfer in rectangular microchannel with uniform wall temperature in slip regime .

    在等壁温 边界条件下对矩形微细通道 速度 滑移区的对流 热进行了二维数值模拟。

  • First this thesis describes the basic property of the reliable data transfer service in common and the strategies to ensure it of which I choose slip window mechanism .

    首先,本文阐述了传统意义下的可靠数据 传输具有的基本特性和实现策略,并选择了其中较为高效的一种策略& 滑动窗口。

  • This article present the theoretical analysis of gas flow and heat transfer in micro rectangular channels in the regime of velocity slip and temperature jump .

    分析了微矩形槽道内的不可压缩气体在速度 滑移和温度跳跃区的流动和 传热 过程

  • Analysis for Heat Transfer in Micro-annular Channel with Unsymmetrically Heated Walls in Slip Flow Regime


  • It is found that some experimental research on convective heat transfer using gases was probably in the regime having velocity slip and temperature jump which cause the frictionfactor and heat transfer coefficient to decrease .

    发现有些用气体所做的实验研究,很有可能是处于有速度 滑移和温度跳跃的滑流区。 速度 滑移和温度跳跃致使阻力系数减小、 传热减弱。

  • Two radiative heat transfer models the discrete ordinate ( DO ) model and the FLUX model were both applied in a chamber and a large velocity slip combustor .

    针对空腔内纯三维辐射传热和大速 射流燃烧室内三维湍流回流气体燃烧和煤粉燃烧,对其中辐射 传热分别采用离散坐标模型和热流模型进行了分析与比较。

  • It also discusses the effects of the tape transfer ratio and transmission efficiency made by the elastic slip .

    讨论了弹性 滑动对带 传动 传动比和传动效率的影响。

  • However the difference decrease to 2.6 % when the inflow Mach number increases to Ma 8 . An analysis for flow and heat transfer between two parallel plates microchannel with one wall heated in slip flow regime

    而当来流马赫数为8.09时,侧板前掠的进气道流量系数仅高2.6%。 滑移流区平行平板微通道内单侧加热流动与

  • Uniting load transfer function of single and mechanics of elasticity analyzing and calculating method considering slip of pile and soil and whole stiffness dynamic adjusting of pile group is put forward . Obviously the method is more in consistent to reality .

    采用单桩荷载 传递函数和弹性力学相结合,提出了更加符合实际情况的群桩分析方法,该方法考虑了桩土 相对 滑移以及桩顶整体刚度随荷载动态调整。

  • Quantitative calculation of tape transfer elastic slip angle and elastic ship ratio A continued elastic ship model was tested in the seakeeping basin of CSSRC .

    传动弹性 滑动角和弹性滑动率的定量计算本文介绍了运用整体弹性船模直接测量舰船在波浪中的动应变的试验技术;

  • From the right side of the Porto area Oba Martins plays into the six-yard box . Vitor Baia anticipates Adriano . An analysis for flow and heat transfer between two parallel plates microchannel with one wall heated in slip flow regime

    在对方禁区右侧奥巴传给门前内六米处的阿德里亚诺,拜亚得到。 滑移流区平行平板微通道内单侧加热流动与

  • An analysis for flow and heat transfer between two parallel plates microchannel with one wall heated in slip flow regime


  • And put forward to transfer surface shear slip equation under the concentrated load after consideration of concrete creep . Moreover Comparison of theoretical calculated values and the known experimental data proved the correctness of the theory proposed by the author through the analysis of the Midas mold .

    理论计算值与已知试验数据和Midas有限元软件仿真分析进行了对比,验证了作者提出的集中 荷载作用下简支组合梁考虑混凝土徐变后剪切 滑移计算的正确性。

  • Low level traction roads are complemented by electrical weight transfer compensation while antispin and slip devices ensure that good use is made of adhesion .

    低牵引杆由电子 重量分配仪辅助,而防旋 防滑装置则保证充分利用车轮的附着力。

  • Analysis of heat transfer for gas slip flow in triangular micro-channels with uniform heat flux

    定热通量加热下微三角形槽道中 滑移流动的 特性

  • Specimen preparation testing methods well-bonded fiber bridging fiber broken fiber residual stress stress transfer interface slip and friction shear stress were described in details .

    从试样制备、测试方法、完整粘接纤维、搭桥纤维、断裂纤维、残余应力、应力 传递、脱粘界面 滑移、摩擦剪应力等方面进行详述。

  • Meanwhile the reliability and validity of the model with consideration of tire nonlinearity lateral mass transfer and axis slip are verified by the steady static circular test and steering wheel angle step input test using a Unique ( NJ1020 ) car .

    同时,以优尼柯轿车作为样车进行了稳态回转和角阶跃操纵稳定性实车试验,对考虑车身侧倾、轮胎非线性和横向质量 转移的轴侧 三自由度模型进行验证。

  • If you feel a financial transfer is necessary slip a cheque into the envelope too .

    如果你觉得有必要进行资金 转账,就在信封里再 张支票。

  • Laminar flow and heat transfer in micro-annular channel in slip flow regime


  • Use transfer coefficient method for calculating lines circular arc slip surface glossy or falling in different operating modes of the remaining force came to the largest remaining fell to the1245KN / m of landslide .

    运用 传递系数法计算折线滑面或圆弧形 滑面在各种工况的剩余下滑力,得出滑坡体最大剩余下滑力为1245KN/m。