


  • Although the Transfiguration was given exclusively to Peter James and John there is an underlying principle which is applicable to all Christians .

    虽然登山 变相只显现给彼得,雅各及约翰看,但有一个基本原则是可以用在所有的基督徒上。

  • She who has once been woman and ceased to be so might at any moment become a woman again if there were only the magic touch to effect the transfiguration .

    她既然曾经是女人,虽然一时不再是女人,但只消有魔法 点化一下,完全可以随时重新变成女人的。

  • As a member of the inner circle of disciples he witnessed the major events in the ministry of Jesus including the Transfiguration and the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane .

    雅各是使徒中的核心圈内人物之一,他见证过耶稣的一些重大事迹,如主 圣容和耶稣在客西马尼园中忧伤祈祷。

  • Problems with Displacement Transfiguration and Noise in Side Scan Sonar System Graphing

    侧扫声纳系统成图中的位移、 变形和噪声问题

  • A little more power and excellent for transfiguration .

    更有力量,极适于 变形

  • The way of new industrialization is different from traditional industrialization . Basic Modelling and Transfiguration of Ridges of Wuxi Traditional Housing

    新型工业化道路不同于传统的工业化。无锡传统民居屋脊的基本造型与 变化

  • They laugh and hunt and there is in the air the brilliance of an apotheosis & what a transfiguration effectedby love !

    大家欢笑,相互追求,空中也有着一种喜悦的光彩,爱真是 普天同庆

  • Several of his papers found their way into learned publications such as Transfiguration Today Challenges in Charming and The Practical Potioneer .

    从他的好几封信里都可以找到后来他所出版著作的痕迹,像是《今日 变形 、《有趣的挑战 和《实践魔药学

  • But it 's the story of the transfiguration that captures my interest .

    但我最有兴趣的 还是 耶稣 改变 形像的故事。

  • The Transfiguration seems an illusion but it was an actual event where Christ for a few minutes shone out in all His heavenly glory .

    登山 仿如一个异象;但它是一个事实,基督确实有好几分钟时间,将祂在天上的荣光显出来。

  • First we will treat of the context and then present a reading and commentary on the Gospel of the Transfiguration according to Matthew .

    我们先处理文本的部分,然后根据玛窦福音 圣容的经文加以 诠释

  • The window was of the Transfiguration of Christ made by Tom Denny and one of the largest to be installed in Durham in modern times .

    窗户是 圣容显现,为汤姆丹尼所造,这是在现代达赫姆大教堂要安装的最大的一个。

  • He has now failed to complete his Transfiguration homework twice in a row .

    他已经接连两次没有完成 变形 的家庭作业。

  • I look forward to comparing notes on Advanced Transfiguration with you .

    我很期待能跟你 一同讨论进阶 变形 的笔记。

  • The Transfiguration is Jesus'way of giving to his innermost circle of disciples a foretaste of heaven .

    耶稣用登山 变相的方式显现给祂最深爱的门徒,让他们得到天国的预先体验。

  • The transfiguration is one of the high points in Jesus'revelation of his true identity to his innermost circle of disciples : Peter James and John .

    登山 变相是耶稣启示中的其中一个高潮,而祂把祂的真正身份显示祂最深爱的门徒看,他们是彼得、雅各和约翰。

  • The chrysalis will retain the power of transfiguring itself into the butterfly and such transfiguration will in due season take place .

    虫蛹都具有把自己蜕化为蝴蝶的能力,到了适当季节就会进行 蜕化

  • This is a very important point 9:31 of Luke this is the transfiguration story you know how it goes .

    这是非常重要的一点,路加福音9:,这是 的故事,你们都知道的。

  • The Animagus Transfiguration can be performed wandlessly since Sirius was able to accomplish it in Azkaban when his own wand was long gone ( PA19 ) .

    阿尼马格斯 变形不需要魔杖,因为小天狼星能够在阿兹卡班,当他自己的魔杖离他很远的时候,完成变形。

  • Lift us up to the Mount of Transfiguration !

    扶持我们到登山 变相之山去!

  • This is the will of that mysterious creation which is transformation on earth and transfiguration in heaven .

    神秘的造物主就是要使地上 变化无穷,天上 改观 变形

  • The Transfiguration is a stark reminder that in the midst of glory there is still much pain to be borne .

    登山 变相是一个明显的提醒,在荣耀之中仍然有许多痛苦还得承担。

  • Jesus took three of his disciples with him to see this amazing transfiguration .

    耶稣带了三位门徒一同 上山,让他们看见祂 改变 形像

  • Basic Modelling and Transfiguration of Ridges of Wuxi Traditional Housing X-ray contrast examination of cerebrospinal fluid cervical lymphatic drainage in rabbit

    无锡传统民居屋脊的基本造型与 变化兔脑脊液颈淋巴回流的X-线造影检查

  • It was a sudden transfiguration a lifting-up of day .

    那是突如其来的 变形,是白昼的升华。

  • It is in light of this fact that in the Christian tradition the Transfiguration serves as an appropriate symbol of the mystical union between God and the praying person .

    藉着此事,在基督教的传统里,登山 变相成为上帝与祈祷人之间的神秘契合之符号。

  • For as we had learned earlier transfiguration is not quite separate from the call to servanthood .

    我们之前学到的, 登山 变相是不能与服侍的呼召分割的。

  • This voice on the Mount of Transfiguration reconfirms Jesus'call to be the Servant of Yahweh the Chosen One ( Isa . 42:1 ; 52:13ff . ) who will redeem Israel through his own suffering .

    这在 登山 变相的声音再次确定了耶稣的呼召成为耶和华的仆人,被拣选的(以赛亚书 42:1;52:13),就是那位将用自己的受苦来救赎以色列。

  • She considers other forms of magic to be somewhat less elegant and more simplistic than Transfiguration .

    她认为其他形式的魔法似乎没有 变形 那样 复杂和上乘。