


  • Methods A retrospective analysis was made to the nutrition management of4 cases in the perioperative period of liver transplantation .

    方法对4例肝 移植病人进行围手术期营养管理,对其方法和 效果进行回顾性分析。

  • Including cell fusion technology cell transplantation chromosome engineering and tissue culture .

    包括细胞融合技术、细胞器 移植、染色体工程和组织培养技术。

  • For successful transplantation these proteins ideally should be matched between donor and recipient .

    对成功的 移植来说这些蛋白质应该在供体和受体之间相匹配。

  • Liver transplantation offers the best chance for a cure in patients with small tumors and significant associated liver disease .


  • This can serve as an alternative source for bone marrow transplantation .

    这是骨髓 移植的另外一个骨髓来源。

  • Results Effective donor liver perfusion and hypothermal preservation in liver transplantation assures success of operation .

    结果:肝 移植中有效的供肝灌注和低温保存保证了手术的成功。

  • Methods Pterygium was treated by amnion transplantation .

    方法采用羊膜 移植 治疗翼状胬肉。

  • Objective : To explore the effect of ABO mismatch on clinical characteristics in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation .

    目的:分析ABO血型不合对异基因造血干细胞 移植的影响。

  • His research subjects are abdominal organ transplantation clinical and experimental study in biliary atresia .

    他的主要研究方向是:腹部器官 移植、胆道闭锁的临床和实验研究。

  • Objective : To assess the effect of marrow stroma cell transplantation on constitution hydroxyproline of myocardial infarction in rabbit .

    目的:评价骨髓基质细胞 移植对组织羟脯氨酸含量的影响, 探讨 细胞 移植对心肌梗塞后心室重塑机制。

  • This review highlights recent advances in the role of antibody induction in liver transplantation .

    这篇综述特别强调了近来抗体诱导在肝 移植中作用的研究进展。

  • While long-term efficacy and safety have not been established meniscal allograft transplantation may benefit carefully selected patients .

    虽然长期疗效和安全性尚未确定,半月板 移植的病人可能会受益精心挑选的。

  • The recent application of G-CSF in stem cell transplantation is reviewed in this view .

    本文旨在对G-CSF在干细胞 移植领域中的新进展进行综述。

  • Objective to study the curative effect of pterygium excision with conjunctival transplantation .

    摘要目的研究结膜 移植联合逆行切除治疗初发翼状胬肉的治疗效果。

  • A technical innovation of a novel ureter implantation technique on rat kidney allograft transplantation is described .

    本文叙述了一种在大鼠同种异体肾 移植中输尿管植入技术的革新。

  • AIM : To investigate the application of stem cell transplantation in the treatment of lower limb ischemia .

    目的:探讨干细胞 移植在下肢缺血性疾病治疗中的应用情况。

  • Objective To analyze the outcome of autogenous hair transplantation in treatment of seborrheic hair loss .

    目的探讨和分析运用自体毛发 移植 治疗脂溢性脱发的效果和特点。

  • In children jaundice and cirrhosis are responsible for more than half of the need for liver transplantation .

    儿童黄疸和肝硬化是造成半数以上需要肝脏 移植的原因。

  • We worked several days at transplantation of rice seedings .


  • Conclusion Autologous stem cells transplantation might be a safe and effective method for decompensate liver cirrhosis .

    结论自体干细胞 移植治疗晚期肝硬化是一种安全、有效的 治疗方法。

  • Objective To evaluate the influence of retroperfusion on initial hepatic function in clinical orthotopic liver transplantation .

    目的初步探讨原位肝 移植术中肝脏逆行灌注对 移植肝早期肝功能的影响。

  • The author pointed out indwelling intravenous ducts under collarbone ensured smooth performance of marrow transplantation .

    留置锁骨下静脉导管保证了骨髓 移植的顺利进行。

  • Donor cells play a very important role in nuclear transplantation of Somatic Cell .

    供体细胞在体细胞核 移植中发挥着非常重要的作用。

  • Stem cell transplantation ; Bone marrow stem cell ; Spinal injury ; Neurogenic bladder ; Urodynamics ;

    干细胞 移植;骨髓干细胞;脊髓损伤;神经源性膀胱;尿动力学;

  • Intestinal transplantation has evolved over the years with major improvements in patient and graft survival .

    近年来小肠 移植在患者和移植物的存活率方面取得了重大进展。

  • A valuable technology of ovary cryopreservation and transplantation is developed to establish ovum and has been advanced .

    卵巢冷冻保存和 移植是建立卵子库的一项有效技术,近年来取得了很大进展。

  • Lack of donors block the development of organ transplantation .

    器官短缺严重阻碍了器官 移植发展。

  • The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of hepatocyte transplantation in the mouse model of hemophilia B.

    该研究的目的在于研究肝细胞 移植在小鼠B型血友病模型中的效果。

  • Transplantation is not always successful in the matter of flowers or maidens .

    花儿 移栽往往并不成功,少女们换了环境也是如此。