transfer income

[trænsˈfɚ ˈɪnˌkʌm][trænsˈfə: ˈinkəm]


  • In fact three mechanisms explain the relatively low price of Chinese exports all of which transfer income from Chinese households to subsidize Chinese producers .

    事实上,三大机制解释了中国出口商品相对便宜的原因。所有这些机制将 收入从中国家庭 转移至中国的生产企业,对后者进行补贴。

  • A Discussion on the Equality Effect of Transfer Income


  • Subsequent from the analysis of the farmers ' income growth changes and features in China draws that farmers ' wage income 、 transfer income and property income are on the rise but family-run income remains as the main source of income in these years .

    随后对我国农民收入增长的变化及特征进行分析得出,目前农民的工资性收入、 转移收入和财产性收入虽然都在增加,但是这些年家庭经营收入还是作为主要的收入来源。

  • Indeed food price inflation is one way to transfer income from better-off urban households to those in rural areas .

    实际上,食品价格通胀是将 收入从较富裕的城市家庭 转移到农村家庭的一条途径。

  • Transfer of Income Across Generations and the Relevant Evaluation

    跨代 收入 流动及其评估

  • Human Capital and Intergenerational Transfer of Income Inequality

    人力资本与 收入不平等的代际间 传递

  • When the staff transfers this stock if the stock price still rises the staff may obtain a stock transfer income .

    当员工转让这笔股票时,如果股价依然上涨,员工又可获得一笔股票 转让 收入

  • The governments usually adopt several fiscal policies such as tax pension social security and payment transfer to alter income distribution .

    各国采取的 收入分配调节手段有税收、养老金、社会保障与 转移支付等财政政策。

  • However the role of labor force transfer in rural income distribution is not limited to non-agricultural income and its distribution .

    但是,劳动力 转移对于农村 收入分配的作用并不止于非农收入及其分配。

  • This in effect represented a large transfer of income from the household sector to the banks to government and to businesses .

    这实际上意味着从家庭部门向银行、政府和企业的大规模 收入 转移

  • Such rises in raw material costs transfer income from consumers in advanced economies to commodity producers in certain emerging economies potentially increasing the divergence in world growth rates and stoking inflation .

    原材料成本的这种上涨, 收入从发达经济体的消费者, 转移到某些新兴经济体的大宗商品生产者,这可能扩大世界增长率的差异,并引发通胀。

  • A Study on Adverse Transfer in Income Redistribution Process

    中国 居民 收入再分配过程中的逆向 转移问题研究

  • In this case you company will be levied at the rate of5 % on the transfer income .

    在这种情况下,你们应就 转让无形资产的 收入按5%交纳营业税。

  • Along with the wage income transfer income and operating income property income is an important component of disposable income .

    它与工资性收入、 转移收入、经营性收入均是可支配收入的重要组成部分。

  • Referring to these international experiences and according to the current circumstance of our country this paper puts forth some suggestions and measures on transfer tax and income tax to perfect the tax system and make full of its function .

    本文参考这些国际经验,结合中国实际情况,就中国 流转税和 所得税的改革提出了一些建议和措施,以期完善税制,并使之发挥应有的作用。

  • In this paper some financial problems are discussed concerning property right pluralism reform of State-owned enterprises such as the definition valuation and price fixing of State-owned enterprise property capital sources of undertaking party and the disposal and use of transfer income .

    本文仅就国有企业产权多元化改革所涉及的有关财务问题,如国有产权的界定、评估、定价以及承接方的资金来源、 转让 收入的处置运用等,进行探讨。

  • Based on the absolute terms wage income family business income property income and transfer income are increasing every year .

    绝对数看,工资性收入、家庭经营性收入、财产性收入、 转移收入绝对数逐年增长。

  • The restrictions factors to tax planning mainly refer to the tax-rule restrictions such as economics essence of transaction business purpose income transfer constructive income related transaction and tax deduction .

    税收筹划行为的约束因素主要指交易的经济实质和商业目的、收入 转移、推定 收入、关联交易、税前扣除等税收规则约束。

  • Some rules of planning for exploiting the tourist resources were also discussed through scenery system tourist service system ecological environment conservation traffic and transfer and income from investment in this paper .

    文中同时从风景体系规划、旅游服务体系规划、生态及环境保护规划、交通及 中转和投资 收益规划等五个方面对其规划设计进行了简要的论述。

  • Among the net income the manufacture net income took up the absolute important place and the wage income proportion was high while the transfer income and property income proportion were low .

    农民纯收入中,生产性纯收入占了绝对重要的地位,工资性收入比重较高,而 转移收入和财产性收入的比重较低。

  • Reductions in inheritance tax implemented in 2003 encouraged some transfer of income but there is scope for further reform .

    2003年实施的遗产税降低,鼓励了一部分 收入 转移,但在这方面仍有进一步改革的空间。

  • Crises financial transfer and income distribution : the experience in Latin American countries and its enlightenment to China

    危机、金融 转移 收入分配:拉美的经验及中国的启示

  • According to the results transfer income does not play the redistribution function of small income gap ; transfer income on the rural regional internal and towns of regional internal narrow a certain income gap of residents but obviously expanded income gap between the urban and rural residents .

    研究发现: 转移性收入对农村区域内部和城镇区域内部的的居民 收入差距起到一定的调节作用,但是却明显扩大了城乡居民之间的收入分配差距。

  • In the western developed countries or regions the transnational corporations occasionally try to transfer their income or cost in order to make a reasonable evasion of taxes by means of the transactions of the parties involved .

    在西方发达国家或地区,跨国公司经常利用关联方交易 转移 收入或费用,以达到合理避税的目的。

  • At the same time the land transfer income also increased dramatically .

    同时,土地 出让 收入也随之大幅度增加。

  • Adjusted transfer income percentages for financially troubled clubs .

    调整了财政困难俱乐部的 转会 收入百分比。