transfer point

[trænsˈfɚ pɔɪnt][trænsˈfə: pɔint]


  • The ALTER statement changes the transfer point specified in the GO TO statement .

    ALTER语句修改了GOTO语句中指定的 转移 transfer point)。

  • The corona or brush discharge would transfer from point to point .

    电晕放电和刷毛状放电只是从放电 逐个地发生。

  • In addition three-dimensional path planning result is given based on two-dimensional penetration path planning . Finally two emergency situations of path planning such as with a transfer point en route and being intercepted en penetration process are researched .

    另外,并在二维航迹规划基础之上,给出三维航迹规划的显示结果。最后,研究了具有航路 中转 以及在突防过程中被敌方武器拦截等2种突发情况下的突防航迹规划问题。

  • A calculation of guide air in a part airtight cover of transfer point of belt conveyor

    胶带输送机 转运 局部密闭罩内诱导空气量的计算

  • Remove low-pressure line for high-pressure pump at fuel line transfer point .

    拆下燃油管路 输送 的高压泵低压管路。

  • C.Service Transfer Point ( STP ) Switches that setup manage release voice circuits required to make a call and request data .

    c.业务 传输 (STP)进行呼叫和请求数据所需的建立、管理、释放语音电路的交换机。

  • This paper proposes a method which is based on heat transfer pinch point for the selection of zeo-tropic mixtures to be used in the same work condition .

    为了解决多种非共沸工质的优选问题,提出了一种基于 传热的分析方法。

  • Preliminary research on dust pollution control of the transfer point on coal belt in thermal power plant

    燃煤电厂输煤皮带 转运 的防尘措施

  • Research on mass transfer point efficiency of New VST

    新型垂直筛板的 传质 效率研究

  • Zeotropic Mixture Selection Based on Heat Transfer Pinch Point

    基于 传热的非共沸混合工质优选方法

  • Multicast realizes effective data transfer for point to multipoint on internet . This paper introduces the basic concept and technique of multicast .

    多播技术实现了互连网络 中点到多点的高效数据 传送,本文介绍了多播的基本概念和技术。

  • This paper analysed the optimal absorber plate structure from the heat transfer point of view .

    本文对管板式平板集热器集热板最优结构作了 传热分析。

  • Study on the Emission in a SI Engine with Secondary Air during Cold Start ; Distribution of Heat Transfer Pinch Point of Gas Cooler in CO_2 Inverse-cycle

    二次空气对汽油机冷起动过程排放影响的研究二氧化碳逆循环中气体冷却器的 传热分布

  • It primary role is to protect us against the invasion of foreign substances and bacteria but it also serves as the transfer point for the release of toxins from our bodies .

    它最原始的作用便是防止病菌和外来物侵入人体,同时使体内释放毒素的 通道

  • This paper gives the introduction of the configuration characteristics and the application of S 12 stand-alone signalling transfer point which has been widely used in the national network .

    本文着重介绍了大量运用于国家网的S12独立信令 转接 的结构、性能特点和应用。

  • S100 signaling gateway can be used as a signaling agency and a signaling transfer point .

    S100信令网关既可以工作信令代理方式,又可以工作在信令 转接方式下。

  • Transfer times transfer point choice and the travel cost are taken into consideration in the new algorithm .

    新算法考虑了公交换乘次数、 换乘 选择以及出行总成本对求解最优路径的综合影响。

  • Compared with other similar systems it is a high real-time system and it can retransfer files between two computers from the latest file transfer break point and makes file resources in the system be shared by group .

    与同类其它产品相比较,本系统具有实时性高、断点 续传、文件资源分类共享的特点。

  • During interpolation preprocess the high speed adaptive look-ahead control strategy is established by using path transfer point maximum velocity confirming adaptive predetermination of deceleration point position and stride segment transfer point speed checking .

    插补预处理时,按轨迹 转接 最高速度确定、减速点位置自适应前瞻确定和整体跨段转接点速度校核三个步骤建立连续微段的高速自适应前瞻控制策略。

  • Deformation Transfer for Point Set Surface Based on Vertex Deformation Gradient

    基于顶点变形梯度的 曲面变形 传输

  • In Chapter one the literature review gives us a clear show of the starting and development of the study of language transfer and point out the necessity to do much experimental research in large scale concerning this field in middle school .

    本文在第一章的文献回顾中简要的介绍了语言 迁移的发展过程, 指出通过初中阶段进行大规模的实证分析来研究 句法 迁移的必要性。

  • Research on the Law of Coal Dust Settling at Transfer Point and Simulation Analysis

    煤炭 运输 转载 粉尘沉降规律的研究

  • Transfer point of trade metering is Panyu gas production area and monitored in cep .

    贸易计量的 交接 选择番禺气区,同时在cep监控。

  • S 12 No.7 Signalling Transfer Point

    S12No.7信令 转接

  • Do not use this value if the 24-bit signal transfer point code pair has already been specified .

    如果已经指定了24位信令 传输 编码对,就不能使用该值。

  • Using a real life analogy when you travel by air you check-in large pieces of luggage and only claim them when you reach a transfer point or your destination .

    使用一个真实类比,当您乘飞机旅行时,要签入托运大件行李且只要在到达 中转 或目的地时才领取它们。

  • Application of New Type Transfer Point Technology in Coal Conveying System

    新型 转运 技术在运煤系统中的应用研究

  • Distribution of Heat Transfer Pinch Point of Gas Cooler in CO_2 Inverse-cycle

    二氧化碳逆循环中气体冷却器的 传热分布

  • Experimental Analysis on Strength Transfer Relationship in Point Load Test

    荷载试验强度 转换关系的试验分析