transfer speed

[trænsˈfɚ spid][trænsˈfə: spi:d]


  • Poster speed and conveyer belt speed transfer speed in step can is it stick to standard exactness and poster quality to guarantee .

    贴标速度与输送带速度同步 调速,可确保贴标准确度及贴标品质。

  • In recent years the global industrial transfer speed is greatly accelerated .

    近年来,全球服务产业 转移 速度大大加快。

  • The OFDM technology improves the spectrum utilization efficiency and data transfer speed but it needs the power amplifier to be fit for high peak to average ratio and high linear requirements .

    OFDM技术提高了频谱利用率的同时也提高了数据 传输 速度,但是也给功放系统提出了高的峰均比(PAR,Peak-to-AverageRatio)和高的线性等要求。

  • Promote the transfer speed of rural land is an inevitable choice to enlarge the size of operations optimize the allocation of resources and improve the operating efficiency of agriculture .

    推进农村土地 流转是实现土地规模经营、优化资源配置、提高农业经营效益的必然选择。

  • This text introduce frequency conversion transfer speed technology system of the control system make up energy-conserving principle and parameter of the frequency converter set up in glass production line combustion-supporting wind .

    介绍了变频 调速技术在玻璃生产线助燃风控制系统中的系统组成、节能原理及变频器的参数设置。

  • It is predictable that USB will be more and more popular with its transfer speed and applicability being increased .

    可以预见,USB的应用会越来越广泛,其 传输 速率和通用性也会越来越高。

  • Currently Internet gets the gigabit or higher transfer speed in the communication networks .

    目前互联网获得千兆位或更高 传输 速度的通信网络。

  • To match timing requirement of the acquisition and USB transfer speed and to simplify hardware design EDA and CPLD technology are used in the paper .

    本文充分利用EDA和CPLD技术,实现了指纹采集和USB 传输 速率的匹配,简化并完善了硬件电路的设计。

  • With the development of technology and information transfer speed improvement and mode of transmission of the change so that modern education is not confined to classroom teaching .

    而随着科技的发展,信息 传输 速度的提升和传播方式的改变,使得现代教育并不局限于课堂教学。

  • Transfer speed of data from the host to the video memory .

    从主机到视频内存间的数据 传输 速度

  • Applying OFDM to the WLAN physical layer there are many kinds of encoding and modulating modes . Such systems can support multi-speed transmission mode have higher transfer speed and spectrum efficiency and have better system performance .

    将OFDM技术应用于WLAN系统物理层时,可采用多种编码和调制方式,支持多速率的传输模式,具有较高的 传输 速率和频谱利用率及良好的系统性能。

  • The results show that the software and hardware work naturally test the efficient transfer speed and obtain research results .

    结果表明,该系统软硬件能够很好的配合工作,测试了系统的有效 传输 速率,取得了一定的研究成果。

  • Some advanced technologies about the quenching transfer speed and the control of quenching medium temperature are introduced .

    介绍了在工件淬火 转移 速度和淬火介质温度控制上的一些先进技术。

  • Firmware is very important in a USB device project which affects the transfer speed of USB directly .

    固件程序的设计是USB设备开发过程中非常重要的一个环节,它直接影响到USB设备的 传输 速度

  • As an important direction for short wave frequency hopping technology differential frequency hopping has been the concern of many researchers . This kind of correlated frequency hopping system can provide a data transfer speed faster than ever before and better resistance to jamming and interception capabilities .

    作为短波跳频通信的一个重要方向,差分跳频(DFH)受到了很多研究人员的关注,这种相关跳频方式可以提供比以往跳频系统更快的数据 传输 速率和更好的抗干扰抗截获性能。

  • A system was introduced which combines the 32-Bit ARM processor and DSP video compressing module the practical GPRS and video transfer speed was considered the system uses the JPEG coding .

    介绍了一种监控系统,系统采用32位ARM处理器与DSP视频压缩模块相结合,并考虑了实际的GPRS与视频 传输 速度 匹配问题,采用JPEG编码方式。

  • This system is a MCU control system based on USB data transfer which is better than traditional carving machine based on PC and parallel port in the real time nature reliability and data transfer speed .

    该系统不同于通常基于PC机和并口的雕刻机,采用基于USB数据传输的单片机控制,大大增强了系统实时性、可靠性和数据 传输 速度

  • To improve the images transfer speed auto-routing and multi-channel techniques are used in PACS data center .

    在图像的 传输上,PACS数据中心采用了自动路由和多通道并行等技术。

  • This article provides an improved algorithm in asynchronous data communication with the help of data address a better data transfer speed and faults tolerance ability are achieved .

    本文给出了一个并行数据传输改进的异步传输控制的算法,引进了数据地址的概念,重新定义同步信号和修改数据的 交换过程,提高了数据通信的 速度和容错能力。

  • Human capital to some extent determine the direct labor to urban competitiveness and labor transfer speed .

    人力资本存量一定程度上决定了劳动力转向城市的直接竞争力以及劳动力 转移 速度

  • The software with dynamic transfer speed was implemented through adjusting dynamically compression ratio of the screen images .

    为此,通过对屏幕图像压缩率的动态调整实现了可变 传输 速率的远程控制软件。

  • It does not involve many configuration changes and greatly increases the transfer speed .

    它并不涉及许多配置方面的更改,但却大大提高 传输 速度

  • It can transfer analysis result of steel composition to the screen in front of convert real time and has characters of fast transfer speed and high accuracy . The application has shown that the system can improve work efficiency and product eligibility rate and reduce cost .

    该系统可将炉前钢样化验分析结果实时传输到炉前大屏,具有 传输 速度快、准确率高的特点,提高了工作效率和产品合格率,降低了生产成本。

  • Signal No. 7 system is an internationalized and standardized universal common-channel signal system featuring high channel availability large signal capacity and high transfer speed .

    7号信令系统是国际化、标准化的通用公共信道信令系统,具有信道利用率高、信令容量大和 传送 速度快等优点。

  • As a result of the different requirement in processing speed 、 capture environment 、 transfer speed video capture system exerts a higher requirement on peripheral equipment interface technology .

    由于视频采集系统对 传输 速度、处理速度、采集环境等的不同需求,对外围设备的接口技术也提出了更高的要求。

  • The choke point in unstability of data transfer speed of the increasing number of hard disks is overcomed .

    避免了阵列因为硬盘数量太多造成 存储 速率不稳定进而丢帧、错帧的瓶颈。