transaction data

[trænˈsækʃən ˈdetə][trænˈzækʃən ˈdeitə]


  • Research on Association Rules Mining Based on Transaction Data Table

    基于 事务 数据表的关联规则挖掘技术研究

  • This scenario includes data such as customer transaction data preferences purchasing history demographic information survey data customer call center notes and recordings and so on .

    这个场景包括各种数据,比如客户 交易 数据、偏好、购买历史、人口信息、问卷调查数据和客户呼叫中心记录等。

  • We analyze the model by selecting real transaction data of America stock market S & P 500 .

    通过选取美国股票市场S&P500的实际 交易 数据对所建模型进行了实证分析。

  • The original method based on the changes of original transaction data will generate massive I / O operations .

    原有的方法基于对原始 数据 集中 事务的修改,会产生大量的I/O操作。

  • The indicators reflecting old customers ' value and business integrity are gained through analyzing the historical transaction data .

    通过对客户历史 交易 数据的分析,获得能够综合反映老客户忠诚度和价值度的指标。

  • Our professional team can handle a large amount of transaction data which keeps the system run smoothly and maximize the returns in a short period .

    另外,特设专业小组管理大量的 交易 数据,令系统运作更加流畅,务求在最短的时间内得到最大的回报。

  • Its characteristic is that the candidate set is adopted by the key word identifies and at the same time transaction data is compressed by transaction and item .

    该算法的特点是:项目集采用关键字识别,同时对 事务 数据进行事务和项目压缩。

  • Most previous studies have shown how binary valued transaction data may be handled .

    过去大部份的研究皆著重于如何处理二元值的 交易 资料

  • Performance Manager does not use these namespaces directly but the tracking information of Performance Manager service enrollments and other transaction data requires enrollment namespace data .

    PerformanceManager并不直接使用这些名称空间,但是PerformanceManager的跟踪信息、服务登记和其他 事务 数据需要登记名称空间数据。

  • Most financial institutions especially those with a global presence have all set up large-scale regional processing centres to centrally handle transaction data around the world .

    大多数金融机构,特别是那些在全球开展业务的机构,都已经建立了大型的地区性处理中心,以集中处理全球 交易 数据

  • While the device-level data is automatically enabled transaction data such as transaction rates or transaction times is usually available only when Statistics are enabled on the device .

    设备级数据是自动启用的,而 事务 数据(如事务率或事务时间)只有在对设备启用了Statistics时才有效。

  • Most of the information is saved in the database including business data ( transaction data and financial information ) and confidential information ( private data engineering data and business or military secret ) and so on .

    组织中绝大部分信息资产保存在数据库中,其实包括商业数据( 交易 数据、财务信息)、保密信息(私有技术和工程数据、商业或军事机密)等。

  • In the test system the client realized the mobile transaction data synchronization signature verification process well .

    在测试系统中,客户端很好地实现了移动 交易 数据同步签名认证的过程。

  • Examples include archiving transaction data for auditing and keeping the online operation database to a manageable size .

    比如,归档 事务 数据可能是为了便于审计,或者为了保证在线运营数据库的大小更易于管理。

  • The IDES Release Strategy ensures that you always get new master data transaction data customizing functions and documentation that are tested and checked for quality .

    这个IDES版本策略使得您总能得到经过检查与测试的主数据、 事务 数据、配置功能和文档。

  • We adopt a belief update model and collect actual transaction data to verify the model .

    此研究采用了一个信念更新模型,而且使用实际 交易 数据验证了此模型。

  • Storing all credit card transaction data current and outdated core and related in the warehouse negatively impacts the performance .

    将所有信用卡 事务 数据当前的和过期的、核心的和相关的存储在数据仓库中会对性能造成负面影响。

  • Transaction data are generated to ensure that the information systems in all areas have access to realistic evaluation data .

    我们生成各种 业务 数据,以保证不同地区都能使用现实的评估数据。

  • For example for transaction data of banks a number of unusual transactions data may indicate financial fraud .

    比如:在银行的 交易 数据中,一些异常交易数据可能预示金融欺诈。

  • So for any such stateful transaction data you need to understand its value in the sense of the cost to the business when the data is lost .

    因此,对于任何这种“有状态”的 事务 数据,您需要了解当数据丢失时的业务价值。

  • This improved algorithm increased data mining efficiency apparently in mining longer item set and larger transaction data .

    该改进算法对长 事务集以及 事务 数据量较大的情况下的数据挖掘效率的提升比较明显,所以适合对长事务集以及大 数据 数据进行挖掘。

  • Daily alerts of any exceptions in transaction data patterns by individual cashiers inform management of high-risk activities .

    收银员通过每日快讯中的 交易 数据可以通知管理层进一步监视高风险的活动。

  • Agents are deployed on all of the nodes to capture transaction data for each transaction .

    所有节点上都部署了代理以获取每个事务的 事务 数据

  • The Performance Manager tracks business service enrollments and other transaction data required for reporting through an identifier supplied to the system .

    PerformanceManager通过向系统提供的标识符跟踪业务服务登记和需要报告的其他 事务 数据

  • Among some systems that bank use such as auditing systems users need to make statistics and analyses on transaction data in a very short time .

    在银行的一些系统中,如审计系统,用户需要在很短的时间内对 交易 数据进行统计和分析。

  • Alibaba can exploit its Big Data advantage by looking at its internal transaction data to assess risk .

    阿里巴巴可以利用其大数据优势,通过查看内部 交易 数据以评估风险。

  • The SEC is looking into whether so-called dark pools where some investors try to mask their trading activity should be forced to report more of their transaction data .

    SEC还将调查是否应强制所谓的暗池 交易参与者上报更多的 交易 数据,因为部分投资者通过暗池 交易掩盖自己真正的交易活动。

  • You may have good descriptive information ( such as notes or comments ) about a transaction that you do not want to lose but that isn 't useful for analyzing the transaction data .

    您可能拥有关于事务的较好的描述性信息(比如注释或注解),并且不想丢掉这些信息,但是这对 事务 数据的分析没有用处。

  • To ensure the density of transaction data and the accuracy of computing result a novel P2P global Probability and Statistics based trust ( PStrust ) model is presented .

    为了保证 数据 稠密性与计算结果的精确性,论文基于概率统计理论,提出了一种新的全局信任模型。