transaction file

[trænˈsækʃən faɪl][trænˈzækʃən fail]


  • The I / O statistics here are calculated from the Solaris iostat command and are the sum of the reads and writes for the six data volumes plus the transaction log and journal file systems .

    这里的I/O数量是通过Solarisiostat命令计算出来的,是6个数据卷以及 事务日志和日志 文件系统上读写操作的总和。

  • This indicates a corrupt transaction log file .

    这说明 事务日志 文件已损坏。

  • The program then changes the column data ( usually by reading a sorted transaction file in the same order as the table data ) and writes both the changed and unchanged rows to a sequential file .

    然后,该程序更改列数据(通常通过将相同顺序的已排序 事务 文件读作表数据),并将已变更和未变更的行写入一个顺序文件。

  • Copy the transaction log file to your PC to use this utility .

    要使用此实用程序,请将 事务日志 文件复制到pc上。

  • You can see the complete transaction process by viewing the file 's log file if you need to diagnose any issues .

    如果需要诊断任何问题,可以通过查看日志 文件了解完整的 事务 处理过程。

  • New transactions eventually overwrite the obsolete entries in the current transaction log before a new log file is created .

    在创建新的日志 文件之前,新的事务最终会覆盖当前 事务日志中已过时的条目。

  • This clause allows the active part of the transaction log to be backed up even if the database is inaccessible provided that the transaction log file is accessible and undamaged .

    只要 事务日志 文件是可访问的并且没有损坏,那么即使数据库不可访问,该子句也允许备份事务日志的活动部分。

  • The location specified for the transaction log file copies is illegal or invalid .

    事务日志 文件副本指定的位置非法或无效。

  • Analysis of the Transaction Log File of SQL Server 2000

    SqlServer2000 事务日志 文件深入剖析

  • It can happen however most often due to faulty hardware or operational mistakes ( like deleting a transaction log file ) .

    然而,它的确会发生,大部分原因经常是硬件出错和操作错误(比如日志 文件)。

  • For instance we might show output from a DB2 configuration file and ask What will happen when the current transaction log file becomes full ?

    例如,我们可能显示DB2配置文件的输出,并询问“当目前的 事务日志 文件填满之后会发生什么?”

  • The time stamp on the source storage group of the most recently detected new transaction log file .

    最近检测到的新 事务日志 文件的源存储组上的时间戳。

  • There is a difference between the truncation versus the compression of the transaction log file .

    事务日志 文件的截断和压缩是不同的。

  • If regular backups are not performed or backups fail transaction log files accumulate on the file system .

    如果未执行定期备份或备份失败, 事务日志文件将在 文件系统上堆积。

  • You cannot remove a file from the database unless the file has no existing data or transaction log information ; the file must be completely empty before it can be removed .

    只有文件中没有数据或 事务日志信息时,才可以从数据库中删除文件; 文件必须完全为空,才能够删除。

  • Specify transaction log file growth information .

    指定 事务日志 文件增长信息。

  • To add a data or transaction log file click add .

    若要添加数据或 事务日志 文件,请单击“添加”。

  • When a log is full it is renamed to allow the creation of a new empty transaction log file .

    日志已满时,它会被重命名,以便允许创建新的空 事务日志 文件

  • Synchronous : A database change made on the primary database won 't be committed until the associated log records have been written to the transaction log file on the standby DB2 instance .

    Synchronous:主数据库上的数据修改并不马上提交,而是等到已经把相关联的日志记录写到备用DB2实例上的 事务日志 文件时才提交。

  • Along with these a more advanced tuning technique that will yield additional performance gains is placing the transaction logs and file store ( if applicable ) on a fast disk .

    除此之外,一种更加高级的、能实现额外性能改进的调优技巧是将 事务日志和 文件库(如果可用)放置在速度较快的磁盘上。

  • This error indicates physical damage to a transaction log file .

    此错误指示对 事务日志 文件的物理损坏。

  • The transaction can be committed provided referential integrity will not be violated by doing so : record the operation in the transaction log file and release all locks .

    事务日志 文件中记录该操作并释放所有锁定,只要不违反参照完整性,就可以提交该事务。

  • The OS and Domino executables share one disk and the transaction log and page file share another .

    操作系统和Domino可执行文件共享一个磁盘,而 事务日志和页 文件共享另一个磁盘。

  • Also included is the SOA Transaction Definition file which defines the business transaction context mapping and data included in each service message .

    还包括的是SOA TransactionDefinition 文件,它定义了业务事务、环境映射,和每个服务消息中包含的数据。

  • Do not put the transaction log file or files on the same physical disk that has the other files and filegroups .

    请勿将 事务日志 文件置于其中已有其他文件和文件组的物理磁盘上。

  • Deleting a data or transaction log file removes the file from the database .

    删除数据或 事务日志 文件将从数据库中删除该文件。

  • Back up the current database and the transaction log to a file renaming the existing transaction log .

    将当前数据库和 事务日志备份到 文件,重命名现有事务日志。

  • Copy the transaction log file to the secondary server instance .

    事务日志 文件复制到辅助服务器实例。