transmission time

[trænsˈmɪʃən taɪm][trænzˈmiʃən taim]


  • After establishing the signal time model the limited transmission time for messages to guarantee the real-time communication of network is analyzed and the corresponding formulas are derived simultaneously . 2 .

    同时,论文建立信号时间模型,分析了为保证网络实时通信,消息必须满足的 传输 时限要求,并推导了相应的计算公式。

  • Hi this subject on intelligent gate system the contradiction among transmission distance quantity of node and transmission time under the condition of low-cost transmission media will be solved so that the anticipative target will be achieved thanks to the CAN technology .

    在本课题智能化门禁系统中,由于采用了CAN现场总线技术,较好地解决了在低成本传输介质(双绞线)条件下传输距离、节点数量和 传输 时间之间的矛盾,达到了预期的目标。

  • In-Order-Delivery of ARQ adds resequencing delay to packets ' link transmission time .

    自动请求重传(ARQ)的按序提交会产生重排序时延,增加分组的链路 传输 时间

  • Method of Station-Link Coarse Synchronization Based on Absolute Transmission Time of Loran-C Signal

    基于罗兰C信号绝对 发射 时刻的台链粗同步方法

  • A large chunk of binary data takes up less space than its encoded representation so MTOM can reduce transmission time ( although it incurs some processing overhead ) .

    大块二进制数据所占的空间比其编码的表示形式更小,因此MTOM可以减少 传输 时间(尽管它会引入某些处理开销)。

  • Smaller file size drastically reduces e-mail transmission time .

    文件大小变小了,可以大大缩短电子邮件的 传输 时间

  • The strategy has advantages such as short data transmission time high real-time fault tolerance .

    该策略具有数据 传输 时间短、实时性高、容错性强等优点。

  • Physical layer of TD-SCDMA could receive data by the unit of transmission time interval .

    TD-SCDMA物理层的 传输 信道传输 时间间隔为单位接收数据,经过信道编码与复用的处理将数据映射到物理信道 发送

  • A geometric compression algorithm is presented in this paper to save the geometry model storage and transmission time .

    提出了一个几何压缩算法,用以节省三角网格模型存储和 传输 时间

  • Compensation Control Method of Network Control Transmission Time Delay

    网络控制 传输 时延的补偿控制方法研究

  • The following graph demonstrates that compression has a positive impact on transmission time for128K line speeds or less for HTML content of this size .

    下面的图表说明,对于这么大的HTML内容,压缩会对128K或更低速的线路上的 传输 时间产生积极影响。

  • The approach of calculating the optimum set of data rates and the minimum transmission time is presented and proved . For various traffic conditions we proposed dynamic resource allocation schemes according to various QoS requirements and the number of users .

    文中给出并证明了计算最优速率集和对应最小 传输 时间的方法,归纳了当系统中业务变化时,根据变化的QoS要求和用户数目进行动态资源分配的流程。

  • The packet transmission time overhead of RTS access mode and basic access mode by analyze the MAC frames transmission procedure in IEEE 802.11 DCF were achieved .

    通过分析IEEE802.11DCF的分组发送过程,获得了RTS和基本方式下分组 传输 时间开销。

  • You can also reduce the size of the objects returned ( and thus the network transmission time ) simply by optimizing your object design to not include unnecessary fields .

    您还可以优化对象设计使其去除不必要的字段,从而减小所返回的对象的大小(以及网络 传输 时间)。

  • Under this transmission time the primary user interference can be accurately controlled .

    根据该 方案设定的 数据 发送 时间,能较精确地控制授权用户所受的干扰率。

  • In this paper two resource allocation schemes are proposed to minimize the transmission time in multimedia CDMA systems .

    本文提出了两种在多媒体CDMA系统中最小化 传输 时间的动态资源分配方案。

  • This increase in message size effectively results in an increase in data transmission time .

    这种消息大小上的增加有效地导致了数据 传输 时间的增加。

  • The adaptability of the DSA algorithm was analyzed and the optimal transmission time for the SU was obtained .

    对动态频谱接入算法的适应性问题进行了分析,并求得了次用户的最优 传输 时间 长度

  • The algorithm took transmission time vector between nodes as input and a model was established by KLPP which can reflect partial information network topology structure .

    该算法以节点间的 传输 时间向量为输入,借助能够体现网络拓扑结构局部信息的核局部保持映射进行建模。

  • This technique solves the problem between the compress ratio and image quality and significantly saves transmission time and storage space .

    该技术很好地解决了压缩比和图像质量之间的矛盾,可观地节省了 传输 时间和存储空间。

  • Formulas to calculate the optimal RTS threshold was given out based on minimizing the packet transmission time overhead .

    给出了以最小化 传输 时间开销代价为优化目标的最优RTS门限的计算公式。

  • However Internet transmission time delays delay jitter and bandwidth limitation and variation are unfavorable to the teleoperation system .

    但是,互联网的 传输 时延、时延抖动及带宽限制和带宽变化都对遥操作系统不利。

  • In the evaluation of file transmission time based on the algorism for linear transmission path we take the branched path into account to make the algorism perfect .

    评估文件 传输路径的响应 时间 ,在直线计算方法的基础上,添加了分支路径计算方法。

  • The measurement of signal transmission time is a critical technique for Radar and Sonar System .

    信号 传输 时间的测量,是雷达、声纳系统的关键技术之一。

  • This part analyzes the influence of network transmission time delays upon the stability and the control quality of the whole control system after the forwarding control channel and feedback channel of telecontrol system connect the Internet and designs compensator according to compensation elements .

    分析了控制系统前项通道和反馈通道接入Internet后网络 传输 延时对整个控制系统的稳定性和控制品质的影响,并依据补偿原理设计了补偿器。

  • Lossless protocols require retransmission of lost packets which substantially increases transmission time .

    无损协议对待丢失的数据包要求重传,这大大增加了 传输 时间

  • Owing to the improved binary search algorithm 38 % of transmission time was saved and the identification efficiency was greatly improved .

    算法的改进使 传输 时间节省38%,大大提高了奶牛的识别效率。

  • And the information value will change according to transmission velocity transmission time and space in information transmission process .

    信息价值在传播过程中,因 传播速度、 时间和空间的改变而发生改变。

  • This paper achieves the relationships between packet transmission time overhead and packet length of RTS and basic methods through analyzing the time overhead of single successful packet transmission and single packet collision of IEEE 802.11 DCF .

    文章通过分析IEEE802.11DCF分组发送成功和碰撞的持续时间,获得了RTS和基本方式下分组 传输 时间开销与分组长度的关系。

  • Research of IEEE 1394 bus transmission time delay property

    IEEE1394总线异步 传输 时延特性的研究