transmission distance

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈdɪstəns][trænzˈmiʃən ˈdistəns]


  • This arrangement freed generation from the necessity of being within 110 volts ( volts not kilovolts ) transmission distance of the load .

    这就摆脱了发电须在负荷的110V(V而不是kV) 输电 距离范围内。

  • Then the effect of modulation frequency transmission distance and fiber dispersion on XPM were analysed .

    然后,分析了调制频率、 光纤色散以及泵浦波SPM对 XPM的影响。

  • Wireless sensor node location approach based on transmission distance estimation

    基于 传输 距离估计的无线传感网节点定位方法

  • In contrast to the traditional mode-locked laser the fiber dispersion for a long-reach transmission distance can be totally pre-compensated without additional dispersion compensation components .

    不同于传统的锁模雷射,在 长途 传输中所造成的光纤色散可以被完全地预先补偿而不需要额外的色散补偿组件。

  • The influence of jitter on far-field also been given with different turbulent intensity or transmission distance based on a hexagonal-shaped laser array .

    以正六边形阵列为例,分析了在不同湍流强度或者 传输 距离时,抖动对远场造成的的影响。

  • The transmission distance at certain voltage level is restricted by power line 's voltage loss and transmission capacity .

    某一电压等级的 输电 距离,受输电线路的电压损失及输送容量限制。

  • We detailed zhe EPON techniques what is to be large scale application in two-way HFC network of the transformation at present from the main performance indexes and concrete construction scheme of EPON system calculationed the transmission distance and bandwidth capacity and other major properties of the system .

    对目前正被大规模应用于HFC网络双向化改造的EPON技术进行了详细的论述,研究了EPON系统的主要性能指标和具体建设方案,分析计算了该系统的 传输 距离和带宽容量等主要特性。

  • Networking structure transmission distance installation standard and supporting service of ADSL are introduced and existing problems prospect of application and development of ADSL technology are discussed .

    介绍了ADSL的组网结构、 传输 距离、安装、标准及支持的业务,并对ADSL技术存在的问题、应用和发展前景等进行了分析论述。

  • However spectrum resources and transmission distance are limited which severely restrict further development of wireless communication .

    但是有限的频谱资源和 传输 距离极大地限制了无线通信的进一步发展。

  • The transmission distance of the node is also tested .

    同时,对无线传感器网络节点进行了 无线 传输 距离等测试。

  • Because of the high rate the transmission distance of the VDSL is shorter than the other DSL technology .

    由于VDSL的传输速率高,其对应的 传输 距离和其他DSL技术相比较短。

  • In high-speed serial links equalization techniques can effectively improve the data rate or increase the transmission distance .

    在高速串行链路中,均衡技术可以有效地提高数据速率或增加 传输 距离

  • The traditional temperature and humidity monitor system based on the RS485 bus has a complicated routing and limited transmission distance .

    传统的基于RS485总线的温湿度监控系统布线繁琐、 传输 距离受限。

  • Overcome the PLC transmission distance problem by relaying approach .

    通过中继实现 远距离 传输,克服了PLC 传输 距离 相对 的问题。

  • Transmission distance of single-hop wireless network limits the coverage of the WLAN .

    由于单跳无线的 传输 距离有限,这就限制了WLAN的覆盖范围。

  • Through quantitative analysis of the two mechanisms the radar self-organizing networking shows its superiority on transmission distance and redundancy .

    通过对两种组网机制的定量分析,雷达自组网在数据冗余和 通信 距离方面具有一定的优势。

  • Dispersion is one of the mainly limited factors to the transmission distance .

    光纤损耗对系统的 传输 距离不再起主要限制作用,色散便上升为首要限制因素之一。

  • Advanced formats will enhance the limitation of dispersion and nonlinearity and prolong the transmission distance .

    先进的信号调制格式将提高系统的色散、非线性容限,延长 系统 传输 距离

  • If the scope of jitter is definite the affect of jitter will become worse with the decrease of the turbulent intensity or transmission distance .

    当抖动范围相同时,随着湍流强度的减弱或者 传输 距离的减小,抖动的破坏更加严重。

  • As the CANBUS transmission distance is limited it is necessary to design a CANBUS repeater which adapts to long-distance underground transmission to store and forward the CAN signals .

    由于CAN总线 传输 距离有限,要适应井下长距离传输,有必要设计一种CAN总线中继器将CAN信号进行存储转发。

  • With the increment of installed capacity transmission distance and series compensation level the damage of SSR will be more serious .

    装机容量愈大, 输电 距离,要求串补度愈高,SSR的危害愈严重。

  • The I-7000 is used as its remote data acquisition module and the data transmission distance is above 1200 meters .

    对防腐设备恒电位仪的控制和现场远程数据采集选用I-7000系列模块,各模块与主监控机之间的数据 传输 通过RS-485总线完成, 信号 传输 距离大于1200m。

  • The system is low cost signal transmission distance immunity to interference .

    该系统成本低、信号 传输 距离 、抗干扰性强。

  • The influences of gas transmission distance and quantity on the energy consumption and investment costs in the two supercharging ways are discussed .

    文章针对不同增压方式,讨论了 输送 距离和输送气量对不同增压方式下压缩机能耗及投资费用的影响。

  • Relations Between Transmission Distance and Phase / Group Path for Oblique Propagation

    相路径与群路径同斜向 传输 距离的关系距离数据半自动 传输

  • This paper focuses on the WIFI as a new type of broadband wireless access technology it has a faster transfer speeds and longer transmission distance .

    本论文主要讲述了WIFI作为一种新型的宽带无线接入技术,它具有更快的传输速度和更长的 传输 距离

  • The graph of the pulse width with the evolution of the transmission distance is described .

    并进一步得出了脉宽随 传输 距离演化的解析解;