transmission condition

[trænsˈmɪʃən kənˈdɪʃən][trænzˈmiʃən kənˈdiʃən]


  • Coupling of different subdomains is achieved through the transmission condition at the interface .

    通过 传输 条件实现各子域间的耦合。

  • The samples are tested and the measurement results show that the signal reception can well realized when the signal distance is about 1m under different transmission frequency condition .

    测试结果表明,在不同的 载波频率 ,信号的接收距离大约在1m左右,达到对信号的良好接收。

  • It is shown that S-H crossed-axis helical gears perform a good gear transmission on condition of little axial angle .

    SH交错轴斜齿轮 传动是小轴交角 情况 空间交错轴 传动的一种优良形式。

  • It introduced the appliance of high-power AC-AC transducer to promote the system of main mine analyzed the operation process of the transmission agent and condition of this system .

    介绍了大功率交交变频器在主井提升系统中的应用,分析了 传动 控制系统的运算过程及该系统的 运行 状况

  • A multi-task information processing system which include data collection data transmission condition monitoring and fault diagnosis is formed ; The system can do the real-time on-line monitoring to the plunger pump equipment and analysis the different spectrogram .

    形成一个集数据采集、数据 传输状态监测、故障诊断、数据查询、报表输出为一体的多任务信息处理系统。

  • In multi-cell coordinated transmission condition we often aim to maximize the average spectrum efficiency under sum power constraint or per base power constraint . It finally converts to an optimization problem .

    在多小区协作 传输 环境中,我们的问题常常转化为在总功率约束或者每基站功率约束下,最大化频谱效率或者系统容量。

  • A Good Transmission on Condition of Little Axial Angle for Crossed-axis in Space

    小轴交角空间交错轴间 传动的一种优良 形式

  • This paper analyzes the characteristic of HFC upstream channel proposes that using S-CDMA can obtain stable transmission on the condition of very low SNR .

    分析了HFC上行信道的特点,提出使用S-CDMA技术可以在极低的信噪比 获得稳固的 传输 特性

  • A Kind of Additive Schwarz Procedures Based on Robin Transmission Condition

    一类基于 Robin界面 条件的加性Schwarz算法

  • The propagation characteristics of electromagnetic waves in a circular cylindrical dielectric waveguide is analyzed and the transmission condition and the eigenvalue equation are derived by using Maxwell 's equations .

    通过简单的数学分析,推导圆棒介质波导的导模 传播 条件及特征方程,讨论电磁波在圆棒介质波导中的传播特性。

  • This paper discusses the inverse scattering problem with transmission boundary condition . Green 's theorem and the jump relation of the single - layer and double - layer potentials are used to characterize spaces of the form closure of the far field patterns U ( V ) .

    研究一类声波反散射的 传输问题,用格林定理和单双层位势的跳跃关系刻画了 相应远场模式U(V)的闭包型空间。

  • The transmission condition of complex geometrical boundaries in transversely isotropic media is presented based on character .

    基于波动沿边界法向传播的特征量分析,给出了横观各向同性介质中复杂形状边界的 透射 条件

  • With the development of mechanical transmission technology machinery and equipment became more precision complexity and more automation mechanical transmission equipment condition monitoring and fault diagnosis technology has been paid more and more attention .

    随着机械传动设备的精密程度、复杂程度以及自动化程度越来越高,机械 传动设备 状态监测和故障诊断技术越来越受到重视。

  • Each kind of the dielectric in the cavity is regarded as a subdomain and analyzed by the FEM . Coupling of different subdomains is achieved by the transmission condition on the interface .

    对腔体外的区域采用BEM法分析,将腔体内的每层介质作为一个子域,用FEM法分析,各子域间通过 传输 条件进行耦合。

  • The Crank Existing Conditions and the Constant Velocity Transmission Condition for the Overconstrained Spatial Mechanisms

    过约束空间机构的曲柄条件及等角速 传动 条件

  • The principle of acoustooptic communication is presented and the best transmission condition is obtained by experiments .

    推导出了声光调制通信原理的有关公式,通过实验给出了最佳 传输 条件

  • The result of test indicates that this method is accurate and effective it can provide reference for the maintenance work of the power transmission line insulation condition .

    测试结果验证了该方法准确有效,可为 输电线路巡检和绝缘 状态检修工作提供决策参考。

  • It is difficult to study some important mechanical transmission equipment condition monitoring and analysis for researchers .

    使研究人员对一些重要机械 传动设备的 状态监测、损坏原因研究分析十分困难。

  • The coupling of each neighboring subdomains is realized by vector transmission condition and the electric field distribution in the cavity is found by iteration .

    腔体间应用矢量 传输 条件进行耦合,最终腔体内电场分布通过迭代获得。

  • With further work we hope to implement mature engineering applications help researchers study and analyze the operational status of mechanical transmission equipment and research the new method of mechanical transmission equipment condition monitoring and fault diagnosis .

    随着工作的进一步深入,希望可以实现成熟的工程应用系统,帮助科研人员研究分析机械传动设备的运行状态,研究机械 传动设备 状态监测和故障诊断的新方法。

  • Both the BIE and transmission condition are transformed into the third boundary condition .

    在分析过程中,将 传输 条件和BIE统一成第三类边界条件形式。

  • Theoretic deduction and practice indicate that the design solves the problem of image data transmission in the condition of high-speed movement and high spread spectrum gain .

    理论推导和实际应用表明,本设计有效地解决了大动态、高扩频增益 条件 的高速率的图像数据 传输问题。

  • On this basis we proposed an optimization scheme in downlink multi-user multi-antenna transmission system under condition of imperfect channel state information in Base Stations .

    在此基础上本文创造性地提出了一种不完善信道信息 条件下的下行多用户多天线系统的优化 传输方案。

  • Because of bad transmission condition in underwater channel synchronization signal processing is a key factor of underwater acoustic communication system .

    由于海洋中恶劣 传输 条件的影响,水声通信系统中同步信号的处理是系统的一个关键问题。

  • Oil analysis is the important means for monitoring the lubrication and hydraulic transmission condition of machinery equipment which can effectively diagnose abrasion faults and monitor variability of oil performance of machinery equipments during using .

    油液分析是对机械设备的润滑和液压 传动 状态进行监测的重要手段,能有效的诊断机械设备的磨损故障和监测油液使用中性能的变化。

  • Based on analysis the continuous transmission condition of sliding-teeth transmission the problems of segistration coefficient and tooth profile trimming are discussed .

    在分析活齿传动连续 传动 条件的基础上,研究活齿传动的重合度问题及齿廓修形的影响。

  • Based on transmission boundary condition gives calculation method for value of dynamic model equation pipeline discrete form memory method for coefficient and difference equation .

    根据 输送边界 条件,给出了动态模型方程的数值计算方法、管道离散格式、参数存储方法和差分方程。

  • According to enveloping theory of single parametric curves and constant transmission ratio condition theoretical profile equations of meshing parts are established ;

    根据单参数曲面族包络的理论和定 传动条件建立了啮合零件理论齿廓方程。

  • The shade is void Italy is actually infinite the shadow as the natural phenomenon becomes the transmission ideal condition excellent carrier in the artistic creation .

    影是虚空,却意无穷,影作为自然现象中可见的虚空之物,常成为艺术创作中 传达 意境的绝佳载体。