transmission factor

[trænsˈmɪʃən ˈfæktɚ][trænzˈmiʃən ˈfæktə]


  • Then we have numerically simulated the model and analyzed the influence of structural parameters on the characteristics resonances transmission and quality factor of CGRs . Finally we have summarized the method which improve the CGRs performances by optimizing structural parameters .

    然后对模型进行了数值模拟,分析了结构参数对环形光栅谐振器谐振特性、 传输特性和品质 因子的影响,最后总结出了通过优化结构参数提高环形光栅谐振器性能的方法。

  • Safety Assessments of Transmission Grid Based on Factor Analysis and Neural Network

    基于 因子分析与神经网络的 输电网安全评价

  • Transmission error of transmission system is an important factor of vibration and noise generation under high-speed condition .

    在高速工况下,传动误差是 传动系统产生振动和噪声的一个重要 因素

  • Statistical Rule of Sound Transmission in Man ′ s Ear & Impact Pulse and Transmission Factor Theory

    声音在人耳内部传递的统计规律&打击脉冲论与 传递 因子

  • The new differential surge chambers has the advantages that the transmission factor and the volume are smaller than the usual one and the structure and construction are simpler . It can save funds and speed up the construction .

    新式差动调压室具有穿 系数小.调压室容积小,结构和施工简单的优点.应用于水电站可以起到节省投资和快速施工的目的。

  • In the presence of radiation trapping effect the effective radiative rate is equel to the spontaneous radiation rate multiplying the transmission factor .

    由于辐射陷获效应的存在,有效辐射率是自然辐射率与 透射 因子的乘积。

  • It is the accurate reverse of the transmission and the phase factor around of light wave by the use of an optical nonlinear phenomenon .

    它是指利用某种光学非线性现象来达到光波的 传输方向及各处相位 因子的准确反转。

  • Transmission time is a key factor to affect the accuracy of ultrasonic flowmeter .

    在影响超声波流量计精度的 因素 时间测量是关键。

  • Based on the principle of physics combining with the special structure and vibration of ear-drum we get impact pulse . Comparing with Theory of Maxwell-Boltzmann we get a transmission factor S (ω) .

    从物理学的基本原理出发,结合鼓膜的特殊结构和振动模式,得出打击脉冲,并比较麦克斯-玻尔兹曼的统计理论,得出声音在人耳内部出现 传递 因子S(ω);

  • Signal transmission of transforming growth factor - β and corneal wound healing

    转化生长 因子-β信号 传导与角膜创伤修复

  • From the application of transmission losses factor in the settlement of power plants the disadvantages in the settlement of East China power market are discussed .


  • Objective By measuring airflow and ventilation distribution of ward building to explore and verify the hypothesis of airborne transmission and risk factor of severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS ) nosocomial infection .

    目的测定和分析某医院住院部病房楼空气流向及其与排风管道分布的关系并探讨和验证严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)在医院感染可能的 传播 途径和影响 因素

  • The results suggested that eating chicken was probably the important transmission factor of the Campylobacter enteritis .

    调查结果提示,吃鸡很可能是其重要 传播 因素

  • For the FEC mode we also simulated with GBT code and calculated the transmission efficiency and the improved factor of the block error rate .

    对FEC差错控制方式,用GBT码作了传输模拟,计算了 传输效率和误组率改善 因子

  • Next-generation wireless communication systems have higher requirements for data rate and transmission quality . Fading caused by multipath transmission is the main factor which affects the transmission rate and transmission quality .

    下一代无线通信系统对传输速率和传输质量都提出了更高的要求,由传输信号多径 传播引起的衰落是影响系统传输速率和传输质量的主要 因素

  • Ultrasonic testing of the welds in TKY nodes : theoretical model for determining sound transmission distance modifying factor

    T、K、Y管节点焊缝超声波探伤第五讲 程修正 系数的理论模型的确定

  • And the phase noise characteristics are mainly determined by loop transmission factor .

    相噪特性主要由环路 传输 因子决定,可以通过调节环路滤波得到比开环注入锁定相噪更优的特性。

  • Both the variance of direct economy effect and the variance of the transmission factor of economy effect can cause the variance of the gross indirect economy effect of national economy . The former is called as ripple effect ;

    直接经济效益和经济效益 传递 系数两个变量的变动都会引起国民经济间接经济效益总量的变动,前者称为波及效应,后者称为摄动效应。

  • According to the characters of the new spatial cam sliding tooth precision transmission applying the single factor method the device 's transmission error is analyzed respectively while the input cam the sliding tooth frame and the face tooth have manufacturing error .

    根据新型空间凸轮活齿精密 传动装置的 传动特点,采用单 因素法,分别对输入凸轮、活齿架、端齿等存在制造误差时的传动误差进行了分析。

  • The weighted transmission factor of information is calculated by the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process ( FAHP ) and the minimum bandwidth and discarding possibility are divided to satisfy the requirement of information quality of service ( QoS ) .

    通过模糊层次分析法计算不同等级的信息的 传输权重 因子,根据结果划分相应的最小带宽及分组丢弃概率来实现数据 传输的服务质量(QoS)要求。

  • Energy efficient use of SPEED protocol adds the comparison of residual energy node and transmission factor . The former ensures a low residual energy of nodes will not die soon and the latter makes the network load more balanced .

    能量有效利用的SPEED协议添加了节点剩余能量比较以及节点的 传输 数据 速率 因子,前者保证剩余能量低的节点不至于很快死亡,后者使得网络负载更加均衡。

  • For long transmission lines a factor k is presented to correct the error by tanh γχ≈γχ and fault location can be accurately obtained by one or two iterative calculations .

    而对长距离 电线,则提出一个修正 系数来修正tanhγχ≈γχ的误差,通过一欠迭代计算获得准确的故障位置。

  • The transmission factor describes the gradual opening of a fission channel as the energy approaches the fission barrier .

    透射 因子描述了当能量趋近于裂变势垒时裂变逐渐地开放。

  • The report on transmission path of etiologic factor of Kaschin & Beck disease

    关于大骨节病致病 因子 传播途径的报告

  • Non-deterministic delay in message transmission is the significant factor affecting the accuracy of time synchronization in wireless sensor networks .

    消息 传输过程中的非确定性延迟是影响无线传感器网络时间同步精度的主要 因素

  • The emulation experiment revision method of getting error transmission factor of planar linkages with joint clearance

    求含间隙平面连杆机构误差 传递 系数的模拟实验修正法

  • Transmission loss is an important factor in power system .

    损向来是电力系统经济运行的一个重要 指标

  • Signal transmission system of rotor tower is an important component of its test system . Quality of signal transmission is the most important factor deciding the authenticity of tested data .

    旋翼塔信号传输系统是旋翼塔测试系统的重要组成部分,信号 传输质量是决定测试系统测试数据真实性的最重要 因素